Liu Chuan's gaze looked at the girl and said lightly: "I still have to think about this, and if necessary, I will contact you within five days." "

After saying that, he stopped watching the girl's reaction, and told the guide Mike that he wanted to go back to rest and would settle the bill for him at the hotel bar.

After that, the two no longer took care of the two and left directly.

He is rich, but being treated as a wronged person is another matter.

According to local prices, perhaps this girl did not have a lion to open her mouth.

But uncomfortable is uncomfortable, even if it is not blackmail, Yanagawa still feels uncomfortable.

Who can afford to spend money to buy sin?

Yanagawa directly knocked out Waidibe in the bottom of his heart.

However, he didn't say anything, maybe he would change his mind in two days.

If you turn your face at this time, and then ask for someone in turn, it will be a little unbeautiful.

The girl and Mike were stunned, it was the first time they had seen such a fierce teenager.

Don't bargain, just go, people can't be guarded.

Waitibé and Mike looked at each other and said stunnedly, "Did I offer too hard to scare him?"

Mike replied with a confused look: "I don't know, shouldn't it..."

People who have money to open a business suite in "Flower Language" should not care about this money, right?

Neither of them was a little confused about the situation, or it was the first time they had encountered this situation.

Anyway, Yanagawa has already left, and there is no point in saying anything.


Back at the hotel, settle the guide's fee when passing by the bar, and walk straight back to the room.

Previously, when thinking about how long he would stay in Wano Country, Yanagawa naturally thought of the meteorite in the hotel room.

The purpose of his coming to the Great Voyage was to find the whereabouts of meteorites so that he could forge a weapon of his own.

Later, due to the delay of Doflamingo's affairs, he did not return to the East China Sea after finding the meteorite.

Now that he is going to Wano Country, Yanagawa is wondering whether to find a swordsmith in Wano Country, and directly calculates the weapon.

But before that, he needed to contact Koshiro.

After all, forging weapons is not a trivial matter, and he will not be at ease if he hands over hard-earned materials to a forger of unknown origin.

Koshiro is also a sword lord, and he has been in Wano Country for a while, so it would be much easier to have his introduction.

At least it won't be pitted.

And it had been a long time since he had contacted Koshiro, and to be honest, Yanagawa suddenly missed him a little.

Either way, this contact is imperative.

Looking at the time, Yanagawa judged from his past memory that the Isshin Dojo should be in class at this time.

After thinking about it for a while, Yanagawa decided to go to the cultivation room to exercise first, and wait until the schoolwork on Koshiro's side was over.

Respect is mutual, and Koshiro easily does not contact him for fear of disturbing him.

Yanagawa felt that he should also respect the owner and find a time to call at a point that would not affect his work.

After practicing for two hours, I felt that the time was almost up.

Yanagawa went to take a shower first, changed into dry clothes, sat down on the soft sofa, and called Koshiro half-lying down.

After a few seconds of silence, the phone worm rings with a long-lost voice.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Koshiro, the owner of the Ichishin Dojo, please tell me something. "

Koshiro's voice is as calm and peaceful as ever, giving people a warm and comfortable feeling.

Liu Chuan felt warm in his heart, squinted his eyes comfortably, adjusted his sitting posture and said with a smile: "Pavilion owner, it's me, I'm Liu Chuan." "

Judging from the movement of the phone worm, Koshiro obviously seemed to be a little stunned, and waited for several seconds before reacting.

"Why haven't you contacted me for so long, if you hadn't seen the newspaper two days ago, you would have thought something had happened to you." "

"What the hell is going on, how did you get to the Chambord Islands, are you still there?"

Koshiro's tone was slightly urgent, and he could hear that he was a little anxious.

Yanagawa's current situation is really a little delicate, and it is inevitable to care about him a few more words.

In Koshiro's eyes, Yanagawa is now almost in the spotlight, and he has to hide in the dark every day to ensure his safety.

Also for this reason, Koshiro rarely takes the initiative to contact Yanagawa.

I am afraid that if I accidentally expose Yanagawa's location because of my phone.

In this regard, Liu Chuan could only smile bitterly.

Koshiro is too gentle, and this gentleness is sometimes unbearable.

But that's why he thinks Koshiro so important, doesn't he?

After calming down his slightly ups and downs a little, Yanagawa said about his recent state.

When Koshiro heard Yanagawa talk about revenge in the New World, he couldn't help but start caring again.

When he heard the end, Yanagawa said that he had successfully taken revenge and imprisoned the person before he was relieved.

I didn't expect that it had only been a long time, and this master brother of the single-minded dojo had grown to this point.

Doflamingo is a sea of seven martial arts, one of the sea thieves standing at the top of the world.

It is unbelievable that such a terrifying figure fell into the hands of Yanagawa.

Koshiro did not doubt what Yanagawa said in the slightest, he thought that he knew Yanagawa and knew that Yanagawa would not lie to him.

Moreover, Yanagawa's strength is real, there is no need to lie.

You can't say nonsense to boast about your achievements, right?

It wasn't like something Yanagawa could do.

Koshiro sighed more that his growth was too amazing, and in such a short period of time, he had grown to be comparable to the high-end combat power in the Seven Wu Sea, which was incredible.

I don't know how far he will end up, it's really exciting.

"Your journey is really thrilling enough, ordinary people are afraid that they will not have your one-month experience in their lives, but in the end, the result is good, in short, it is good that there is no injury." "

Compared to the others, Koshiro pays the most attention to Yanagawa's personal safety.

There is nothing more important in the world than health and life, as long as the body is healthy, nothing else.

Concerned about the two sentences, Koshiro suddenly remembered Yanagawa's purpose for going out, and asked: "By the way, what happened to the extraterrestrial meteorite, have you found the thing?"

Finally speaking of one, Liu Chuan complained in his heart with some helplessness.

Caring words about people are certainly heartwarming, but talking too much can easily cause disgust.

Yanagawa certainly doesn't get bored with Koshiro's verbosity, but it just won't feel too good either.

"Well, I've found something, but I can't come back to the East China Sea for the time being because there are still some things. "

"Recently, I want to forge weapons, I don't know if you have recommended candidates for the pavilion owner, if I can, I want to build weapons as soon as possible." "

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