Watching the power of the desert restraint gradually increase, Jack, who is mammoth-like, tries to struggle twice, but still does not keep falling.

It is indeed difficult to resist the force of sand.

"Sand crocodile, it does look like there are two strokes!"

After Jack tried unsuccessfully, he couldn't help but sigh.

For Klockdar, who had once wandered in the new world, Jack still had a certain impression.

Now I see it again, standing directly on the opposite side, this feeling is not felt by ordinary people.

It's just that for now, whether it is natural or not, Jack will not be afraid.

In the world of the strong.

The Devil Fruit is only an auxiliary prop, and whether a person is strong or not depends on his own cultivation and courage.

"Still getting bigger? What is this ready to do? "

"The heavier it is, the deeper it will fall, do you underestimate my quicksand coverage?"

Klockdar frowned and didn't understand what Jack was doing.

In the face of such a crisis, normal people may choose to find a way to break free.

After thinking about it, Jack chose to increase his physical strength and gravity.

Constantly expanding your own floor space is simply a possibility beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Yanagawa stared at Jack's every move.

He adjusted his breathing smoothly and went completely into a hunting state.

Yan Feng's long sword stood up in front of him, and the brown armed color domineering directly covered the sword body.

"No matter what he's planning, say hello with this new sword move!"

"The weight and precise length of the sword body are really exactly the same as I imagined."

"It is worthy of being a master, and he has the ability to do ingenuity!"

Liu Chuan said while sighing at Yan Feng's hand.

Chaokong used it for so long has always put his sword art at a non-optimal level.

Now, finally, there is a chance to really play.

If you encounter such a good whetstone, how can you easily lose the opportunity?

"What the hell is Boss Jack going to do? The natural Devil Fruit ability of Qibu Haiklokdar is indeed too difficult! "

"Isn't Klockdar a man from the World Government? Has he completely detached and is ready to follow Yanagawa? "

"Really followed Liu Chuan, there is nothing to blame, everyone has seen the power of the Red Flame Sword Hao with their own eyes."

Several pirates watching the battle did not understand the situation at all.

In his words, he was full of doubts about Jack's actions.

In this case, he was still doing something puzzling, and it was difficult to guess Jack's mind.

"Shut your mouth for me!"

"What Qiwu Haik Lockdar, Red Flame Sword Hao Flame Sword Hao!"

"All of them are not Jack's boss's opponents, and they are not at the same level at all."

"People who don't understand give me a good look, and the strength of Boss Jack is just beginning to show."

Sasaki scolded the younger brother behind him sharply.

The emotions in the words have been expressed very clearly.

A pirate little brother who had just been kicked away, and now the people watching the battle cherish this opportunity.

No one dared to say another word, and all stood behind Sasaki, nodding their heads repeatedly, expressing their agreement with Sasaki's thoughts.

But in fact, in the hearts of the younger brothers, Sasaki's image has plummeted.

Can Jianhao, who had an arm cut off, still be called Jianhao?

On the towering buildings not far away, except for the daring residents nearby.

There were also no less than ten desperate journalists.

"Today, this unknown commercial island is about to become famous!"

"Drought Jack, Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, Sand Crocodile Klockdar, all are famous big people, I can't imagine that I can shoot such a picture!"

"Indeed, even if you take your own life, you must leave photos and news!"

At the very edge of the crowd, an elderly reporter kept pressing the shutter.

In the shot, Jack's body continues to expand and grow.

It looks like it's more than a six-story building.

Standing in the midst of the ruins, it looks like a hill, which is very spectacular.

The sweaty Klockdar still didn't plan to give up just like that.

"Damn, how the hell is this guy going to swell!"

Klockdar pressed his hands to the ground, constantly increasing the expansion of quicksand.

In places that are not deserts, the ability to sand everything is used.

Even ordinary masonry and rubble will cause a large degree of consumption, which is undoubtedly a thing.

Now in order to do his job completely, Klockdar can be said to be very real.

The more he watched Jack's body get bigger, the more his quicksand range increased by one and a half times.

Otherwise, as long as Jack's one foot is up, he can smoothly step on the intact ground.

But he promised Yanagawa to do a good job of restricting action, how could he give up at this time?

As a result, things were still unexpected by the entire staff ...


Under Klockdar's horrified gaze.

Jack's elephant nose suddenly lengthened sharply and plunged into the intact ground more than twenty meters away.

The powerful blow directly smashed the ground and was deeply embedded in it.

"What? That's what he's really trying to do, right? "

"Abominable monster, he put it together!"

Klockdar's gaze was very fierce, and the sweat on his forehead fell.

As a result of their own consumption, even the bricks and tiles that may exert a little force are sandified.

As a result, Jack after the swelling of his body was actually to increase the length of his nose.

In just a few moments, Jack pulled his entire body out of the mud with the grip of the elephant nose.

While pulling out, the enlarged body returned to its semi-human state.

As an animal Devil Fruit ability, no matter which one, it will have three forms.

Humanoid, beast, orc!

Among them, the most suitable for fighting is the orc form.

When Jack retracted his elephant nose and took himself out completely, he appeared in the form of an orc.

It is enough to see that he has considered it in advance and is ready for the next battle.

"It's just a trick of carving insects, do you think this quicksand can limit me?"

"Don't make me laugh off my big teeth! How stupid! "

While Jack was about to land, he did not forget to say a confident mockery.


As soon as his voice fell, a figure appeared in front of him, it was the smiling Yanagawa.

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