Originally, Major General Landorin was also prepared to wait until both sides were defeated, so that he could attack.

As a result, after waiting for half a day, I actually waited for the news that the two sides wanted to cooperate together.

If such a thing is really done, won't all your plans be in vain?

Then the next situation will make Major General Landolin even more embarrassed.

Standing up is a beating situation.

Not standing up will damage the prestige of the Navy.

He is the one who is on the scene now, and the last thing he wants Yanagawa to agree to.

Kozaburō, who was hiding in the shadows, frowned after hearing this, sighed lightly and shook his head.

If Yanagawa is a patient brat, the best option now is undoubtedly to agree to Jack's request first.

Regardless of whether he really intends to attach himself to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group after that.

For at least three or five years, there are absolutely no drawbacks.

An entanglement between the country of Wano and the Great Black Carbon Serpent.

You can wait for Yanagawa to be full of wings before thinking about other things.

On the other hand, Yanagawa's character Kozaburo has already understood.

If he really covets a momentary state of comfort.

I won't be standing here now, and I won't be in front of Jack.

It is because of fearlessness that this decision is made.

When Jack asked the question, Kozaburo already had the answer in his heart.

Klockdar was also unmoved.

On the sidelines, I am always ready to start the next step.

Thinking with the back of his head, he knew how Yanagawa would be prepared to answer.

In fact, now Klockdar wants the battle to end quickly.

Because if it goes on and on.

I don't know how long I can hold on to my physical strength and perseverance.

He is not an animal Devil Fruit ability, and his consumption in every battle is very large.

Troublesome things one after another have made him bored and resistant.

"Yanagawa boy, I hope you will think carefully about whether you are willing to bear the consequences of not agreeing."

Looking at Yanagawa, who kept smiling, Jack added again.

No matter how it sounds, this sentence all seems like a deliberate threat.

"Oh? What are the consequences? "

"Are you going to tell me that you will kill me on the spot?"

Yanagawa spread out his palm, revealing a puzzled look.

Jack turned his wrist and said without leaving any room:

"Maybe it's going to be a very difficult process, but at the same time I'm sure of one thing."

"That's the limit of the two of you combined, if you continue to fight, I will point all the spearheads at you."

"If you can't win over a good partner, you must take advantage of the lack of getting up and directly abolish you!"

"Now that the opportunity is in your hands, how to choose, it's up to you!"

The matter was very blunt, and Jack did not hide anything.

Even the consequences were in his mind, and he did not add to it.

After all, that's what it is.

If we cannot cooperate, we may not avoid more trouble in the future.

It is better to start first, taking advantage of Yanagawa's current state, and quickly end everything.

"Gee, it's really a good threat."

"The conditions offered are tempting enough."

"Jack, there's something you need to figure out."

"It's not that you're not good enough to attract me to join."

"It's rather... My vision is too high! "

Yanagawa replied immediately.

When Klockdar heard this, he almost laughed on the spot.

Later, I thought about it, if I laughed on such a serious occasion, I seemed a little too heartless.

But at this time, the man who can still tell jokes casually, I am afraid that only Yanagawa is the only one.

Jack's face was extremely ugly now, and he was absolutely angry by Yanagawa's answer.

I opened my mouth full of confidence and hoped to get a good response.

I didn't expect to hear such content in the end.


The ground suddenly shook violently.

The huge two elephant legs once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

After Yanagawa's persistent ridicule, Jack has indeed reached the brink of rage.

If he refused positively, maybe Jack would not be so angry.

If Yanagawa refuses, he will refuse, and he has to use such a way that does not give face, so that people feel like they are slapped in the face when they listen to it.

"This path is your own choice!"

"Since you are not ready to stand on the same line as me, then it is up to me to personally eradicate you!"

Jack said fiercely.

This time it looks like a mammoth, but it actually comes after the appearance of fangs and elephant legs.

There are also many exoskeletons that come out with the release of defensiveness.

This is something that has never been seen in previous battles.

In addition to the skin, exoskeletons are stronger and more resilient.

Even a little feedback will be directly reflected in the battle.

Yanagawa picked up his spirits and felt the urge to start the war just in the second half.

However, he did hit Jack with Yan Feng just now.

There is no need to be nervous in the follow-up, because he still has a lot of sword tricks hidden and has not yet had time to use them one by one.

Not far away, in front of the temporary garrison of the Navy.

Landorin leaned over, concentrating on the situation in the distance.

Does such a widespread shake mean that negotiations have broken down?

Are the two sides going to start fighting?

While Major General Landorin was guessing, the signal soldier quickly ran to the front row and came to his side.

"Major General, Lord Major General!"

"If there is a contact call, please answer it in person."

The communicator held up a phone worm and said cautiously to Landorin.

Landolin was still thinking about judgment, and even more pondering what he was going to do next.

At this time, let him make any phone call with others, of course, he will be particularly irritable.

"Avoid here, you are responsible for the contact matter!"

"This is not the place where signal soldiers should appear, it is too dangerous!"

On the one hand, the time is out for the safety of the signal soldier, and on the other hand, I also hope to give him a little time to watch the next development.

"Report Major General, this time it is a telephone contact from the Great General Sakaski, he is not far from our location."

"Now it's up to you to approach the docking and communication, bother you!"

The communication soldier reported the situation truthfully, and what to do next was completely left to Landorin.

He is just a small communication soldier, naturally unable to decide anything.

"General Sakaski? How could he come to such a place? "

Landolin said in surprise.

With regard to the deployment of headquarters, he did not know now, only that reinforcements were coming.

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