After determining his favorite name, Yanagawa held his sword and came to several people satisfied.

"Master, you are really powerful!"

"In such a short period of time, he was able to forge a weapon of this level!"

"It's true that Master asked me to come to you, if it was Master, it might not be possible!"

Yanagawa did not mean to say sycophants.

Just expressing their emotions from the heart.

But these words were heard in Kozaburo's ears, and they were very heard!

Kozaburo sighed in his heart.

I stayed up a few all-nighters in vain, this kid is still very good!

After picking up the treasure, he did not forget to praise Kozaburō's skills.

And that's exactly what happened.

If you really change to Koshiro, you may not be able to reach such a level.

"Count you kid sensible, your master's little ability, but my guidance."

"Over the years, I have only learned a little bit of it."

"I didn't learn the real thing, but I learned a bunch of useless swordsmanship."

Kozaburo said while shaking his head in cooperation, showing great helplessness.

Ordinary people, this time should be low-key.

But for Kozaburō, there is no need for unwarranted low-key at all.

"Master is right, I didn't expect to be able to create a sword with a natural fire attribute!"

"Just now, I was really taken aback, hahaha!"

Yanagawa laughed loudly as he spoke.

After Kozaburo listened, he almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

If it weren't for the fact that Yanagawa really didn't know the actual situation.

Kosaburo felt that this kid was completely deliberately showing off his abilities!

"What an idiot, this is not a natural ability to create..."

Kozaburo told Yanagawa about the hidden attributes of the sword again.

Yanagawa, who listened carefully, nodded uncontrollably.

I finally have a general understanding of why it breathes fire.

Klockdar was very jealous in his heart, and all his emotions were written directly on his face.

After listening to Kozaburō's description and conversation, he said with a hung face:

"Have great strength but don't know it? You bastard can really kill people! "

"Or only someone of your level is qualified to be called a genius, damn it!"

It was all said in a vicious tone, but in the words, it was all affirmation of Yanagawa.

If you change someone present, you will definitely not get such an evaluation, and the result is completely predictable.

"Proud Mr. Sand Crocodile, is this a recognition of my talent and ability?"

"I can say something bluntly, I don't need to beat the corner, I can stand the compliment."

After Yanagawa heard such a statement, his heart couldn't help but blossom.

The day when Klockdar, who was high above, was also shocked by his talent, and his heart was indeed very happy!

"You're not wrong at all, Yanagawa-san!"

"So shut your mouth and go back to get ready, I have to leave the island as soon as possible!"

Klockdar didn't bother to say anything more, but said what he needed to do right now.

They have spent a lot of days on the island.

During this period, the Hundred Beasts did not come to look for trouble, but just let people follow.

It is already a blessing in misfortune.

Their goal was not to make enemies with the Hundred Beasts in the first place.

Just stay and wait for the saber to be built.

Not being afraid of retaliation does not mean staying and actively waiting for others to retaliate.

If it is really the psychology of actively waiting, it is the real ideological problem.

If you think about it, who would be idle and live every day to fight and kill?

"That's right, it's really time to leave as soon as possible."

"Master, please forgive me, you should stay and work for you and serve."

"Now in order to avoid causing you more trouble, so I'd better leave as soon as possible!"

At this point, Yanagawa is not just talking, but really thinking about it in his heart.

Kozaburo looks at Yanagawa as if he were his direct descendants.

What Yanagawa was thinking in his heart, of course, Kozaburo knew best.

He patted Yanagawa on the shoulder and instructed in a serious voice:

"Stinky boy, go wherever you want, can I still stop you as an old man?"

"Remember, even if you have a reliance now, you can't be arrogant."

"Until you completely plump your wings, what happened last time must not happen again."

"While the people of the Hundred Beasts Group have not yet arrived, quickly leave this land of right and wrong."

The matter in Kozaburo's mouth is, of course, the matter of teaching Sasaki a lesson and destroying one of his arms under the public.

Normal people with a little strength do not dare to do it so risky.

If you don't mess with it, you will invite murder to yourself.

Everyone understands the truth, how can normal people provoke the Hundred Beast Regiment?

Yanagawa's shot is absolutely arbitrary.

If others provoke themselves, no matter what happens, they must return it as soon as possible!

Such a performance is what really gets Yanagawa.

But since the elders remind in front of him, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he must agree well.

"Don't worry, Master, I will be more careful in the future, and I will definitely take care of myself."

"If you need my help in the future, you can always contact me through the phone worm."

"No matter what I'm doing at that time, I will definitely rush back and solve the problems for your old man!"

Yanagawa knew the manners very well and assured to say.

To be able to get such a priceless treasure, it is all thanks to Kozaburō.

Between words, it is difficult to convey one's own emotions.

If you have to ask what will be different in the future, you can only judge from your own performance.

Hearing such words, Kozaburo was already satisfied.

While the trial of the sword is completed, the scabbard is being finally painted in the forge hall.

After a few discussions, they returned to the forging hall together, ready to retrieve the scabbard.


The other side.

On the bustling streets of the island, a tall figure appeared on the street.

The originally lively street scene instantly became very deserted.

It was not that the crowd all dispersed and did not appear, but they hid in a group, not daring to approach the man on the street.

It seems that in the body of a man, there is a natural repulsive force, and whoever comes close will feel a strong threat.

The man's tall body and arms were imprinted with the symbol of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Many people recognized the man's identity, but they just didn't dare to speak loudly.

He is Drought Jack!


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