By now, even Kozaburo has to admit that Yanagawa has become the brightest new star in the world.


To be precise, it should be the most shining horizontal star in the past hundred years!

Even Roger can't compare to this kid, Yanagawa's rise is too fast, too amazing!

I'm afraid it's hard to see such a terrifying monster again.

Kozaburo waits for Yanagawa to dance on the world stage.

It was indeed his honor to decorate such a character.

Hearing such a high evaluation, Liu Chuan looked like he was enjoying it, but he said on his mouth: "Don't dare to behave, the master said it seriously." "

Kozaburo glanced at him and snorted coldly and ignored it.

Klockdar kept spitting out a cigarette and was expressionless.

But Yanagawa can clearly understand the meaning expressed by the two: don't get cheap and sell well.

Kozaburo looked scolding on the surface, but instead showed a smile.

His own son, Koshiro, can train such an apprentice.

Kozaburo felt very happy in his heart.


Turn left and right in the alley for half a day and walk back to another street.

Genzaburo looked left and right, but did not find the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, which made the eyes let the two come out.

The Hundred Beasts Regiment was crowded nearby.

Just now, Yanagawa shot and injured Sasaki.

It is impossible for the people of the Hundred Beast Regiment to give up.

This is a new world, a place where the strong are respected.

How hard Sasaki's backstage is, looking at their arrogant posture, you can see it completely.

Therefore, most people who can avoid the people of the Four Emperors Group will definitely not choose to meet head-on.

Only Yanagawa is so fearless.

It doesn't matter what hole cards the opponent has, what opponent it is.

Hit it first!


Everyone came to a weapons store, and Kozaburo walked in first.

Liu Chuan and the two then entered together, and they heard a middle-aged man inside shouting eagerly: "Master." "

Kozaburo nodded at him with a straight face, and motioned for Yanagawa to follow.

Under the curious gaze of the middle-aged man, the three passed through the shop lobby, crossed a path, and came to the courtyard behind.

On weekdays, Kozaburo rarely brings people in directly.

Because of identity.

Therefore, we must be careful in everything and do not make mistakes.

What kind of identity the few people brought today directly aroused the curiosity of the middle-aged disciples.

The place where Kozaburo led him was a courtyard with a series of forging tools such as furnace bellows.

A few young people like apprentices saw Kozaburo come in, gestured with their eyes, and forged weapons seriously.

It seems that those weapons in the store were forged by them.

Yanagawa couldn't help but get excited in his heart.

I found the right place this time!

Just by looking at the surrounding equipment, you can know Kozabur??'s profession.

When he arrived here, Kozaburo stopped and said to Yanagawa:

"You already know the place, and you'll go and bring the materials when it's a little later." "

"This forging is expected to take about half a month, so be mentally prepared. "

"The material of extraterrestrial meteorites is not simpler than ordinary materials. "

"Just tempering and polishing will take me a lot of effort!"

Liu Chuan nodded and said, "No problem, I've been relatively idle recently, and I can still wait for half a month." "

"Hmm..." Kozaburo waited patiently for a few seconds, seeing that Yanagawa didn't mean to speak.

He glanced at Klockdar meaningfully, "Okay, you guys stay here and rest for a while." "

Then, he seemed to turn around to leave, but he turned halfway around and listened, as if he thought of something and said:

"Yanagawa, if you say, you better think about the style and specifications of the weapon. "

"The old man sacrificed once for you, this forging is dominated by you, you have the final say. "

Kozaburo said in a somewhat heavy tone.

Yanagawa could hear that Kozaburo seemed to have gone through some psychological struggle.

Although I didn't quite understand why I was so solemn, I still seriously agreed.

"I will do everything I can. "

In the following time, Yanagawa kept thinking about what kind of sword he had in mind.

First of all, it is directly excluded according to the consideration of chaotic space as a model.

The chaotic void is too long, and the sword body of one meter five is simply as if it was forged for non-humans, and it is extremely inconvenient to use.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no other better weapon, Yanagawa wouldn't want to use this unusually long sword.

So if you define it yourself, you must modify the length of the next sword.

At least conform to your own sword habits.

In this way, you can exert the greatest power in your own hands.

In addition, the color of the sword body also had to be changed.

The light blue sword body, the fiery red special effects and the domineering light of the flowing cherry blossoms.

How awkward it is to look at the mixture of the three.

Moreover, after the domineering aura of the flowing cherry is released through its own characteristics, it has already approached the level of brown, and it needs to be synthesized with the color of the sword body.

If you can, it's better to use dark red.

When these effects are mixed together, they will become the color of the bloodline, the color he wants to see the most.

Of course, in the end, what is needed is the balance of the sword body.

The balance of the chaotic space is very poor, and in the case of retracting force, the front end will always unconsciously fall forward when lifting the sword, and this shortcoming must be corrected.

However, if you want to change this problem, you still have to start with the length of the sword body.

But Yanagawa thought for a long time, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't determine how much length the sword body was.

Most of the specifications of those famous swords are recorded.

For example, the Kazudo Ichi character is one of the twenty-one works of the Great Fast Sword that Kozaburo once forged.

Its blade is 88 cm long and 2.8 cm wide, which is considered the longer one.

Yanagawa once held this sword, and compared it according to the picture in his memory, he felt that it was still a little longer.

Taking the words of He Dao kept adjusting the data in his mind, comparing it with the sword in his mind, he probably found a trace of feeling.

"It is best to control the blade length at about 83 cm, the width is 1.6 cm, and the blade is about 1.1 cm. "

"The part of the hilt should be fine-tuned according to the overall weight, tentatively about 20 cm, anyway, these are not critical. "

Thinking so, Yanagawa recorded these data and discussed it with him when Kozaburo came over.

I am not a professional swordsmith.

Whether there are loopholes and deficiencies in the idea, it is also necessary to see what Kozaburo means.

If it weren't for the fact that Kozaburo hadn't watched Yanagawa grow up since he was a child, he wouldn't have asked these questions at all.

If the sword forger is replaced by Koshiro, he can make a sword suitable for Yanagawa with his fingertips.

Because he knew Yanagawa too well.

Fully aware of his growth and changes during this time.

Knowing what kind of weapon can help him achieve a greater breakthrough in his strength.

But when it comes to the level of sword forging.

Of course, Kozaburo is better!

No, it should be better than a lot!

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