During this time, he was always suspicious, first doubting Torrepol, and now beginning to doubt Monet, what was wrong with him?

If you recall it carefully, it all seems to have started with that accident in the East China Sea.

It is the repeated setbacks in the family's actions that make him uneasy and always suspicious.

It's that damn little ghost, and that little ghost is the source of everything!

Doflamingo was furious, but his face became more and more arrogant.

"Want to know the truth?" asked Doflamingomingo.

Monet nodded timidly and said weakly: "Think." "

"Then let's go, let's face the enemies of the family together, and face the little ghost who wants to kill us!"

With that, Doflamingo got up from the boss chair, put on his pink cloak and walked out the door.

Monet was taken aback by his words, but still followed.

The enemy of the family is her enemy, and she must also give her part.


When Yanagawa and Klockdar arrived at the place where the movement appeared, they saw Doflamingo and his party kick open the gate of the palace and enter the court.

The two looked at each other in the air and recognized the enemy who had not yet met.

"Oh, Doflamingo, I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, and I'm glad to see you today. Yanagawa said with a smile, but there was no smile in his voice, but a chill.

The same is true of Doflamingo, who has nothing but hatred in his eyes and nothing else.

"Yes, long-awaited little ghost, you helped me a lot!

The two enemies, who wanted each other to be violently killed on the spot, said insincere words and slowly approached.

When they reach a certain distance, it is as if they have some kind of tacit understanding, and they start at the same time.

Yanagawa pulled out the knife out of the sheath, and meeting was a slash!

Doflamingo did not hesitate, raised his left hand, and launched five-colored silk threads from his five fingers, bypassing the trajectory of the blade towards Yanagawa's face.

"Five-color line!"

"Hmph!" Yanagawa sneered, not looking, and continued to swing the knife.

At this time, Doflamingo's right hand blocked in front of the blade, and after a "creaking" sound, the blade was blocked in front of the palm.

On Yanagawa's side, when the silk thread touches the body, he launches the "iron block" in the naval sixth style to block.

The colorful silk thread touched his body and made a "ding" sound, which seemed to hit a hard object and was bounced again.

As soon as the two of them clashed, they made a killing move, but the final result was that no one could help anyone!

The enemies were very red when they met, and no one was stunned, and continued to attack!

Yanagawa moved his wrist, cut off the five-colored thread blocking in front, and swung it hard again.

Crimson flames burned on the blade, reaching Doflamingo's face.

Under the light of the flames, Doflamingo's smile looked unusually hideous.

Seeing that the blade was already close to his eyes, Doflamingo squatted down and dodged before the blade arrived.

At the same time, his hands were pressed to the ground and said grimly: "Sword white line!"

In an instant, the bluestone slabs on the ground turned into countless white silk threads, condensed into the shape of two sharp blades, and suddenly emerged from the ground.

Looking at the sharp blade formed by the condensation of the silk thread, it was not much inferior to the chaotic sky of Yanagawa in the slightest.

If this thing penetrates the body, I am afraid that I will die on the spot and I will not be able to save it.

This time, Yanagawa did not dare to continue to resist with iron blocks, which is no longer a move that iron can handle.

The foot hurriedly stepped out on the ground, and used the "razor" to flash to the side.

Then I saw two blade-like silk threads crossing where Yanagawa was originally located, straight into the sky.

Seeing the part that emerged later, it was thicker than the whole person.

If this hits, it is estimated that the whole person will be torn apart.

Klockdahl gasped, although he considered himself no match for Doflamingo, but after actually encountering him, he realized how big the gap was between him and him.

If this were to be him, I am afraid that it would be difficult to dodge, let alone deeply and seriously injured.

But seeing the teenager, don't panic.

After dodging it, he began to attack again, and the two were no longer opponents of the same level.

While Doflamingo was still posing, Yanagawa continuously swung his sword and shot out a large amount of sword qi.

At the same time, he is still getting closer, and he wants to fight Doflamingo in hand-to-hand combat!

Seeing this, the corners of Doflamingo's mouth curved slightly, and the hands attached to the ground were raised high and slapped down again.

"Haiyuan Baibo!"

This time, it was no longer a small part of the ground, but the ground of the main entrance of the palace was turned into white silk thread.

The silk thread kept reacting like a wave, blocking the sword qi that shot past.

At the same time, the range of waves is still expanding, and it seems that Yanagawa will also be wrapped up.

Noticing this, Yanagawa took advantage of the speed of running, stepped on the air in front of him, and jumped into the air.

Escaped the encirclement of the white waves.

At the same time, Klockdar also turned into yellow sand and flew up.

The scope of the silk thread has expanded without limit, and it has spread to other people.

Those remnants of the Don Quixote family cadres were fine and would not be included in Doflamingo's list of attacks.

But Klockdahl was different, and if he was entangled, he would not believe that Doflamingo would show mercy.

After dodging in the air, Klockdar's gaze turned to the others.

He had already discussed with Yanagawa before, he came to fend off the attacks of others, and now it was time for him to strike.

Taking a deep breath of the cigar, Klockdar spat out the few remaining cigars.

While flying towards the frightened cadres, he said with a smile: "Come on, let me see your strength, and see how strong the famous Don Quixote family is." "

Monet, Segnopic, Jola, Guladius, Baby-5 and other cadres looked pale, and said arrogant words in their mouths to take the initiative to fight.

For a while, a variety of strange abilities emerged together, and together Klockdar attacked the past.

Klockdar responded while consciously guiding them to move outside the court.

Today's protagonists are Yanagawa and Klockdar, and it is better to give up the place.

Thinking so, Klockdar simply shifted the battlefield to the gladiatorial arena below the cliff.

"Since the big battlefield is to be left to today's protagonist, at least you have to leave a glamorous stage for yourself." "

"Looking at the lights there, it's a nice place. "

Thinking so, Klockdar left the King's Heights with a large group of people.

After everyone left, Yanagawa looked at Doflamingo below with interest, and asked with a grin: "How about it, continue to maintain ah, what's the hurry, play slowly." "

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