I didn't expect that the reinforcements from the headquarters would be General Akainu!

If there is no special mission, the Red Dog General should not come to the New World.

It is also impossible that they knew the information in advance and rushed to the scene.

Even if he is a general, time is absolutely not allowed to do such a terrible thing.

Whatever the reason, Major General Landorin immediately grabbed the telephone worm's earpiece.

"Report to General Sakaski!"

"My Major General Landolin is currently at the scene of the battle between Red Flame Sword Hao and Drought Jack!"

"Please General Sakaski for instructions!"

Major General Landolin collected his irritability and said completely respectfully.

Previously trained at the headquarters of the Navy.

I once met Sakaski, who at that time was still a major general.

But the fiery temper is famous in the headquarters of the Navy.

Whoever dares to slack off in the execution of the task will be grabbed and severely reprimanded by him.

That's why Major General Landorin is so careful when he speaks.

Even the surrounding adjutants and soldiers were nervous as they listened.

I couldn't help but hold my breath, and I didn't dare to breathe.

"Landolin, how is the battle on the scene now?"

"Who has the upper hand? Is there a trend to end? "

Sakaski's words were very concise, directly asking the real situation.

Compared with other vague questions, Sakaski's question gave a good answer.

Yanagawa's words of refusal, Landorin did not hear at all.

The key is Jack's wooing just now, but he can hear it clearly.

Who would refuse such a good condition?

In modern times, it feels like a recent college graduate.

Tell you that the monthly salary is 30,000, including food and accommodation, and the promotion environment is the same.

Who would refuse such a perfect request?

I will definitely say yes at the first time!

So Major General Landorin, without fully understanding, answered directly:

"Senior General Sakaski, the situation on the scene is very serious."

"The ability of the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan is greatly beyond everyone's estimates."

"Drought Jack is also among the personnel who misjudged, and the two have now paused their offensive."

"Drought Jack is trying his best to woo the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, hoping that he can join the Hundred Beast Pirates!"

In words, Landorin completely described the dangerous atmosphere.

Just by virtue of the perception of language and the seriousness of the oral description, it is impossible to doubt.

Sakaski himself never imagined that things would slowly turn out like this.

It takes a few hours to get to the scene at the earliest.

If they all left early, their operation would have failed completely, even if they had not made progress.

"You guy, are you sure of your intelligence?"

"Could it be a misjudgment of the current situation?"

Sakaski couldn't figure out how Drought Jack could say such a thing.

Landolin wanted his intelligence to be closer to accuracy.

When Sakaski questioned, he looked back again.

The two sides began to maintain a certain distance, and neither had a tendency to attack.

Then, Landorin added:

"General Sakaski, I confirm that this is the case now, and Yanagawa seems to have a tendency to agree."

"If he agrees, maybe the battle will end immediately!"

Listening to such words, Sakaski's expression instantly became solemn.

This time, the Marshal of the Warring States of the Navy Headquarters gave a very profound death order.

Be sure to catch the Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa!

Even did not hesitate to let himself and Peach Rabbit and his group join forces!

On Peach Rabbit's ship, there are two elite vice admirals of the naval headquarters.

Such a high-level naval operation, if nothing is captured in the end, the red dog's heart is the first to care.

So no matter what happened, he would not allow the battle to end like that.

After that, it will be very difficult to find either Yanagawa and Drought Jack.

"No matter what method is used, drag reinforcements to the scene."

"Can't let the fight between them end like this, understand?"

Sakaski said seriously, not thinking about what was in front of him at all.

What the situation and conditions are, it has nothing to do with him.

All he cares about is the final result!

"Senior General Sakaski, with our current number and combat effectiveness, wants ..."

"I don't listen to any explanation!"

Major General Landorin also wants to make excuses to excuse his team.

But Sakaski interrupted him directly, eliminating all his thoughts.

In real combat, no one will listen to you explain what boring reasons.

As long as it is a fight, there will be a human sacrifice, which is a necessary means of upholding justice.

To finally destroy evil, then sacrifice a little people, without any mistakes.

In Sakaski's concept, his concept of justice has always been oriented to the right one, and there is no wrong choice.

Now that I say it, it must be such a result and effect.

"Yes, Senior General Sakaski, I see..."

After Landolin replied, the end of the phone hung up without thinking.

If the battle on the spot is delayed, you may not get a good result in the end, and you may even lose your life.

But disobey Sakaski's orders and do nothing.

At the end of the day, it is not necessarily better to have a vigorous fight.

"All ready!"

"If they end the fight, we will attack immediately!"

Landolin was heartbroken, ready to lose half of his life without dying.

The adjutants and soldiers under him all felt cold in their hearts when they heard this.

I thought this time it's over, it's absolutely over.

After watching the battle for half a day, how tough the two sides are, and the complete warriors are clear.

If it is your turn to strike, how can you have beaten it?

But the military order is like a mountain.

Once issued, there is only obedience.


Before they could take action, a violent sound exploded at the scene.

"Huh? What's going on? "

Landolin frowned, slowly sticking his head out with the help of cover.

An unexpected scene happened in front of my eyes.

It turned out to be the two who had already truce, and I don't know why, and the scene fought again.

This time, the momentum is obviously even greater than before.

"Scared me, I thought I really wanted us to carry it, it seems that I don't need it now!"

"Call the phone bug back immediately, I'll report to General Sakaski!"

Landorin even had a smile on his face, acting very relaxed.

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