It's just terrifying, okay.

From the initial sneak attack to the later cleanly get the opponent.

In this short period of less than a second, King Liku experienced the ups and downs of life.

From the initial disbelief to the disbelief of another meaning, he was stimulated not to want.

If it weren't for King Liku's physical strength, he might not be able to stand this stimulation and perform a drama of violent death in place.

Just immersed in shock, his performance is enough to match his identity.

After sending the people out, King Riku began to worry about whether Yanagawa could get Doflamingo.

After all, it was a well-known figure, the strongest group of pirates in the Seven Martial Seas.

It would be bad if this teenager couldn't beat him.

At this point, the matter has completely escaped the control of King Liku, and even if he is worried in his heart, he can only count on Liu Chuan.

In less than 20 minutes, so many things have happened, and King Liku is a little skeptical of life.

However, Yanagawa is quite adaptable, so he has experienced it accidentally, which is nothing at all.

Or what happened on Fishman Island that day was more terrifying, the densely packed giant sea kings almost didn't make him vomit.

Compared to that, it's all drizzle.

Seeing King Liku's restless look, Liu Chuan was a little upset, and said impatiently: "Can you calm down a little, don't always move around, bother?"

King Liku glanced at the young man aggrievedly, and did not dare to speak, but only dared to slander in his heart.

"Try it in my position to see if you are afraid!"

"What happened tonight is simply inexplicable. "

"It's only been so long since things have changed so much, who can react." "

Although he kept complaining in his heart, King Liku finally listened to Liu Chuan's words and did not move anymore.

But his heart was still trembling.

It's so exciting.

Shortly after the time passed, Klockdar, who had come to investigate the situation, arrived at the palace.

Seeing Yanagawa sitting leisurely on a chair and tasting fresh juice, the green tendons burst out.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Didn't you say that you should keep a low profile?

King Riku recognized his identity from Klockdar's appearance, his mouth wide open.

I'll go, another Nanabukai!

Immediately, he was even more impressed by Liu Chuan.

But looking at his attitude, it doesn't seem to be very good, the young man is not a subordinate of Klockdar, right?

Just when King Liku thought so, seeing that Liu Chuan didn't care at all and looked calm, he vetoed this possibility on the spot.

"Stop standing silly, come and sit. "

"Doflamingo may come over later, if you bring help, you help me block the scraps, and I'll get Doflamingo." "

As if to say a trivial matter, Yanagawa didn't seem to care.

Klockdar glared at him helplessly, and sat down in his chair as he looked like he didn't care.

As for the guy who looks like a king?

Klockdar didn't bother at all.

Since Yanagawa got him, then what else is there to say, it should be his adventure.

For a while, the hall fell into an eerie silence.

It's like the calm before the storm, and it's irritating for no reason.

King Liku felt more and more uneasy, but seeing An Zhiruosu's two people did not know what to say, although their hearts were mixed, they still fell silent.

If only the eldest daughter and Cyrus were there at this time, at least it would make him feel more at ease.

It's a pity that he drove people out of the palace for his own face, and it was too late to regret at this time.

In any case, things have come to such a point that no matter how much he tries to intervene in the process of development, he cannot do it.

For now, all he can do is wait and wait for the outcome of things.

Thinking of this, King Liku sighed, and his heart calmed down unexpectedly.

After waiting for a long time in the dull palace, Yanagawa keenly heard a strange sound.

It was the sound of pirates shouting and killing, and Yanagawa was all too familiar with it.

Standing up from the chair, he said lightly to Klockdar: "The matter has been revealed, let's go, let's go to the decisive battle with Doflamingo!"

Klockdar reluctantly got up from his chair and said helplessly: "You really can cause trouble, and you directly turned a temptation into a decisive battle, and I don't know how you did it." "

Klockdar is too lazy to complain, the days with Yanagawa are so thrilling, I don't know when he will bring unexpected joy, it's simply not too exciting.

The two ignored King Riku and walked towards the outside of the main hall, complaining while walking, which was no different from the state when they went out to play.

King Riku was silent, he probably already understood the relationship between the two.


After Monet ran out of the palace, he no longer hid his ability and jumped directly off the cliff.

It changed into a snowy form in mid-air and floated towards the family's station.

In the dark night, the snow was unusually conspicuous, but unfortunately there were not many pedestrians on the street at this time, and there was no abnormality in the sky.

Monet unexpectedly did not alarm the others, arrived at the manor smoothly, and saw the young lord reveal the details of the matter.

When Doflamingo heard the news, he uncharacteristically showed an exaggerated smile.

"Sure enough... This damn guy has indeed arrived in Dressrosa. "

Hearing this, Monet didn't know why, and asked: "Young Lord, did you guess it a long time ago?"

"Guess what?" said Doflamingo, smiling sadly and looking at Monet.

What did this woman know and why did she ask that?

Noticing the malicious gaze, Monet felt inexplicable, and although he was a little scared, he still honestly said what was in his heart.

"Of course it's Torrepol and Serka's thing. "

She still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Those two were inexplicably attacked, but when they came back to report the news, they heard the young lord say something strange, and they asked casually and were inexplicably suspected by the young lord.

All this made Monet feel as if the family was in some kind of crisis, which made her terrified.

"Is the Don Quixote family going to be destroyed?"

Monet felt uneasy, she didn't want anything to happen to the Don Quixote family.

Thinking of this, Monet said with a pleading voice: "Young Lord, what happened, can you tell me, I am so afraid that I don't know anything." "

Doflamingo could see from the change in her expression that Monet had not betrayed herself.

Hearing her say this again, Doflamingo fell silent.

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