Yanagawa did this on the one hand, to see how strong Sasaki was.

Using his strength as a benchmark, guess to what extent the overall strength of the hundred beasts has reached.

In the future, if he challenges the country of peace, he will inevitably encounter the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment.

This is something that is beyond reproach.

It is said that the Four Emperors Group is unattainable, and its strength is even at the cadre level, which is an existence that surpasses the Seven Wuhai.

The level of secondary cadres has a good reference value.

On the other hand, the opportunity to fight back is not good.

Even if you shoot, it will not cause too much trouble to the opponent.

It's better to take advantage of this time to humiliate him for a while, the "hairy boy" Yanagawa can still remember.

Wait until his mentality collapses, and then find the right opportunity to strike.

This is the best strategy that makes sense!

"What's the situation? Don't you even need to draw your sword?"

"It's terrifying, Sasaki, who is volleying five sons of the Hundred Beast Regiment, can't keep up with the speed of Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"It is worthy of being called the representative of the most terrifying young man in the newspaper, and such strength is really amazing!"

"It seems that the name of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group this time can't suppress the strongest rookie in the New World, it's really strong!"

The surrounding pirates saw Sasaki scrambling around like a fly without a head, unable to pose the slightest threat to Yanagawa.

I couldn't help but start discussing whether Sasaki's strength could take on the position of a mid-level cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment.

After all, Yanagawa looks too relaxed, and the ease gives them the illusion that Yanagawa can kill Sasaki at any time.

In fact, it is still necessary to destroy Sasaki, and Yanagawa only does this to make them misunderstand.

Klockdar saw Yanagawa's caution and kept spitting out cigarettes.

This kid is also too vindictive, so you have to be careful in the future.

Thinking of the fate of those who offended Yanagawa, Klockdar was upset.

Even Doflamingo was killed, and he would not be much better if he had been replaced by it.

How strong Doflamingo's strength is, Klockdahl knows very well in his heart.

With his understanding of himself, even with the advantages of those with natural abilities, it was difficult for him to get a bargain in Doflamingo's hands.

Yanagawa was able to defeat it directly, and his strength was evident.

But Klockdar was not so afraid, he never wanted to fight with Yanagawa.

Hades hasn't got it yet, it's a little too early to think about it.

Daz Bonnis watched the battle between the two on the field.

As a swordsman, there is no more interesting battle than this.

The only pity is that Yanagawa is not serious yet, and it would be better if the two could fight seriously.

Just when everyone thought that Yanagawa would keep playing, Yanagawa moved.

The pink light flashed away, and in another instant, Yanagawa drew his knife and put it away at the same time.

"Abominable, good... So fast!"

Sasaki couldn't help but be horrified in his heart, but he didn't expect that when he had been evading for a long time and he was already impatient, Yanagawa would suddenly make a move.

And the speed of the shot, even I felt that I couldn't react.

In exchange for an ordinary Jianhao, no matter how fast he shot, Liu Chuan would definitely be able to catch up.

But the scene just in front of him, he just breathed for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Yanagawa caught the best moment of the attack!

Someone caught the strange light and looked at it excitedly.

I saw that the hat on Sasaki's head was cut off in half, and his hair leaked out.

"Haha, the hat is gone, if you do this seriously, I'm afraid the head is gone, right?"

"These arrogant guys finally got retribution today, oh, what a laugh. "

The passers-by around muttered excitedly and secretly applauded.

Of course, they did not dare to say it by shouting to avoid being directly implicated.

It can be seen how excessive the Hundred Beast Pirates usually are, seeing that they are frustrated, no one has come out to help.

The corners of Yanagawa's mouth carried a faint message, looking at this extremely corrupt guy, and his mood was extremely happy.

"How? Feel the difference?"


Are you kidding!

Sasaki was so angry that he only knew that this damn guy was slippery, and he was clearly teasing himself.

Apart from the speed, there is nothing different at the moment, and Sasaki does not grasp the important content at all.

Yanagawa shook his head a little disappointed, too lazy to say anything.

Even the difference between armed color domineering did not see, and this person's strength was only that.

Swinging the knife again, he blocked Sasaki's slashing blade and pushed the person away for a distance.

Yanagawa's gaze became extremely deep, and he was going to be serious.


The footsteps stepped the ground, and the sound of breaking the air followed.

The figure flashed and came to Sasaki, who had not yet gained a foothold, and as soon as he struck, he was a sharp horizontal split.

"This is ... Navy six-style shaving?"

"How could it be so fast! Just kidding!"

Sasaki couldn't believe his eyes.

He has not yet gained a foothold, and what he wants to face next is a fierce attack.

The blade with pink domineering was like a shooting star, and it instantly reached Sasaki's waist.

Sasaki's pupils shrank, and his hand moved one after another, barely resisting this slash.

The speed of the advance was indeed not kept up by Sasaki.

But at the moment of swinging his sword, Sasaki saw that he was domineering and captured the angle of Yanagawa's attack.

As a sword hao, the ability to defend in advance is still possessed.

Otherwise, in the case of short encounters, it is impossible to protect oneself at all.


The moment the blade touched, there was a shrill sound.

Waves of qi swept the audience, setting off a storm.

How powerful the confrontation between the strong is, you can feel it through the picture in front of you.

The two are the real Jianhao confrontation.


In the realm, there is a world of difference.

Yanagawa was completely inappropriate, collected the knife and stabbed again!

Seeing the pink tip of the knife stabbing towards his heart, Sasaki rolled to the ground regardless of the image and left the attack range.

At the same time, the wrist is supported on the ground for a beautiful backflip, regain control of the body balance, and stand firmly on the ground.


A blow that looks weak and unobtrusive.

Under the outbreak of sword qi, a deep ravine was directly left on the scene.

Take a quick look.

As if it had been struck by lightning, it looked very terrifying.

This is the true strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao!

The passers-by who were still holding the mentality of watching the play just now quickly dodged to both sides.

If you really want to be affected by this, you will lose half your life if you don't die.

It was not a level existence at all, and the terrifying sword art visible to the naked eye simply surpassed everyone present.

Seeing that Wense's domineering spirit remained in himself, noticing that his opponent did not pursue, Sasaki breathed a sigh of relief.

Just in the next second, Sasaki was shocked beyond words!

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