Glancing at the sky, Liu Chuan also felt that he should not continue to disturb, and said:

"Then I'll listen to you, old man, and come back in 10 days." "

"If something happens, you can go to the harbor and ask the Baroque studio to find out where our ship is." "

Kozaburo waved his hand impatiently, "Got it, let's go quickly." "

Yanagawa shrugged, not caring.

"Okay, you are busy first, I'll come back later." "

Listening to the old man's advice, he turned out of the yard and walked on the way back, expecting what the forged weapon would look like.

On a dark night, there are stars shining in the sky.

I accidentally saw the delicious night from the afterglow of my sight, and diverted my attention to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sky.

"Finally, you can change a weapon that suits you, and if you run into Sasaki next time, it is estimated that you can solve him in three or two strokes, right?"

There is nothing more exhilarating than growing in strength.

Thinking that he would be able to get his own weapon in half a month, Yanagawa's heart calmed down, carefully feeling the light emanating from the night sky.


The next day, Yanagawa practiced on the bow deck as always.

Klockdar walked out of the cabin, saw the figure of the teenager who was seriously exercising, and shook his head slightly and walked over.

"Let's go to the town and find a hotel to stay in later, since we have to stay here for half a month, we can't continue to make do with the ship." "

Yanagawa stopped swinging his sword, thought for a while and nodded in reply:

"Also, always stay on the boat to let people watch the play, I am also a little uncomfortable, listen to you, just do it." "

Perhaps yesterday's conflict with the Hundred Beast Pirates had been fermenting on the island, and people passing by on the harbor would always stop and look at him a few times.

Although I have adapted to the sensation of being in the limelight, it is always a little more unnatural than usual.

Yanagawa also did not want to exercise in front of the public, and when he heard Klockdar's proposal to find a place to live, he naturally agreed.

But what to do after that becomes a question.

Yanagawa can calm down and stay at home to cultivate, but Klockdar can't be idle.

It's just that the current situation doesn't seem to be easy to act separately, and Klockdar intends to ask Yanagawa's opinion.

"What are you going to do in the next period, I heard you say that the forging knife side doesn't need you to care, you have to be idle, right?"

Klockdar asked expressionlessly.

He is like an emotionless tool man, always looking light on weekdays.

Looking at the conspicuous scar on his face, Yanagawa couldn't help but think about it.

Did Klockdar fail in plastic surgery, accidentally injured his facial nerves, and made an unvivid expression to look like a Sima face all day.

But the thought that this is not the world it once was, Yanagawa was a little bored.

I'm afraid that like his left hand, it should be the scar left in which battle.

Looking at the straight direction of the scar, it looks like it was scratched by a knife.

Maybe the person who hurt him is a Jianhao.

After thinking divergent for a while, and being still staring at him by Klockdal, Yanagawa came back to his senses.

"Sorry, I just thought about something and accidentally lost my mind. Yanagawa said calmly.

Klockdar looked at him suspiciously, "I always feel that you are thinking about some faux pas, and I don't know if it is my delusion." "

Yanagawa's palm was on his chest, and his four fingers swayed from side to side, "That must be your delusion, how can I be okay thinking about those boring things." "

"So..." Klockdar spat out a cigarette and said, "What about your answer, do you have any plans for the past few days?"

"If you plan to..." Yanagawa muttered for a long time, suddenly remembering something he heard on the street, which made him a little concerned.

Thinking about it like this, Yanagawa said: "Isn't Flexkalin holding some kind of commodity fair these days?

Klockdar had no opinion and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's take a look when we find the hotel." "

As long as he can stay with Yanagawa and ensure his own safety, he has no opinion.

If he hadn't thought about Hades, he would have ignored Yanagawa and ran away by himself.

Now to hear that Yanagawa is willing to go out, it is best.

Next, when the sky was brighter again, the two entered the island with three high-ranking agents from the Baroque studio.

On the way to find the hotel, pedestrians on the street pointed at them from time to time.

Yanagawa pricked up his ears and listened, these people were discussing why their group remained on the island and did not leave.

Listening to their words, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group seemed to have made some moves, as if to disadvantage their group.

After listening for a while, he didn't hear anything useful, and Yanagawa simply stopped bothering to inquire about what they said.

Anyway, staying on the island for half a month is already doomed, and it makes no difference whether you listen to it or not.

These people cannot have accurate information, and it is a pure waste of feelings not to spend on them.

Ignoring the pedestrians on the street, Yanagawa and Klockdar found a luxury hotel to stay in.

Because three of the five people need daily training, the presidential suite with a private training room was specially opened.

After putting away all his belongings, Klockdar said hello to his subordinates and followed Yanagawa to the scene of the business fair.

Once there, they discovered that the so-called business fair was no different from the bazaar.

On a wide street, a group of people dressed differently sat on the ground setting up stalls.

The goods sold are strange, from weapons to wood to shipbuilding drawings, and there is everything you need for navigation.

Yanagawa and they turned around a little, not much interest in these stalls.

Asking passers-by, they heard that there is an auction hall in addition to the market where you can buy rare things, and the two went to the auction hall with a sense of sightseeing.

Arriving at a large tent that had been set up improvised and both were a little speechless.

The so-called auction house is a tent similar to a circus, which is also a little too plain.

But it's all coming, and no matter what, you have to see before leaving.

Under the strange gazes of many who were either vigilant or surprised, the two walked into the auction.

Don't look at the outside of the auction is quite simple, the facilities inside are quite complete.

The chairs provided to the guests seem to have been chosen, very clean and tidy.

Two VIP rooms were also set up in humble places for the use of "big people".

When receiving the auction sign, the foreman of the auction recognized the identities of Yanagawa and Klockdar and asked if the two needed to go to the VIP room?

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