"This person is one of the three major disasters of the legendary Hundred Beast Pirates, right?"

"That's right, I've read his reports on the bounty order and in the newspaper before, and I heard that he is a very vicious guy!"

"Yes, yes, Drought Jack, this is his name, and it is said that it is also a very rare animal line of ancient species mammoth fruit ability!"

"It's so strong, I can't imagine that for the sake of a Red Flame Sword Hao, even such a big figure came to the island!"

The people around them talked loudly about the situation at the scene, and they didn't know what would happen.

I just know that if I continue to stay, I may be affected by it.

This is the most real feeling, and it cannot be avoided.

How the people around him talk about themselves, Drought Jack does not care at all.

He didn't know how many times he had seen similar scenes of fear and judgment.

It has long been seen and not strange, as passers-by go to comment.

If you encounter a lot of mood, you will directly strike to end everything that troubles.

There is no reason to slaughter one side of the thing, Jack does not do a lot at all.

"Are you sure it's the hotel in front?" Didn't receive the wrong intelligence? "

Jack opened his mouth to ask the little brother beside him, determining the specific location of Yanagawa.

The tracker continues to track, not daring to be a little slack, in order to wait for this moment to come.

How is it possible to give a false goal after spending such a long time?

"Boss Jack rest assured, there is absolutely no error, now the two of them should be in the hotel!"

"As long as you strike now, you will definitely be able to kill the Red Flame Sword Hao and the Sand Crocodile, the absolute best chance!"

The stalker's promise-only words revealed his fear of Jack.

Jack's reward is even higher than Yanagawa's.

In the new world, he is a long-famous sea thief!

What happened to provoke him can be tested today!

In order not to give Yanagawa and Klockdar a chance to escape, Jack did not stop for half a step and entered the hotel directly.

As long as the approximate location is determined, after seeing the figure of the other party, Jack will not hesitate to strike.

No matter what the scene is, as long as he can still move, it is the best place to do it!


Five minutes later.

A familiar voice appeared on the street, once again causing a burst of heated discussion.

"What a terrible wound, wrapped in such thick gauze, you can still see the bloodstains!"

"It's worthy of being a fish race, the vitality is so tenacious, it looks like this guy is nothing, if it is an ordinary human, I am afraid that he will not be able to stand it for a long time, right?"

"I think it's the same, the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, there is really no vegetarian, all of them are ruthless."

The focus of everyone's discussion was Sasaki, accompanied by his younger brother!

Sasaki, who had one arm cut off, has been restored.

After learning that Boss Jack had arrived on the island and was ready to take the lead for himself, Sasaki simply could not continue to hide in the secret.

Such moments, of course, need to be witnessed in front of the eyes.

Otherwise, there is no point in doing so, and it will not achieve the desired effect.

"What about Boss Jack? In what place? I want to see Boss Jack! "

Sasaki saw the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Regiment stationed below the hotel, and immediately asked with a roar.

He is the identity of the fifth son of Volley.

Among the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, they all have a high status.

Yanagawa simply ignored Sasaki's identity, not only seriously injuring Sasaki, but also constantly verbally insulting.

Didn't save the slightest bit of face!

This evil breath Sasaki has been enduring and looking forward to.

Finally looking forward to his savior, how could he not be excited?

"Boss Sasaki, Lord Jack has gone upstairs!"

"According to the report of the tracking spy, that Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan is upstairs at the moment!"

"Your... Are the wounds okay? "

A real fight of an artificial devil fruit looked at the wound on Sasaki's broken arm and took a sharp breath.

Just by looking at the injured side, you can know how terrible things are this time.

"This pain is nothing, I must make that bastard pay!"

"Boss Jack came too timely, I want to see him torture that bastard with my own eyes."

Sasaki said viciously, completely unable to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart.

If it wasn't for the little brother who was guarding the door, it was Jack who ordered no one to go upstairs.

Now Sasaki has already rushed up and roared a few times at close range.

Since there are orders, the scene can only endure and wait for the final result.


After Jack entered the hotel, within five minutes, a violent noise came directly from the fourth floor.

Everyone who was guarding downstairs looked over collectively.

Even the good things happened to the adult passers-by pirates, who stopped not far away, wanting to see what was happening.

The big watch of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is a rare big scene!

As a result, after everyone saw the figure flying down clearly, they all gasped for air.

It turned out to be the little brother in charge of tracking, from the place where the window on the fourth floor was blasted away, and followed by the long distance.

The little brother's nose is blue and his face is swollen, and he looks very terrible, and he can't even tell life and death smoothly.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still wearing clothes with the big logo of the Hundred Beasts, he really couldn't help but look at who it was.

Looking at the location where the figure fell, everyone from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group quickly surrounded him, including Sasaki.

"What's going on? Why is this? "

Sasaki shook his head incomprehensibly.

The candidate for the tracker is Sasaki's carefully selected talent for the right ability.

For so many days, the intelligence was reported all the time, and there were no mistakes.

Could it be that this was beaten by Yanagawa upstairs?

That's a lot of deception!

Boss Jack followed suit, and he dared to be so arrogant!

If such a man even did this kind of thing, Boss Jack would definitely not stay alive!

Imagining nature is beautiful.

Soon the figure that appeared at the door of the hotel directly broke Jack's illusion.

"What a trash!"


With another violent explosion, the tall Jack appeared at the door.

This time, it was not in human form, but directly in the form of a mammoth, and landed at the door of the hotel.

The sound of destruction echoed continuously inside the hotel, obviously carrying out wanton destruction.

Sasaki hid aside with everyone in bewilderment.

If Jack was angry, it wasn't a scene they could stop at all.

The explosive power alone is enough to make the people around who are watching the show be hurt by the ripple!

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