Sasaki's expression was very aggrieved, and he really didn't know what to say.

Didn't you say that you came to help yourself and attack Yanagawa?

How did you start fighting your own people first!


"Boom, boom!"

Without giving everyone a chance to react, violent destruction continued to spread throughout the hotel.

Each sound is made louder by the previous one.

"Monsters! What a monster! Help me! "

"It's terrible, who will stop him, my hotel!"

"No, you will lose your life if you stay here, this is the madman of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, everyone run!"

Inside the crumbling hotel lobby, a continuous stream of figures ran out.

Some are guests staying in the hotel, while others are on-site staff.

Everyone was originally in their respective positions, doing things well.

Such a disaster for no reason!

The names of the three major disasters of the Hundred Beasts Regiment are really not ordinary evil!

In his eyes, innocent life is just a reptile that vents his anger, and has no meaning of existence.

In less than a minute, the figure of an ancient mammoth crashed through the entire luxury hotel in a tall and swollen manner.

The people who were still in the hotel and did not have time to run out directly became a particle of dust.

The strong in the new world are respected.

The weak are nothing more than the end of cannon fodder.

Without even playing the slightest role, it was easily destroyed by the strong.

Passers-by who had planned to watch the play were so frightened that they ran away from a long distance.

A mammoth body that can penetrate a building and roar casually.

Ordinary people at close range will not be able to stand it.

This is the strength of the cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment with top-level combat power!

Compared to Sasaki's strength, it is completely different.

On weekdays, Volley Wuzi challenges the three major disasters, and it looks like some fight.

In fact, if it were not for the three major disasters left behind.

The so-called Volley Wuzi doesn't know how many times he died!

"Boss Jack!"

"Boss Jack!"

"What the hell is going on?"

Within the confines of the scene, only Sasaki dared to shout at the top of his throat and probe the specific situation.

Sasaki's attendants were hiding far away, really afraid of being involved.

Jack in a state of rage is nothing more than an increase in size and destructive power.

In the way of venting, the choice is very violent, but not to the point of losing reason.



After stomping a few more feet on the ground and smashing the hotel wall, Jack slowly turned around.

"Damn bastard, he was actually deceived by false information!"

"Yanagawa that bastard is not in the hotel at all, and he has long been unknown!"

"Something unfavorable, kill him for me!"

Under Jack's angry voice, he commanded irrefutable words.

At this time, whoever dares to go against his will will definitely be taught a lesson.

"Yanagawa is gone... Yanagawa has disappeared..."

Sasaki repeated the message he had received, and came to the tracker with a long sword in one hand that was not the dominant hand.

The tracker's eyes were constantly struggling, as if begging to let him go and give him a way to live.

Unfortunately, he now had no strength to explain, and he watched with his own eyes as Klockdar returned to the hotel with someone.

As for why people go to empty buildings, it is not his understanding at all.

At this time, he didn't need any orders from Jack, and just not completing the reconnaissance mission assigned by Sasaki was enough to send him to the West Heaven.

Sasaki's hand rose and fell, and the process was very fast, without a little mud and water.

Since it is a guy who gets rid of trouble, of course, the sooner the better.

Even if the information obtained so far is wrong, the fact that Yanagawa was still on the island in the morning is definitely not fake.

In any case, the most important thing now is to quickly find Yanagawa's whereabouts.

Otherwise, knowing that Jack had landed on the island, Yanagawa and his party might immediately escape.

Once back on the sea, it will be very difficult to find him again.

"Boss Jack, the unfavorable bastard has been killed, don't get angry anymore."

"I will immediately let people search the towns on the island, and Yanagawa and his group must not have left the island yet!"

"The ship they are riding on, I will always send someone to keep an eye on it, and report it as soon as there is movement!"

Sasaki pulled his voice and responded loudly.

Now besides explaining these problems, Sasaki does not know what else he can do.

Once anger invades reason, it really feels far from enough to do anything.

Because of a little Yanagawa!

Having mixed Sasaki into such a way, his hatred for Yanagawa is now far more than an arm.

If he sees Yanagawa again, no matter what happens, he will inevitably fight to the death.

Even just slashing Yanagawa and letting him taste the wound is more enjoyable than living in pain.


"Destroy everything on the island!"

"Since it is on the island, connect the island and sink it together!"

Jack's angry roar continued, still releasing his emotions.

He was originally a man who could not control his emotions.

Now that he has been treated like this, he is naturally wantonly indulging his anger.

At that time, the three major disasters became famous because their destructive power was too strong, as if a natural disaster occurred, they were collectively called the three major disasters.

Among them, Jack once used the body of a mammoth to be brutalized to the point of destruction in a small country on an island because of a little thing.

In three days and three nights, not only destroyed a country, but also destroyed most of the island!

It is precisely because of such destructive power that the forces of all parties will flock to the ability of the ancient species of animals.

Compared to the natural and animal phantom beast species.

The ancient species is definitely the most powerful special species Devil Fruit ability in itself!

"What did he say? What did Drought Jack just say? Oh, my God! Did he really want to destroy the entire island? "

"Maybe this terrible monster can really do it, where is the port? Where is the port! I'm leaving the island! "

"Hurry up, don't continue to look over here, maybe his next target is the whole town!"

"Drought Jack, the real catastrophe of the Hundred Beasts Regiment, it's really terrible, why do such characters appear!"

The shadow of terror accompanied by Jack's words instantly shrouded the hearts of the islanders.

They also thought they could watch a rare battle.

Only now did I find out, continue to stay on the scene... Oh no!

Staying on the island is a dangerous thing!

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