After the ship docked steadily, Yanagawa carried a large box on his back and three more cash boxes in his hand.

Like the merchants coming and going on the harbor, it is not at all conspicuous.

Well...... Except for his youthful and somewhat excessively good looks.

Sending away the coachmen who were soliciting passengers, Yanagawa walked outside the harbor, and when he saw a familiar boat halfway there, his footsteps couldn't help but stop.

"Well, isn't that Klockdar's ship? How could it be here?"

Yanagawa was puzzled, and in order to confirm that his eyes were correct, he walked down the stairs to the deck.

Noticing the figure dressed as a gang leader on the bow of the boat, Yanagawa was sure that his guess was correct.

"Hey, Klockdar, why are you here?"

Klockdar heard a familiar voice and hurriedly turned around, and was stunned when he saw that it was Yanagawa who was greeting.

He didn't expect to meet Yanagawa here, and he thought that Yanagawa had arrived in Wano Country at this time.

"Didn't you go to Wano Country, how could you be here?" asked Klockdar suspiciously.

Yanagawa waved his hand and said a little helplessly: "I went to Kurek to find a ship to go to Wano Country, but I was blackmailed as a fat sheep, and I was very unlucky." "

Klockdar took a sharp sip of his cigar and said speechlessly, "And then?"

Unexpectedly, just a few days after separation, Yanagawa encountered an "interesting" experience again, really a "lucky" guy.

"And then what else, just when there is something to do in Flexcarin, just come and see." Yanagawa said nonchalantly: "When things are done, if there is a ship, go directly to Wano Country, and if there is no ship, you will think of a way." "

Then Yanagawa turned to Klockdar and asked, "What about you? Aren't you staying in Dressrosa looking for clues?

Klockdar hesitated for a moment and chose to tell the truth: "I saw that you were not very comfortable going to Wano Country alone, so I followed." "

"Oh..." Yanagawa nodded knowingly.

I guess I'm afraid that I won't be worried about eating alone, right?

Both knew this, and neither broke the apparent tranquility.

"That's right, you stay here with me, wait for me to settle things we will go to the country of Wano, and when everything is done, go to Dressrosa to continue looking for clues about Hades." "

Just as he needed a ship to continue the journey, Klockdar came just in time.

Hearing Yanagawa say this, Klockdar was speechless again.

But who let him have a request now, he can only listen to the young man's words and do so.

Yanagawa familiarly moved his things back to the cabin where he lived, and when he arrived in the cabin, he found that the room was very clean, not much different from when he stayed on the ship.

Yanagawa nodded in satisfaction.

"Nice job!"

Put your things away and return to deck.

Yanagawa was about to beckon Klockdar to go with him to find someone when a man climbed onto the boat from the coast in a panic.

After taking a look, Yanagawa recognized this man as the sailor of the ship, a subordinate of Klockdar, and couldn't help but look at him curiously.

What happened that would make him so flustered?

The man glanced around after getting on the boat and saw Klockdar's figure hurriedly running over.

"It's not good boss, our people are blocked by a group of pirates, MR.1 is about to be unable to support, boss, go and take a look."

Looking at his sweaty and panicked look, it seemed that he had encountered something very troublesome.

Klockdar stared at the little brother for a while, took a puff of his cigarette, and said lightly: "Lead the way." "

Although his reaction was very calm, Yanagawa could see a hint of anger in his eyes.

That's right, after all, it's Qi Wuhai, how can he endure a pirate bullying his head?

Observing Klockdar's face with interest, he thought for a moment and followed his footsteps to the place of the incident.

"I don't know which one is not long-eyed, but he bullied Klockdar's head, and now there is a good show to watch." "

Under the leadership of his younger brother, Klockdar soon found the place of the incident.

It was a bazaar, and it was full of people.

A gang of guys dressed as pirates numbered about forty people, surrounding the agents of the Baroque studio.

At the head is a fat man with a big waist and a round waist, and his height is a little more than three meters, and he is a full-fledged big man.

The man held a long knife in his hand and stared coldly at Daz Boniss in front of him.

Looking at the way Daz's head was bleeding, it seemed that he had already fought with this man.

And the outcome of the battle was equally obvious, with Daz Bonnis falling to the downside.

"Don't you have long eyes? Don't you see Uncle Ben in the aisle? Hit Uncle Ben and apologize, do you want to die? Boy?"

The fat guy was extremely arrogant, and while shouting, he kept shooting at Daz's brain.

From beginning to end, Daz's eyes were always so cold, as if he was not looking at a person, but at something.

The cold reaction angered the fat man even more, and the fat man pulled out the knife from behind, as if intending to kill MR.1.

The little brother next to Daz pulled out the knife at the same time, his body trembling with anger and fear, and his mouth kept talking.

"We are people from Baroque Studio, subordinates of Klockdar, don't go too far!"

The fat man heard Klockdar and laughed disdainfully.

"Hmph, it's just a Qiwu Sea, it's something!"

"Now you have only two choices, either kneel down and kowtow to apologize, or die!"


Just as the fat man was shouting, an indifferent voice came from the side.

"How about otherwise?"

The fat man turned his head and saw that it was Klockdar.

Klockdar's body had fine sand constantly entangled, making those around him dare not approach.

Squeezed through the crowd, Klockdar walked into the encirclement and came to Daz's side.

His eyes stared coldly at the fat man, chewing his cigar and asking again lightly: "Say, how about otherwise?"

The fat man, who was still shouting just now, felt the terrifying aura coming from Klockdar's body, and unconsciously took a step back.

Cold sweat oozed out of the brain, and his eyes became flustered.

After all, Klockdar is the Seven Martial Seas, a strong man who shocks the side.

Although this fat man has some strength, standing in front of Klockdar, he is completely out of sight.

Yanagawa jumped to the rooftops on both sides of the street before he knew it, enjoying the bustle below.

At a glance, I felt that this fat man was a little familiar.

Stunned for a moment, he turned his gaze away to see if his guess was correct.

Then he saw the Fish-Terran swordsman leaning against the wall to watch the play, Sasaki, one of the five sons of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

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