"Of course, if you can't trust us, we can also provide you with a local guide. "

"You can also go to find out the situation on your own, but the guide is a paid service, please understand." "

The bar always kept a sincere smile, even when frowning slightly, no one felt the slightest discomfort.

It's hard to say anything else, just this service attitude makes Yanagawa feel the value of this money.

"Then trouble you to check it, by the way, help me find a guide over, money is not a problem, I want the best kind of guide." "

"You know what I mean, I want the most professional kind. "

The bar lady said "sorry", picked up the phone worm and started to contact.

Soon, a stout man with wheat-colored skin walked into the hotel.

I looked around the lobby for a while, saw the bar beckoning, and quickly walked over.

The bar lady carefully and carefully relayed Yanagawa's needs to the man, and the wheat-skinned man introduced himself with a bright smile, and then led Yanagawa out of the hotel.

The man's name was Mike, and he heard him say he was a local.

Hearing that Yanagawa came to inquire about the ticket, he confidently led Yanagawa to a palatial building,

"The underground business here is all carried out in the casino, please don't be surprised later, the person I want to introduce to you is a small leader here, she has a lot of means, I believe she will not let you down." "

As he walked, Mike kept introducing things about the rest of the trip.

His mouth is very sharp, and he has always maintained a state of voice, while not giving people a verbose feeling, and Yanagawa's overall experience is very good.

Listen carefully along the way and absorb as much information as possible.

Soon, the two arrived at the scheduled casino.

When he entered the door, Mike also asked specifically.

"By the way, do you drink?"

Seeing Yanagawa shake his head and deny it, Mike breathed a sigh of relief: "That's the best." "

Hearing this, Yanagawa raised his eyebrows and asked him with his gaze what he meant.

Mike smiled awkwardly and said, "The person I want to introduce to you is a complete drunkard, if he knows that you drink, I am afraid that I will invite you to drink a wine glass, and I am afraid that I will delay your trip." "

In fact, he mainly didn't want to take the drunk guy back to the hotel, it would be too troublesome.

It would be best if the teenager didn't drink, and Waitibé wouldn't embarrass a child who couldn't drink.

Yanagawa almost rolled his eyes, fortunately he held back, but he still felt speechless, and couldn't help but complain: "Don't you see that I'm not an adult? "

Mike smiled awkwardly again, but did not speak.

There are more underage drinkers, and who cares about these when they get to sea.

No longer dwelling on this issue, Yanagawa followed Jack through the lavishly decorated casino.

After walking a long way, I finally reached my destination.

Unexpectedly, the person Mike brought him over to introduce turned out to be a woman.

And she is also a young and beautiful girl.

The woman had pale cyan hair, a blue striped shirt with floral buttons, a pale pink scarf with lace tied around her collar, and a purple captain's hat on her head.

Coupled with the calm and confident smile she always has on her face, the entire female captain is peerless.

Unexpectedly, the little leader here turned out to be such a girl, and Yanagawa was a little surprised.

When Mike saw the girl, he waved at her and walked over with a bright smile.

"Hey Waitibey, how are you going not to see you in a long time?"

Waitibey's expression was a little cold, and he seemed to dislike Mike a little.

"What are you guys doing here to find me again, don't bring troublesome guests over again?"

"With all due respect, if I don't do something too troublesome, don't think about punishing me again. "

Mike's smile continued, and he said flatteringly: "How can it, this is not from the side of Hua Yu, I found you as soon as possible with the good things, do you see if I am good to you?"

Look at his humble appearance, like a licking dog.

However, he doesn't seem to be going for Waitibey as a person, but more to value Waidibe's means.

Such a young woman made him so impressed, I don't know what she is capable of.

"Oh, Hua Yu guest, that's really a quality guest. "

"Flower Language" is the hotel where Yanagawa stays, and it is one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in the area.

Hearing that the guest had been found from there, Waitibey's face was slightly better.

But it's only slightly better, and it's still cold.

Seeing Liu Chuan coming over, Wai Di Bei glanced at Liu Chuan with some doubts and asked, "Is he the guest you said?"

No wonder she suspected that Yanagawa was really young.

And on the boy, except that the knife looked slightly valuable, he couldn't see that he was rich.

But hearing Mike admit it, she didn't have much doubt.

Although Mike has gotten into the eyes of money, he also likes to play word games, and he will not deliberately lie and deceive people in addition to pit people.

If it weren't for his sincerity, Waitibé wouldn't even look at him, and when he saw it, he would blast people away.

Thinking about the experience of being pitted in the past, Waitibé is angry.

Entrusted by him, Waitibé has been to more than many inexplicable places.

I almost never went to Ralph Drew, when One Piece played.

"So, where is the destination this time?"

Waitibé glanced sideways at Mike and asked lightly.

When she speaks, she always maintains a confident and slouchy appearance, which is very attractive.

Without waiting for Mike to speak, Yanagawa took the initiative to pick up the words, "Wano Country, I'm going to Wano Country." "

"Wano Country?" Waitibé frowned slightly, looking a little hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Waitibé asked again: "Then how long do you plan to go, I mean do you plan to stay in the country of Wano and not return, or do you want to stay there for a while?"

Yanagawa didn't hurry to answer, thinking for a long time and still unable to give a definite answer.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Waitibé was impatient.

"Five hundred million Baileys, as long as five hundred million Baileys, I can wait for you for a month." "

Five hundred million Baileys?

This is already more excessive than robbing money!

Are you printing money?

Yanagawa complained in his heart, but there was no movement on his face.

It seems that just hearing an insignificant value is not worth mentioning.

Of course, with his worth, 500 million Bailey is naturally a drop in the bucket.

But this still does not hide the fact that 20 million Bailey is really blackmail.

Liu Chuan thought for a moment about whether it was worth paying this money, and after thinking for a few seconds, there was still no answer in his heart.

Shaking his head, too lazy to think about it anymore.

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