As soon as Klockdar wanted to agree, he listened to Yanagawa indifferently:

"Don't bother so much, just look at it casually, there is no need to make it so grand."

He said it all, and Klockdar was embarrassed to ask for more.

In this way, the two sat on the ordinary table under the leadership of Liu Chuan.

But in this way, the pirates around them are uncomfortable.

With such a bright two sea thieves sitting next to them, anyone will mumble in their hearts.

It's just that Yanagawa doesn't care, anyway, it's not himself who is uncomfortable, care about him.

Soon, the auction officially began.

The lights inside the tent dimmed, leaving only spotlights to illuminate the stage.

A fat man in a suit walked to the center of the stage, introduced himself fluently, and announced the official start of the auction.

"I believe everyone knows something about the auction of Flexcarin, so I won't introduce it here."

"Go straight to the first auction item."

The five fingers of the auctioneer's right hand are unfolded towards the position next to him, and another spotlight turns on instantly, illuminating the direction pointed by the auctioneer.

"Look, this is the flying feather of one of the fifty works of the good sword, and it used to be the sword of Sword Haufield."

"What is the quality of the fifty work of the good knife, I believe I don't need to say anything more!"

"And the former owner of Feiyu is a legendary sword master, which adds a touch of mystery."

"Without further ado, the starting price of this knife is three million Baileys!"

"If there is Jian Hao here, please don't miss this opportunity, please let go and bid for your beloved weapon..."

Under the guidance of the auctioneer, the atmosphere at the scene is slowly getting hot.

Pirates have already begun to bid for this rare famous knife.

Yanagawa looked around and saw that there were many bidders, almost a dozen people competing for the same weapon.

Seeing this, Liu Chuan faintly felt that in the new world, the number of sword haos was not scarce.

The competitors nodded their heads when they saw Yanagawa's gaze towards them.

From the look in their eyes, Yanagawa saw adoration.

"So my influence has spread in the new world? So many people know about me. "

Yanagawa nodded nonchalantly and responded perfunctorily, thinking so in his heart.

He didn't feel anything about it, just a little curious.

When the strength is strong, the reputation will naturally be there, these are taken for granted, and there is no need to be proud.

What Yanagawa didn't notice was that in the shadows a hidden figure was holding a telescope.

Observing Yanagawa's every move from afar.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he traced this along the way.

Because the perception of being a strong person is too strong.

Therefore, the other party only dared to follow from a distance, and did not dare to make any other moves.

I am afraid that because of my little action, I will expose my identity.

As prices gradually increased, the number of participants suddenly decreased.

Soon, a youth-looking swordsman rejoiced in the auctioneer's passionate congratulations.

For a time, warm applause broke out in the venue.

Yanagawa and Klockdar raised their eyebrows at the same time, realizing what the problem was.

"Got it?"

Yanagawa asked.

A simple question, but without any expression of displeasure or even worry.

Klockdar remained silent and continued to observe the auction on the spot.

"Of course, followed us all the way."

"Even if you are far away, it is impossible not to be discovered."

"What a stupid tracker, using these despicable tricks, it's ridiculous!"

Klockdar couldn't help but say, his words full of anger.

It was as if he and Yanagawa had been underestimated.

It was obviously the feeling of staring, and in his heart, he actually had such arrogant thoughts.

Yanagawa himself felt very relaxed.

Sure enough, only an arrogant person like Klockdar is suitable for working with himself.

For other fearful people, it is very difficult to really work together.

Knowing that there is someone behind him, he is still fearless.

The excessive swagger of the performance is Yanagawa's character.

Ordinary people simply do not dare to make it!

The auction continues, and most of the goods Yanagawa are not interested.

Only pay a little attention when you see the Devil Fruit, and the rest of the time you are outside the world.

After observation, Yanagawa was a little aware of the doorway inside.

Not everyone in the auction hall is a buyer, and among them there are tow...

About a quarter of the people are Tor, and it is not difficult to notice if you observe it a little.

Seeing the auction hall doing this, Yanagawa's senses plummeted here.

It's okay to make money, it's not interesting to engage in these small actions.

Of course, the guests in the venue also noticed this situation to some extent.

However, under the guidance of the auctioneer, the price will still be raised under pressure.

I don't know how many wrongdoers have appeared.

Klockdar and Yanagawa chatted from time to time about this matter, and the smile passed.

Anyway, they come with a lively mentality and will not take it too seriously.

The auction lasted until the evening.

The grand finale is a devil fruit that is suspected to be a natural fruit.

Yanagawa lost interest after looking at it twice, not because he recognized the devil fruit, but precisely because he didn't recognize it.

Looking at its unremarkable appearance, it is impossible to judge what the ability of the fruit is.

It's like a gambling stone.

Wasting money to do this kind of thing, Yanagawa didn't bother to do it at all.

And for him, even if the natural devil fruit is placed in front of him, it is not attractive.

The ultimate kendo he pursued could not use the devil fruit at all.

On the contrary, after eating the devil fruit, he will make himself a dry duck, an absolute burden.

Just look at this kind of thing, don't pay too much attention.

But Rao is so, the atmosphere of the scene is still hot.

The sound of bidding came out one after another, and soon it reached a sky-high price of 900 million.

The frequent bidding on the VIP room side makes those guys who lack confidence dare not continue to bid.

However, the buyers at the scene were not only pirates, but also some merchants who came to humble places.

Compared with pirates, businessmen are rich and not afraid of competition at all.

If you can get a suspected natural devil fruit and sell it in a place like the Great Voyage.

The value can definitely be doubled.

Judging from the distribution of strength of the Great Route, the Devil Fruit is a very useful existence.

Sometimes, eating a devil fruit can change a person's position and status.

Especially in the first half of the great voyage, which is not strong.

Pirates roaming in places like the New World, basically no one cares too much.

In the end, a middle-aged man who looked ordinary bought the finale for 1.6 billion, which was a surprise.

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