Sasaki was the first to run out amid the chaotic rubble and stood not far away glaring angrily.

"It's him... Jack the boss, that's him, Yanagawa is here! "

The anger in his heart was suppressed for so many days, making him feel very humiliated.

If he had fought to the end when he was attacked, even if he had lost his life, he would not have felt such a shame.

For a swordsman, the real great swordsman has the determination to lose and die.

And at that moment.

The momentum shown by Yanagawa really shocked Sasaki.

Now Sasaki can only hope for Jack's body, hoping that Jack can help him express this evil breath in his heart.

Looking at Sasaki, who was yelling, Yanagawa couldn't help but smile and said, "Isn't this the fishman swordsman whose arm was cut off by me?" "

"And the face appears? What an amazing willpower! "

"I thought I didn't know where to look these days and learned about my life?"

"Your thick skin is far beyond my imagination, it's really powerful!"

A word that provoked the other party, Yanagawa did not care.

Anyway, he appeared with his own swagger, and he did not plan to leave without doing anything.

Arousing the fighting spirit of the other party is the best opportunity for him to test the sword.



Jack's giant elephant body reversed direction.

With each step out, a destructive depression appears in the ground.

Such a great power is only an ordinary horizontal output.

No wonder the ancient species of animals are so difficult, all of them are monster-like existences, and their power is shocking.

There were only two people at the scene, Klockdar and Yanagawa, and the three senior agents did not follow him.

This level of battle, keeping them around can not play any auxiliary role, maybe it will affect their performance.

Moreover, Klockdar was even more concerned about their safety, so he would only let two people come over.

He seems to be cold, but he respects his subordinates very much in his heart.

At the moment, Klockdar did not pay attention to Sasaki, who was yelling.

After that day's battle, Sasaki had been frightened and would definitely not dare to appear in front of them again.

The only thing to pay attention to now is Drought Jack alone!

"With such a large body, it is impossible for the mobility to have no effect at all."

"Leave the matter of restricting movement to me, and the attack aspect will be handed over to you, let me do it well!"

"If you want to die, I will definitely pull you back!"

Klockdar said very fiercely, leaving no face at all.

Entrusting his safety to another person is enough to show Klockdahl's trust in Yanagawa.

Liu Chuan held the hilt of his sword and said easily: "Don't worry, no one can die today, it's that big guy who wants to die!" "

"Such a big and imposing enemy, it's really the first time to encounter, it's so interesting!"

The more such a time, the more you can see Yanagawa's boldness.

When he was normally scared, Yanagawa could still laugh.

After Drought Jack discovered his target, his anger grew.

In a chaotic state of mind, he has only one goal, that is, to crush Yanagawa!

It's like a scene that has just been destroyed by itself, leaving no room for it.



It has to be said.

Jack's sheer size completely enhanced his walking distance.

This is still just walking, you can close the distance of hundreds of meters in a few seconds.

If you run indiscriminately in the posture of a mammoth, I am afraid that the entire town will be trampled to a flat ground in less than an hour.

Destroying a peaceful residential area is such an easy thing for him.

No wonder Jack's bounty is terrifying, and so many strong people in the New World are unwilling to meet him.

Not long after, Jack had already appeared in front of Yanagawa.

"Looking at it so closely, the skin is rough and thick, and it is really difficult to fight!"

"Swinging your legs can bring up the wind, and the power can be imagined!"

Yanagawa observed while analyzing the situation at the scene.

Sasaki, who was chasing after the rear and running to a high place, and the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Regiment all watched intently from afar.

"Boss Jack is about to make a move, how long has it been since I seen this kind of scene?"

"That's right, I haven't seen Boss Jack personally make a move for a long time!"

"Even if it is dangerous, this picture must be seen with your own eyes!"

"Is that guy named Yanagawa really too big to think that if he wins Boss Sasaki, he will be able to fight with Boss Jack?"

Be careful when the last sentence comes out.

Even if his voice was suppressed, there were only a few people at the scene, and Sasaki still heard some clues.

Sasaki kicked out violently, kicking the little brother who had just ripped the skin and directly and flew out.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if he has been injured, his use of swordsmanship has been affected.

However, the top-level real fighting identity of Volley Wuzi still has a certain foundation.

If you want to taunt him, you still need to be mentally prepared and don't see if you will be attacked fiercely.

Other than that, Sasaki's concentration was all focused on the battle.

Yanagawa's top abilities are ghostly body style and speed.

This happens to be something that Jack is not good at, and it is still a positive contrast.

But to win the drought just by speed is really too much to look down on the name of the drought.

Being able to become famous for so long and repeatedly winning big wars.

Jack naturally has his natural abilities!

In the midst of everyone's gaze, Jack's huge elephant foot suddenly lifted up as he approached the range where Yanagawa was.

The speed of the rising momentum did not seem to be fast, but after determining the range, the speed of the elephant's foot falling suddenly increased several times.

"This guy was hiding his true speed from the beginning, and the speed just now was mediocre, and he deliberately showed it to me?"

"I thought that anger carried away his head, made him lose his tactical considerations at all, and now it seems that I underestimated the enemy!"

Yanagawa was moving while analyzing the situation at the moment.

Indeed, as he said, Jack's true ability is only now being revealed little by little.


The violent stepping earthquake struck a raging wave of air, and the ground broke inch by inch along the position of the elephant's foot bombardment.

The place where Jack stepped on it fell three or five meters underground, and a huge depression appeared.

In the moment of minutes and seconds, Yanagawa saw that the domineering color captured the time difference when he stepped on the ground.

Then, he took off into the air and narrowly avoided Jack's attack.

"Stinky boy, can you dodge my attack with a little speed advantage?"

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