When Yanagawa and Klockdar fought at the beginning, the two were just a five-five situation.

Even, Klockdar, who has the ability of the natural Devil Fruit, has to gain a little upper hand and suppress Yanagawa a little.

How long has it been?

Now when facing Yanagawa, Klockdal had inexplicable heart palpitations.

The gap between the two was slowly widening, and Klockdar knew it all right.

From the destruction of the Don Quixote family by one person, Klockdahl already felt rejoicing.

Glad that he was not Yanagawa's enemy and did not stand on the opposite side.

Otherwise, with Yanagawa's ability, he can quickly eliminate the Baroque Work Society, including himself.

Yanagawa, who did not have the help of a famous sword, had become the Red Flame Sword Hao that everyone feared.

740 million bounty!

Who can compare to such a terrifying situation?

At the moment, Kozaburō's reaction was to give Klockdar a good judgment.

His gaze focused on Yanagawa's body.

Yanagawa took a deep breath and carefully sensed the inexplicable energy on the long sword.

Sure enough, it is a weapon made by extraterrestrial meteorites, and the sense of existence is different.

In terms of weight and length, it perfectly matches Yanagawa's height ratio.

He closed his eyes and did nothing, but he clearly felt the taste of the long sword and himself.

He swung out suddenly, and a sharp sword qi slashed out.

Waves were made on the calm sea.

It was obviously just a simple one, but it stretched for a distance of hundreds of meters before the sword qi slowly dissipated.


Klockdar inhaled coldly, and the emotions in his heart were completely driven.

It's just casual.

If you really charge up and slash at yourself.

Can you hide from it?

How long has it been, how did this kid become so strong!

"Good weapon!"

"It seems to have a little more characteristics than I thought."

"What the real attribute is, I am afraid that only the user will understand and know."

Kozaburo couldn't help but nod.

As a swordsmith, it is absolutely honorable to be able to create a satisfying weapon.

Kozaburo and Klockdar were shocked when they saw such a scene.

On the other hand, Yanagawa, who is still in the development stage, is even more excited.

"What a strong sword qi!"

"It seems that I can multiply the sword qi I originally released!"

"Is it so feeling to have a blade that you can take advantage of?"

Now Yanagawa.

I am immersed in the joy of getting a blade at hand.

Just by relying on his own kendo will, the sword qi released was already so powerful.

If you inject the domineering aura into the sword body, will there be any special reaction?


The supreme fast knife that surpasses the level of the big fast knife.

As long as it is injected with armed color domineering, and Jian Hao's kendo will, it will release its own characteristics.

The different materials and the different sword owners will show different characteristics.

What kind of feedback will you get if you do it yourself?

Yanagawa was even more looking forward to it.

Do what you say.

Yanagawa held the long sword in his hand, and a patterned flowing cherry blossom appeared on the sword.

The domineering lines that originally exuded red color actually reflected a brown appearance.

That's the biggest difference from before!

Even the domineering way of Ryu Ying has changed?

Moreover, what is going on with this hot hand?

It seems that in his own hands, there is a nameless fire, which is constantly burning.

Yanagawa can feel the temperature of the flames from the depths of his heart, but these flames are surprisingly aura.

It was not exposed at all, and it did not hurt Yanagawa, and this performance surprised Yanagawa unexpectedly!


Yanagawa snorted fiercely and threw out the long sword in his hand.

A similar scene reappeared, with a clearly visible pattern split on the surface of the sea.

Another shocking scene appeared, which made several people watching at the scene stunned in place, unable to believe the facts they saw.

Following the route swept by the sword qi, brown flames shot out.

In principle, after the flame touches the surface of the sea, it should immediately dissipate.

However, this sword qi swept the sea surface for nearly thirty seconds before it slowly dissipated and was swept away by the waves.

Who can afford such an amazing picture?

"What weird sword moves did this kid learn? Or did you secretly eat the Devil Fruit? "

Klockdar really couldn't find any special reason, and couldn't help but say in surprise.

In addition to being able to explain it with some lame reasons, the others really don't know what to say.

However, Klockdar himself knew very well that these conditions were not true!

Kosaburo's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but clench his fists and tremble.

Finally, in his later years, he created a famous knife that surpassed the words of Yan Devil and Hedo.

Just looking at such a picture, I couldn't help but get excited, and it was difficult to calm my mood at all.

"This is not a new sword move, it is the ability of the extraterrestrial meteorite material that has been stimulated by Liu Chuan!"

"This saber seems to be born to belong to him, and the match is beyond my imagination!"

"Unexpectedly, the first time I used it, it inspired such a characteristic, an absolute wizard!"

When Kozaburo spoke, it was difficult to hide the excitement in his heart, and the whole person was very nervous.

It's not that he feels that using his own weapons is a genius.

It was entirely because of the fact that a sword stimulated the potential of a famous sword, and Kozaburo had seen it for the first time.

Each saber and long knife will have hidden characteristics due to its own different materials.

If a swordsman wants to completely stimulate the characteristics in it, he needs a long time limit for cultivation.

It's not something that can be done right away.

In Gengzaburang's view, the material of extraterrestrial meteorites must have the conditions for hidden properties.

It's just that what exactly is hidden, he is as a sword forger is unknown.

It is necessary to wait for Yanagawa to reveal the answer step by step.

When he saw such a scene, he completely understood the whole process in his heart.

At the same time, Kozaburo was also deeply shocked by Yanagawa's slashing sword qi.

Now Yanagawa has no idea what a challenge he has accomplished.

He looked at the red and shining appearance of the sword body, and he absolutely couldn't put it down.

"People call me Red Flame Sword Hao, but you can directly release flames, we are really a perfect match!"

"From today you are my only sword, I will name you... Yan Feng! "

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