"When exactly!"

The slash that cut out the half-moon had actually arrived in front of him, why did he not notice the slightest bit when he saw the domineering!

Yanagawa's movements just stopped, and he should not have prepared for the next attack.

Why can I continue to attack without paying attention?

This is not the time to think about this, Sasaki must react as soon as possible!

In this way, the stab that just landed on the ground was just a feigned attack, and did not really want to hit him.

Right now, this knife is coming at his life, if he doesn't dodge in time, he will definitely die!

Sasaki avoided as much as he could to the left, while at the same time holding the knife in front of him to block, hoping to hold on for a moment.

However, it could not be delayed.

The chaotic sky that condensed the domineering spirit of the flowing cherry blossoms directly cut off Sasaki's sword, and the trajectory of the sword was only stagnant for so instant.

The blade flashed, and an arm flew high.

At the same time, Sasaki's screams came out.

"Ah, my hand!"

"You bastard!"

Yanagawa slashed Sasaki's knife and cut off his arm as well.

However, even so, Yanagawa was still not satisfied.

He was aiming at the point.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, he was still avoided by Sasaki instinctively, and the reaction speed passed through ordinary people.

As if it was the physical advantage of the Fish-Terrans, they narrowly avoided the most dangerous attacks.

With minimal damage, in exchange for his own life.

A life is compared to an arm.

Naturally, it is good to make a choice judgment.

"You bastard, I must kill you..."

Sasaki lay on the ground and struggled.

Covering his bleeding wounds, he crawled to the position where the broken sword was broken, trying to pick up the broken sword and continue fighting.

But Yanagawa made a move, killing is not important, the important thing is the heart.

Destroyed the opponent's sword, and the dominant hand with the sword.

Under such conditions, few swordsmen can bear it.

You can tell it from Sasaki's eyes.

Now he has lost his fighting spirit.

It is simply impossible to continue to stand up like a swordsman.

New World's Great Sword Hao?

But that's it.

"Gee, I thought I could cut you off directly, but I was so disappointed. "

I don't know when the chaos was retracted into the scabbard.

Yanagawa didn't even bother to look at Sasaki again, and turned and walked towards Klockdal and them.

"It's hard to raise the will to fight against an opponent who has lost his weapon, you were lucky today and picked up a life. "

Liu Chuan said coldly, without leaving the slightest emotion.

The surrounding pirates were still wondering why Red Flame Jianhao stopped, and they all gasped when they heard him say this.

"Is it even because of this reason to let the opponent go?

"Red Flame Sword Hao, deserving of the youngest Great Sword Hao!"

"It's just a few moves, and it directly cut off Sasaki's arm, it's terrible, right?"

"It's good that I didn't leave this island today, otherwise I would have missed such a wonderful battle!"

Thinking that Yanagawa had a reason for being willful, they didn't know what to say.

Think of that stunning sword, that powerful armed color that makes people feel desperate, why can't you be willful with such strong strength?

If it were themselves, I am afraid that they would all swell into the sky.

After all...... That's a volley!

The cadres under the Four Emperors Kaido Group, Volley Five Sons!

Just three knives cut him with a knife, how strong must this be?

The pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group found it even more difficult to believe this result.

"This is Sasaki-sama, why, why was it defeated so simply?"

"Could it be that the strength of the Great Voyage is already so strong, it is clear that it is just a little ghost, and even a little ghost can defeat Lord Sasaki?"

"Red Flame Sword Hao, a reward of 740 million, making a big fuss about the sea thief in the Chambord Islands, is this the strength of the strongest newcomer in modern times? "

The pirate of the hundred beasts did not even realize that Sasaki was still bleeding, and he was in shock.

Just now, his own boss caused trouble.

What if the Red Flame Sword Hao hadn't killed enough and used them as gas cylinders?

Now it's causing panic for everyone.

Not only them, even Sasaki forgot to react for a while.

The picture in his mind was still stuck when the half-moon slash chased over.

At that time, he thought that he had escaped from danger, and the domineering man was clearly telling him that he was safe around.

However, at this time, the unthinkable was discovered.

As if it appeared out of thin air, the knife suddenly appeared in front of him, and he didn't even have time to react.

If the domineering spirit can work normally, although he will deal with the sword a little embarrassing, it will not come to this point.

Thinking of this, Sasaki came to consciousness a little.

"It's domineering, there's something wrong with his domineering!"

Thinking of that pink domineering, Sasaki was shocked.

He thought it was just some kind of decoration, but he didn't know the mystery hidden in it.

If he had seen a little more... In fact...... He will still not be able to escape this fate.

Normal flow cherry blossom domineering that has any special effects that shield the sight, just kidding.

Even if he understood Ryu Ying's domineering, nothing would change.

A complete defeat!

Only this matter does not need to have any doubts.

In this battle, he had no room to fight back from beginning to end.

As a swordsman, he didn't even use the unique physical talent of the Fish Race and the swordsmanship he had studied.

Directly fail on the spot!

Even if his opponent is Klockdar, he may not have such an experience.

Today at the scene, Yanagawa fully demonstrated his strength.

Klockdar quietly watched the boy walk slowly towards him.

Then, Shen Shen asked: "What is your domineering, why does that guy seem surprised?"

His chin pointed to Sasaki, who was stunned in the distance, and even his arm was still dripping blood, wondering what the secret inside was.

Yanagawa put the knife on his shoulder and shrugged slightly.

"I want to know?...... Don't tell you. "

This is a weapon to launch a raid, how can it tell a "companion" who is not very trustworthy?

The corners of Klockdar's eyes twitched slightly, and he resisted the desire to complain.

If you don't want to say it, don't say it, why do you have to make a hanging appetizing look, it's really owed!

However, after seeing him fight a few times, it will give people a feeling and impulse.

I can't help but think in my heart.

Fortunately, they are teammates, not opponents.

If Yanagawa was the enemy, how the battle would be carried out, Klockdar could not imagine at all.

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