"How is that possible? This kid's speed..."

Jack Muran was stunned in place, and the movement of stepping on the ground was half a beat slower.

When he was in action just now, he clearly determined the location of Yanagawa.

According to the actual situation, what Yanagawa said now cannot appear in front of him.

Why did the speed suddenly increase so much?

Could it be that at the beginning, this kid, like himself, was hiding his true speed?

This kind of thinking comes out of life, and it is inevitable that there will be a powerful misjudgment of one's opponent.

At the same time, even if it is only shocked for a moment, it will affect Jack's timely response time.

The sharp blade cut a silver flash, directly obscuring the realization.

Casually, a terrifying flame shrouded Jack's eyes.

Yan Feng's characteristics were completely released under the domineering influence of Liuying.

The powerful flame burning power displayed, even Yanagawa, who made a move, can feel it very realistically at close range.

"You stupid elephant, don't you know why I don't attack you when you fall into quicksand?"

"This is the time I am waiting for, so realize it early!"

Liu Chuan spoke indifferently, and immediately swung Yan Feng's long sword.

The reason why I chose to attack at this time is very simple.

Under the giant elephant state, the mammoth's strength and defense are at the apex.

Even if Klockdar restrained Yanagawa's hands and feet, there was no possibility of finding a gap.

As long as he makes his own move, Jack must be in the most cautious state.

At this time, it is impossible to give him a fatal blow.

At most, it is just a test to test Jack's defensive power, and in a complete state, whether he can block his own sword.

For Yanagawa, there is no meaning.

However, now it has returned to its orc form, which belongs to the form with the most balanced values.

Relatively speaking, the defense is not very strong.

So Yanagawa has been waiting when Jack was restrained, waiting for this moment to come.

Sure enough, in the face of Klockdahl's difficulty, Jack appeared conscious negligence.

Ignoring Yanagawa's possible reaction speed, he didn't expect him to keep up in time.


Klockdar, however, looked to the side without surprise and chanted a sentence in his mouth.

"Really, it made me wait so long."

"Well, such a lot of strength, just to give you a chance to perform, don't make a mistake!"

"You guy, if you dare to make a mistake, I will definitely not let you go!"

The words of encouragement, coming out of Klockdar's mouth, were so lethal.

In the roaring flames, the incomparably sharp sword qi hit Jack's body.


Jack, who had not yet landed, was directly carried out upside down by the flame sword qi.

Blood mixed with dust exploded in the air and on the ground.

Among the ruins that had been trampled on, a two-meter-wide ravine appeared.

With the center of the place where Yanagawa shot, the entire field began to shake violently.

As if it was an earthquake on the island, it shattered and fell to the ground with some suspended things.

The destruction of Jack before each other, the effect of this sword slash, is more concentrated and spread, and the destructive power can be imagined.

"How is that possible? How could he have such destructive power? "

Sasaki, who was not far away, felt sweat wet on his back and was completely dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

When I fought Yanagawa before, it was too short a time.

Where Yanagawa's true strength bottom line is, Sasaki actually does not know.

After seeing the situation in front of him, he felt palpitations for the first time.

A teenage imp who can knock Jack away with a single slash!

On the sea of the new world, there are still such little ghosts?

Such a terrifying thing, just thinking about it will make you feel shocked in your heart.

The more I think about it, the more powerless I feel in my heart.

Yanagawa is still so young.

If he doesn't die here today, his future will be brighter.

Sasaki broke off an arm, and it was almost impossible to catch up with Yanagawa.

"Boss Jack, you must kill this guy!"

Sasaki said through gritted teeth.

As a top real cadre with a proud heart.

Now he is pinning his hopes on his boss.

Sasaki felt humiliated from the bottom of his heart, but there was nothing better to do.

It was not only the pirates who were shocked, but also the navy who were ambushed in one place.

"Open, what a joke, Drought Jack was actually sent flying!"

"Aaaah! This is bad, are we all going to be miserable? Could it already be that the target is us? "

"Flames! Is it the Devil Fruit ability? What a magnificent blow! "

"Impossible, hasn't the Devil Fruit with the flame effect already appeared?"

"Could it be that the role of that special weapon does not look the same as the previous weapon!"

"It's terrifying, it's the first time I've seen such a terrifying side!"

Tough and invincible, Yanagawa conquered the navy in ambush on the scene with just one blow.

Major General Landorin was still wondering if he could take advantage of the ambush time and wait for an opportunity.

When the two sides fight until they lose their strength, they will bring people to appear again and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

This can both catch pirates and reduce unnecessary casualties.

Now it seems, the idea is completely wrong.

A combatant of his level, no matter what time he waited, it was a wrong decision to strike.

The battle in front of you is not a scene that you can intervene in.

All it takes is one move!

Yanagawa can easily drop a team in seconds.

At first, Major General Landorin was still doubting Yanagawa's strength.

I wonder if there is something wrong with his brain, so he will come out to face Jack at this time.

Now Landorin has understood that the person who really has a brain problem is himself.

"Major General, are we... Should it be withdrawn a little further? "

The adjutant crouched behind Landorin and said with careful analysis.

The current situation is so bad, if you don't react in time, I'm afraid that when you wait for the next moment to react, I'm afraid there will be trouble.

Without seeing Yanagawa's move, Landolin still knew how to refuse.

Now that he had seen it, he immediately waved his hand and ordered the naval soldiers behind him:

"All the members retreat carefully, retreat one hundred and fifty meters, do not enter their battle circle!"

"Remember not to scatter, this time to be more united!"

Landolin really didn't know what to say, she could only cheer up mentally.

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