Back to the design idea of the sabre.

The overall shape of the sword body is just according to the specifications of the "Bizen Longship", and there is no need to be a maverick.

Although Yanagawa has never held a longship, the sword in his mind is basically the same as a longship, and even if he is asked to find it, he can't find a difference.

Since you can't find it, then simply draw a scoop according to the gourd.

Everything is for practical purposes, the rest of the bells and whistles are all unnecessary.

By the time he had thought about everything, it was close to night.

During this time, Kozaburo did not show up.

Seeing that it was late, Yanagawa said hello to the people in the courtyard and left from the roof with Klockdar.

Yanagawa could somewhat understand what Kozaburo meant.

He didn't want his life to be disturbed, he didn't want to get involved in these disputes.

Yanagawa also had this intention, and he didn't want to affect the peaceful life of others, so everything was arranged by Kozaburo and waited until it was completely dark before continuing to act.

The Frost Moon family belongs to the runaway family of Wano Country.

In recent times, Yanagawa has been too conspicuous.

Basically, everywhere, it will be easily recognized.

Not to cause trouble for the father and son of the Frost Moon family, this matter Yanagawa understands very well.

Even, he will personally go to Wano Country to put all the troubles to rest.

Kozaburō's mood, while understanding, Yanagawa gave the greatest respect.

After returning to the ship.

Yanagawa and Klockdar said that they were going to forge swords and leave with the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Such a secret thing, no more people need to know.

Klockdar chose to wait on the ship and did not follow.


He also asked his men to inquire on the island.

After the Sasaki incident, what was the feedback on the island?

The Hundred Beast Regiment, which will not give up, how is the current movement, and whether it needs to be ready for the next battle at any time.

When it comes to thinking about things, Klockdar is a scheming man.

More thoughtful than anyone else.

By the time Yanagawa appeared in the courtyard again, Kozaburo had been waiting for a long time.

He was drinking alone under the moon, but he was quite moody.

Yanagawa walked slowly to the front, his nose twitching slightly.

Unlike expected, it is not wine, it is tea.

Hearing the deliberately created sound of breathing, Kozaburo looked towards Yanagawa.

"Here it comes... Poof!"

Seeing the box behind the boy, Kosaburo directly spewed out.

"Where the hell did you get so many meteorites, didn't you say that there is only one piece?"

Things turned out unexpectedly, and I thought there would be a rather meaningful meeting, but it turned out to be so unexpected.

Yanagawa threw the heavy box to the ground and said, "When I saw it, there was so much, I brought them all." "

Although he didn't see the specific scene inside the box, Kozaburo could judge the amount of materials from the overall size and the sound it made when it was low.

The corner of Kozaburō's mouth twitched, and he hurriedly stood up from his position and opened the box to confirm.

Seeing that the number of meteorites inside was the same as guessed, the whole person was stunned.

"With so much meteoric iron, I don't know how many peerless swords can be forged. "

"You can also build five handfuls, right?

The corners of Kosaburo's eyes trembled, and his heart was even more amazed.

Extraterrestrial meteoric iron, can not be sought.

Being able to get a piece to forge is already a very lucky thing.

Yanagawa took out so many pieces at once.

It is completely proved with practical actions what a character explosion is.

Liu Chuan said unimpressed: "Yes, it's a whole meteorite, otherwise?"

Genzaburo took a deep breath and sighed: "Your luck is also nobody, so many materials are estimated to be enough for you to forge the sword many times, and you don't have to worry about the sword in this life." "

"Oh... That's good, save a lot of trouble. Yanagawa said nonchalantly, completely unconcerned.

Genzaburo was surprised, extraterrestrial meteorites could not be sought, even he himself rarely saw it several times in his life.

In the face of such precious materials, Yanagawa's attitude turned out to be just "saving a lot of trouble"?

I really don't know if he really doesn't understand or has the confidence to say this, I always feel that such a good material fell into his hands is a bit wasted.

"Since you don't care, how about sending me the extra materials?" said Kozaburo in a joking tone.

He felt that Yanagawa was just pretending and wanted to tease him.

But seeing Liu Chuan waved his hand indifferently, he said:

"Just leave me a copy of the materials for forging the sword, and you can use the excess as you like." "

"Anyway, the next time I forge a sword should be the last, and it is a waste to stay in my hands. "

Hearing this, Kozaburo was really stunned.

Listening to his tone of voice, there was not the slightest joking, Yanagawa really didn't care about these peerless materials.

Kozaburo looked at Yanagawa stunned for a long time, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be serious, I thought..."

"Pretend to be generous? That's naïve, Master. "

Liu Chuan shook his head and smiled disapprovingly, and then said seriously:

"I didn't mean to punch me in the face, but these things really didn't use me. "

"Old man, you have helped me a lot, and this time I will trouble you to help me forge my sword, and it is natural to give you some reward." "

If nothing else, just handing him the "Ju He One Sword Slash" regardless of the return and letting him easily get through the most difficult period is already a big help.

Not to mention the risk of being discovered by the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and came to him without hesitation.

All indications are that Kozaburo really regards himself as a junior and carries it more.

Yanagawa was still thinking about how to repay Kosaburo, seeing that he attached so much importance to extraterrestrial meteorites, he naturally pushed the boat along the water and gave things directly to him.

Originally, it didn't have much effect on himself, and the extraterrestrial meteorite would play the greatest role in the hands of Gengzaburō.

Kozaburo felt sincerity from Yanagawa's tone, and his heart was mixed.

Thinking of the figure of the young man who had just awakened his talent, Genzaburo sighed a lot.

"Since you said so, then I'm not welcome, but I only need two materials, and the rest will be kept for you." "

Saying that, the old man said with emotion: "After all, I am still too old, my energy is not as vigorous as when I was young, and I am already satisfied that I can forge five swords." "

"In addition to forging two for you, I will forge two myself, and the rest will be left to the last one you may need, and I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity." "

Kozaburo calmly accepted Yanagawa's kindness.

When people are old, they don't look so much at foreign things.

Kosaburo just felt that he could return to his old business in his lifetime, and he was a little emotional.

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