Just when the scene was extremely hot, Klockdar looked at the high places behind him.

If you start fighting so directly, you will feel a little humiliated.

Every time that smelly boy was in prison, he pulled himself into the water.

He can't hide himself, how can he hide now?

Next, a word from Klockdar changed the atmosphere here.

"Yanagawa, are you just watching like this, are you coming to help?"

"Well, we're allies now, right?"


Who is this person?

Why would Klockdar ask someone who hasn't heard the name to help?

The surrounding pirates were full of curiosity and kept watching the movements around them.

But I never saw anyone come forward.

In the great sea route, Yanagawa is indeed famous, and everyone knows it.

But in the new world.

The fall of Doflamingo has not yet fully spread.

The name Yanagawa is no different from the newcomer.

At most, some bigwig cadres who have first-hand intelligence know about the existence of Yanagawa.

Of course, it's just knowing.

Just when the people around thought that Klockdar was playing tricks.

A figure descended from the sky and blocked the menacing Sasaki.

"Hey, it's just a volley five, what are you doing so nervously, and you still ask me to help, do you want to face?"

"Isn't it good to deal with this kind of thing yourself? "

Yanagawa said dissatisfiedly like an awkward child.

Oh...... Forgot, he was indeed a child.

"This guy Klockdar is not kind, and the things he provoked have to be faced with me, it's really not a thing. "

"But who made me ally with him now?"

"Just help him once. "

Yanagawa looked at Sasaki in front of him eagerly, and thought a little awkwardly in his heart.

During this time, Klockdar helped a lot, and no matter how he said it, he couldn't watch Klockdar surrounded by people with a hundred beasts.

If Sasaki really restrained Klockdar, then they were really a little dangerous.

Deception is one thing, the help endured during this time is another.

Yanagawa can't watch Klockdar fall into crisis.

Pouting disdainfully, Yanagawa lazily put the knife in his hand.

Seeing that Sasaki was going to bypass himself and go straight to Klockdar, Yanagawa blocked the person on the spot with a knife.

Sasaki, who was rapidly impacting, suddenly became a figure and was forced to stop the direction of the impact.

The same is Jianhao.

In Yanagawa's body, Sasaki felt an unprecedented threat.

"Hey, Fish-Terran swordsman, didn't you see that your opponent is me?

Sasaki had anger in his eyes, glanced at Yanagawa, and said disdainfully: "Where did you come out of nowhere, looking for death?"

Hearing this, Yanagawa smiled disapprovingly.

He doesn't know how many times he listened to similar conversations, and every time there were always people who couldn't get used to their performance.

But in the end, they will be slapped in the face by Yanagawa.

In time.

On the contrary, this kind of treatment, Yanagawa has become accustomed to.

If the other person is polite and polite to you, tolerate it again and again.

He wasn't in the mood to strike out!

The current scene is exactly the familiar routine, and everything is just right!

"Whether it's looking for death, you have to fight to know." "

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Yanagawa's identity.

"I remembered that he is the Red Flame Sword Hao, and there is a reward of 740 million Red Flame Sword Hao!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd discussed it.

"How did he get here, shouldn't he be staying on the other side of the Great Route?"

"Maybe he came to do business, who knows, isn't Klockdar also a pirate of the Great Voyage, didn't you see that he is also here?"

"Anyway, this Sasaki is going to be dangerous, he may not be able to fight with just one Klockdar, plus another Chiyan Jianhao, can he survive?"

No matter how they say, they don't dare to kill Sasaki, if it's just a low-level cadre, it's okay, killing Sasaki will definitely anger Kaido, and then they will be dead." "


The movement around made Sasaki's forehead burst into blue!

I'm not dead yet, you're talking about a chicken!

These people's words reminded Sasaki that he had an impression of "Chiyan Jianhao" and seemed to have done a lot of "great things" on the side of the Great Route.

The latest reward order is as high as 740 million!

But so what!

The New World is not comparable to the safe seas of the Great Shipping Route.

No matter how arrogant you are on the great voyage and time, you must be honest when you arrive in the new world!

If you dare to move his subordinates today, you must pay the price!

The bounty that has soared recently, how much gold content, Sasaki is ready to try it himself.

If even such an opponent cannot be defeated.

I don't have much face, I said that I went to fight for the position of the three major Kanban!

Although it is only a volley of five sons.

But among the five, no one is willing to stay in the top real fight position.


Sasaki has challenged his boss three times.

The physical superiority of the Fish Terran race, coupled with the sword art of Jianhao's level.

He is very confident in his own ability, which is incomparable to ordinary people!

"This is not a place where you can be arrogant!"

Saying angrily, Sasaki shot angrily.

The long knife in his hand instantly turned inky black and slashed straight at Yanagawa's forehead.

Inject armed color domineering into the weapon!

This level of application, Sasaki is completely at hand.

Whether Yanagawa in front of him possessed the Devil Fruit ability, Sasaki did not know.

But these.

He will explore one by one in the battle and find a suitable way.

And the best way to fight for leeway is to attack with all your might!

Yanagawa's eyelids trembled, and the left hand holding the sword was slightly raised, blocking Sasaki's attack with the scabbard grid.

"Hmm... The speed is good, the power is a little worse, you come on. "

Saying nonchalantly, Yanagawa floated back for a distance, dodging the blade that was slashing horizontally.

Sasaki's speed with which he wielded his knife was only slightly inferior to Yanagawa, and he would be cut down if he was not careful.

However, this level of combat is not yet to the point where Yanagawa must concentrate.

Compared to Doflamingo, Sasaki is not very much to see.

After continuous challenges, and daily knife wielding training.

Today's Liu Chuan has long been fighting against the Seven Wu Sea on the Great Route, and he needs to fight for a day and a night.

Now he is completely prepared for the Great Sword Hao.

Harder, you're too slow, you can't cut me like this." "

The mouth kept stimulating this angry guy, and Yanagawa didn't even pull out the knife.

It's like teasing a monkey, just dodging humiliation and not shooting back.

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