After Yanagawa slashed with one blow, he did not rush to pursue.

Instead, he stayed where he was, carefully examining the effect of the blow he had just struck.

The shot just now was almost half of his strength in his ordinary state.

Compared to using the chaotic air to perform sword slashes, the effect is indeed doubled.

A weapon at hand can have such a big combat transformation.

This was something that Yanagawa had never expected, and he had never even thought that he could see such a picture before.

Klockdar landed beside Yanagawa and couldn't help but ask:

"Was it just an all-out blow? The effect is really perverted! "

"It seems that if I have the opportunity, I should also find a suitable weapon!"

When seeing such a scene, anyone will not be able to calm down.

Yanagawa smiled and said, "It's almost an ordinary power, I didn't expect it to have such an effect." "

Klockdar was instantly speechless.

Yanagawa almost choked on his words, and he didn't know how to respond.

Is normal chat bad?

Why is it that everything suddenly pretends to be!

When it was really caught off guard, it made people even more unbearable.

If you think about it this way, it seems that such an opportunity is Klockdar's own choice.

What do you do with such a sentence? Isn't this nothing to look for abuse?

"Forget it, it's too shocking to compete with you kid!"

"Even Drought Jack, under such an attack, it is impossible to ignore it, right?"

Klockdar stared at the end of the smoke, carefully perceiving.

Seeing the state of domineering start, I don't worry that Jack will suddenly rush out.

Judging from the blood mist that was just drawn, Jack was indeed injured!

Yanagawa shook his head, his expression not relaxed at all.

No one knows better than him how effective the attack he carried out is.

"It seems that this guy is still more powerful than I imagined."

"In extreme cases, you can still respond optimally."

"Hahaha, occasionally there are such people who make the challenge of adventure unstoppable!"

Yanagawa clenched his fists and stared at the tall figure slowly walking out of the smoke.

Jack, who maintains his orc form, has slightly different bones and skin except for some joints on his body.

It looks the same as usual.

The most obvious thing is his entire left shoulder and arm.

Completely surrounded by a thick layer of mammoth skin, as well as a solid exoskeleton.

Just by looking at this picture, you can see how terrifying it is.

"What a monster!"

"Under that attack, it is only the outer skin and exoskeleton that bleeds."

Klockdar remembered what he had just said, and suddenly felt a little slap in the face.

In fact, the attack just now did cause obvious wounds on Jack's body.

It's just that in a short period of time, the wound has entered a healing state in advance under the urging of the fruit's ability.

Animal lineage, no matter what kind of devil fruit.

Once you enter the awakened state, you will have a strong ability to recover.

Even if there are obvious scars on the body, they will already enter the state of recovery in advance under the protection of the Devil Fruit ability.

The current situation, as seen in front of the eyes.

Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters.

The awakening of the Devil Fruit ability is an undoubted thing.

It's no wonder that his stampede not only destroyed a building, but also caused a rapid drought around the building.

This is the best proof of the Devil Fruit's ability to enter the state of awakening.

Ordinary people really don't have such strength.

"It's just a monster to be fun, if you look at his eyes, you shouldn't look down on us like before!"

Yanagawa didn't feel nervous at all, but found it more interesting.

If your opponent is too weak, fighting is not fun.

The satisfaction he is looking for is to grow rapidly in the process of constant challenge.

"Leave it to me here, Lao Sha, you are still responsible for assisting me at critical moments."

"It's very difficult for me to kill him now, but there is a lot of hope to defeat him with you!"

Yanagawa did not have blind arrogance, understood the situation in front of him very well, and directly smoothed out his thoughts.

It is not his style to do things, and after thinking about everything clearly, it is the best strategy to judge the next step.

Klockdahl, after listening, did not refuse such an offer.

Instead, he said in approval: "Don't worry, the opportunity you want, I will create it myself!" "

Then, the old sand directly turned into a cloud of sand dust and disappeared beside Liu Chuan.

Yanagawa's entire attention was on Drought Jack.

At this moment, beside Jack, the sound of metal colliding continued to come out.

If you look closely, Jack at this time has two more specially shaped blades in his hand.

Schottel knife!

The special shape of this knife is a habit that many people cannot use.

Its lower body is a straight knife and its upper body is in the shape of a sickle.

It had been hanging around Jack's neck before, and it had never been taken down.

It seems that this time he is ready to take out his own weapons and fight Yanagawa one-on-one.

"It's been so many years, I haven't been injured for a long time."

"You kid can already be proud, dying in my hands is definitely your glory!"

"Don't you really like to use strange fire-breathing weapons? Let me cut it with my own hands! "

The sword just now made Jack more sane.

When looking at Yanagawa before, Jack always had preconceived notions.

I feel that with Yanagawa's seniority and age, he is not worthy of being his opponent at all.

Even if you add a Klockdar, you still can't turn over any storms.

Therefore, when shooting, it is inevitable that the enemy will be underestimated.

Because Yanagawa's charging blow really made Jack feel the pressure.

This level of attack has already threatened its own security.

Only then did Jack regain the ability to think calmly, and first probed where Yanagawa's limit was.

No matter how strong people are, they have the limit of destruction, and once found, the whole process will be very easy.

"Just with that thing in your hand, do you want to cut off my supreme fast knife?"

"Jack, you don't just look stupid, your head is really stupid!"

Yanagawa complained, not showing Jack mercy at all.

"The supreme fast knife? Shit! "

"You are not in the ranks of the supreme fast knife at all, do you think I have little knowledge?"

Jack retorted coldly, his unhappy emotions had accumulated to a certain point, ready to strike at any time.

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