Because he was afraid that Koshiro was worried, Yanagawa did not say anything about the encounter with the samurai of Wano Country on Nagawa Island.

And this time he went to Wano Country to find the black charcoal snake to take revenge, and he didn't plan to confide in it, saying that Koshiro was probably trying to persuade him to give up, and Yanagawa felt that it was unnecessary.

However, the matter of extraterrestrial meteorites cannot be delayed any longer.

Everything else is good to say, that is, the box containing meteorites is too large and inconvenient to carry.

I didn't feel anything on Klockdar's boat before, but after coming out this time, Yanagawa found many inconveniences.

He also had to carry three boxes of money with him, and the burden was too heavy.

Koshiro was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you in such a hurry, wouldn't it be better for us to design slowly after you return to the East China Sea?"

For a swordsman, how important a good sword is, I believe he doesn't need to say anything, Yanagawa also knows this deeply and knows it.

Forging a sword of your own is something that any Jianhao cannot ask for.

Therefore, in Koshiro's opinion, he hopes that Yanagawa can think slowly and think about what kind of knife is most suitable for him.

Extraterrestrial meteorites are hard-won, and if you miss this opportunity, you probably won't have a second chance in the future.

Koshiro hopes that Yanagawa will be more cautious and forge his own "partner" that will last a lifetime.

But Yanagawa obviously doesn't think so, how old is he this year, and the days to come will be long.

As his understanding of the sword grows, Yanagawa's image of the perfect weapon changes almost every few days.

If this continues, who knows when it will be fully finalized.

It's better to consume things directly now, and when you feel that the weapon is no longer suitable for you, go and change it.

Extraterrestrial meteorites may be very scarce, but under the heavy reward, Yanagawa does not believe that no one will be unmoved.

What he has is money, and he wants to release a bounty the next time he forges, it doesn't matter at all.

However, these words cannot be said to Koshiro, if Koushiro knew that he had extorted so much money, I am afraid that he would have other ideas.

If nothing else, even for the hard-won fate of the two, we must cherish this friendship, there is no need to do anything to find trouble.

"I have carefully considered these things, and only after thinking about it do I plan to forge the knife, you don't need to worry about this, now I just need a reliable forger." "

Yanagawa said in a calm tone, there is no youthful impatience or youthful desire to express, just saying a fact, nothing more.

"I see. "

Koshiro is infected by Yanagawa and understands that he has his own ideas and no longer persuades anything.

After a few seconds of silence, Koshiro seemed to have made a decision, and his words came out of the phone worm.

"Originally, I was planning to let my father go back to the East China Sea, and we discussed forging the knife together, but since you are so anxious, then..."

After a pause, Koshiro said, "Go to Fulekalin, go to Fulekalin Island to find my father, Kozaburō." "

"No matter how I think about it, I can't rest assured of anyone else. "

"It just so happens that the place where you are staying now is not far from Flexcarin, if you are not in such a hurry, it is better to go to my father." "

"After all, it is the first knife that belongs to you, no matter how cautious it is, my father also knows something about you, and can understand your intentions to some extent." "

Generally speaking, forging knives is the work of one person, and only the forging knife maker controls everything from beginning to end.

At most, the owner of the sword can only provide his own opinion, and as for whether the forger will listen, it is unknown.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry.

Although the forger and the sword master also play with the sword, their understanding of the sword is very different.

The forger pursues the quality of the sword, and the more famous the forger, the more so, who has worked hard all his life to forge a peerless sword.

Exquisite skills let them clearly know how to deal with each step of the forging process, know what kind of shape, and the ratio is the most perfect.

But that's the problem.

For Jian Hao, what they are pursuing is not perfection, but the most suitable weapon for themselves.

As long as they are a pursuing swordsman, they can sacrifice the quality of the sword in order to make the weapon more suitable for their use.

But can a knifesmith say yes?

That is obviously impossible.

Therefore, there is a natural conflict between Jianhao and the forger, and the more enlightened the forger, the more stubborn he is, and he will definitely not pay attention to the thoughts of the sword owner.

As for giving the material to a half-hanger, it is even more nonsense.

Extraterrestrial meteorites are hard-won, and even if they are hastily created, they should not be so casual.

No matter what, at least Yanagawa must be involved in the forging work.

If you don't have your own mind integrated into the sword, can it still be said to be an exclusive weapon?

I am afraid that other knife forgers will not listen to Yanagawa's opinion, but will only build according to their own ideas.

Only Kozaburō, Koushiro's father, would listen to Yanagawa's words and think about Yanagawa from the bottom of his heart.

Even if the quality of the sword itself decreases because of this, Kozaburo will respect Yanagawa's idea.

Koshiro thought about it again and again, but still felt that it was safer to leave this matter to Konsaburo, and let Yanagawa go to find Konsaburo to build.

Yanagawa will certainly not have an opinion.

His thoughts were not as complicated as Koshiro's, but he just felt that acquaintances were easy to do.

Since it's not far away, why bother with someone else?

"If that's the case, then it's best, I'll leave from Kurek tomorrow and go to Folekalin." "

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the old pavilion owner for a long time, so it's good that I can take this opportunity to meet each other." "

Knowing that it was an acquaintance who forged a knife for himself, Yanagawa was in high spirits.

As the forger of the Great Quick Dao Twenty-One Craftsman, the Harmony Word, and the Yan Demon, Kozaburō's forging skills naturally did not need to be worried.

The only thing to consider is how to get to Flexkalin and find Kozaburō.

But that's not a problem.

Money talks.

Again, Yanagawa has money.

Next, the two chatted for a while before hanging up.

Yanagawa lay on the sofa and thought for a while, and went out to the bar to repeat his request.

Hearing that Fulekalin is a commercial island and there is no shortage of ferry tickets to and fro, Yanagawa simply booked the next day's ferry tickets.

After a night's rest, Yanagawa arrived at the port and set off from Kurek for thousands of forekalin.

By the time he arrived in Flexkalin, it was five days later.

It's just relative.

At sea, there is no distance between islands for a few days or dozens of days, and they are embarrassed to say that they are the new world.

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