Hearing this, King Liku wanted to debate two more sentences, but it was too late.

The sound of heavy footsteps had approached from far and near, and there was no time to discuss these things.

This time, Yanagawa did not wait for King Liku's order to take the initiative to hide his whereabouts, waiting for his prey to come to the door.

Above the beam, Yanagawa propped up his ears and listened carefully to the movement outside.

Judging from the footsteps, it seems that it is not alone, especially the heavy steps, it cannot be Torrepol's footsteps.

Patiently waited slowly, waiting for someone to enter the palace and everything would come out.

It turned out that this time it was not only Torrepol who came, but Serka also followed.

Yanagawa's gaze kept wandering over the two with interest, as if looking for a target.

King Riku saw that it was actually two high-ranking cadres of the Don Quixote family coming at the same time, and he couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

"In this way, I'm afraid that the teenager won't do it easily, right?"

Thinking so, King Liku just wanted to say hello to the two as always.

As a result, I saw a terrifying scene in my eyes, and the teenager actually jumped down from the eaves!

I don't know when Yanagawa suddenly appeared in mid-air, holding his hand tightly in the chaotic air, and slashed towards Seka's neck.

With a flash of cold light, the blade sank into the solid neck, and as soon as he saw his face, Seka was cut off in half!

"Shhh! It didn't even cut off!"

Yanagawa muttered dissatisfiedly, and pulled out the knife with a hard hand.

The blade slashed again at Seka's neck, causing even more damage.

At this point, Seka seemed to react, howling in pain.


The child's screaming voice woke Torebol on the side, and he was just about to make a move when he saw the blade slashing at him.

Not daring to be careless, he raised the scepter in his hand to block it.

The blade flashed again, and the scepter in Torrepol's hand was cut in two.

The smooth incision seemed to have been swept by a laser, without the slightest bulge.

The boy's slash was terrifying!

"Shhh!" Torrebol gasped, trying to turn and run away.

But it was too late, and Yanagawa unceremoniously slashed him in the back.

Noticing the young man's movements, Torrebol said with a frightened face: "It's useless, I'm an ability to stick to the fruit, you can't cut me!"


The corners of Yanagawa's mouth curved slightly, not hiding his ridicule in the slightest.

When Torebol heard this, he only felt his heart beat, and secretly prayed in his heart that nothing would happen.

However, the next moment he heard a "pop" sound, followed by a sharp pain from behind.

Another scream sounded in the palace, mixed with Serka's cry, and turned into a chorus!

The mournful screams resounded throughout the palace, chilling in the dark night.

In the palace, Klockdar, who was searching for clues, heard the movement and frowned and thought of a possibility.

Taking a deep breath of smoke, he decided to take a look, and he couldn't rest assured if he didn't confirm it with his own eyes.

At the same time, the long-haired woman who was still working on the palace secretariat frowned slightly.

This woman had long green hair, and if Yanagawa had been present, he would definitely recognize her identity.

She is Monet, no doubt.

Monet recognized the voice of the screaming master, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Quietly walked out of the secretariat and walked outside the court.

She wants to tell the young master what happened here, and she must convey the news.

In the palace, Yanagawa directly knocked down the remaining two Don Quixote cadres with three swords.

Compared to when he was in the East China Sea, his strength was not known to be much stronger, and the two of them did not even have a chance to resist, and directly fell.

King Liku was stunned on the spot.

How is this different from what you imagined?

I thought it would be an earth-shattering battle, and as a result... That's it?

Two knives will not work?

Is this still that inscrutable Torrepol?

Is this still the same Seka who likes to show off his might?

King Riku couldn't believe his eyes.

When did these two people become so weak that they couldn't even carry a knife?

This is simply ridiculous!

Yanagawa played a knife trick and shook the remaining blood stains on the blade.

After putting the knife into its sheath, he looked at King Riku and saw that he seemed to be frozen.

"Hey, don't be in a daze! Wake up! Tell someone to lock these two up, don't let them continue to scream, headache!" Yanagawa frowned, reminding him to do something.

Hearing Liu Chuan's voice, King Liku suddenly came back to his senses, his fingers trembling and pointing at the half-dead two, not daring to say anything: "You did all this?"

Who else but me, hurry up and ask someone to lock them up!"

Yanagawa is angry and does not fight anywhere, isn't this blind?

Net ask some nonsense!

Listening to him say this, King Liku went out in a daze.

It happened that a large number of guards outside were alarmed by the screams and had already surrounded them.

Beckoned them to take the people away, put them in good custody, and when everything was done, King Riku regained his sanity.

"I'll go! What kind of ordinary sea thief is this, it's clearly a monster!"

For the first time, King Riku soberly recognized Yanagawa's strength.

Even the senior cadres of the Don Quixote family could not make a move on his hands, and if they were not clear, he would have lived in vain.

Before, I felt that Yanagawa could not confront Doflamingo, but now, there is more than a chance.

This wave stabilized, right?

King Riku's eyes looking at Liu Chuan at this time were no different from looking at the savior, and he almost knelt down on the spot.

Seeing this, Yanagawa sighed twice and turned his head to avoid his line of sight.

That look was a little disgusting and made him unbearable.

Waiting for a moment, seeing that King Liku had no other actions, Yanagawa couldn't help but remind him.

"Hey, take advantage of this opportunity to quickly trick Doflamingo, what are you still stunned for?"

"Huh?" King Riku didn't understand what he meant, and his mouth grew as if he hadn't reacted yet.

"I said, no matter what reason it is, is it okay to quickly trick Doflamingo into the palace and get things done directly?"

Since he has already killed his right arm, he took the opportunity to trick people out and directly cut things off, isn't this a normal development?

Yanagawa didn't understand what King Riku was thinking.

King Riku came back to his senses, thought for a while, felt that what he said made sense, and quickly sent someone to inform Doflamingo.

"Go and invite Doflamingo and say that I have promised to surrender and that I will discuss with him the conditions after surrender." "

Only then did he completely wake up from the shock.

No way, Yanagawa's clean movements have exceeded his imagination.

Who knew that this teenager could get everything done so easily.

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