Yanagawa's eyes lit up, and the exhaustion in his body suddenly disappeared a little.

"Coming, waiting is now!"

The battle that has been dripping water, everyone is not a god.

It is impossible to keep the state of seeing six ways and hearing all directions, and sooner or later loopholes will appear.

In the case of a battle between the strong, even the slightest loophole will be caught by the other party!

"Yanagawa, what are you waiting for!"

After Klockdar made sure that he had firmly grasped Jack, his hands suddenly sanded, blessing the restraining power of the sand.

As the circle of war continues to expand, the surrounding area of desertification becomes larger and larger.

Fortunately, after Jack's shot, an area will be followed by a drought scene due to the characteristics of mammoths.

In this way, Klockdar's shot will be better.

Otherwise, he would have persevered until now, and I am afraid that it would have been difficult to support it long ago.

There is a big difference between the comprehensive strength of His Majesty's Seven Wuhai and the sea thief who is close to one billion with a bounty.

Only by teaming up with Yanagawa can they bring each other closer.

Now, Klockdar completely agrees that Yanagawa's strength is far superior to his own.

Therefore, he willingly acted as Yanagawa's auxiliary role and insisted on fighting until now.

This responsibility to protect his teammates was all remembered by Yanagawa one by one.

Unexpectedly, a joke fooled Klockdar into teaming.

Now it can be exchanged for such trust.

Yanagawa was even moved to feel that after the events in Wano Country were over, he would really find out the design drawings of Hades.

Idle is idle anyway.

It has become a target of the world government and the headquarters of the navy.

Mastering a big killing weapon is not harmful to yourself, anyway, it is just for self-preservation, who will feel that they have more weapons?

Of course, these are all afterwords.

Right now is still the most important blow, and you must show it perfectly!

"It is worthy of being the Seven Martial Sea Sand Crocodile of His Majesty!"

"Such an opportunity, absolutely the best!"

Liu Chuan drank fiercely, and the Yan Feng long sword in his hand stood in front of him, and a murderous aura suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The fire of the sword body, which was more difficult to suppress than so many times before, burned fiercely.

No matter how many attacks, it is for a perfect curtain call.

By fighting against Jack, who is close to a billion bounty, Yanagawa finally knows where the limit of his current realm is.

"This trick has not yet been named..."

"The strongest slash I've used once before."

"In order to commemorate the chaotic sky, simply call the chaotic sky flame demon slash!"

When the words fell, a dazzling wave of burning red sword qi directly swept through Jack's restrained body.

The fierce fire wave sword qi, like a flame demon from the surface, directly covered Jack's face.

"How is that possible? It has reached this point, he actually has such spare strength? "

"I'm an ancient mammoth devil fruit ability, will my stored physical strength be lost to a teenage ghost?"

"What are you kidding? Are you kidding! "

Jack roared loudly, unable to understand why Yanagawa was so strong.

At this moment, Jack's mood was the same as when Sasaki's arm was cut off.

It was completely incomprehensible that appeared in front of him.

No matter how he struggled, Jack's physical strength has bottomed out, which is an indisputable fact.

Even if you want to break free from Klockdar's shackles, it is not something that can be done in a matter of seconds.

Even if it is done, it will not be faster than the sword qi and fire wave that has already been shot.

Under subconscious judgment, no one has any way except to protect himself with armed color domineering.

In the eyes of the little brother of the Hundred Beast Regiment who was fighting a hundred meters away, when he watched the fierce flame demon appear, the heart of the entire team was cold.

After so many hours of worry, in the end, he actually got such a killing result!

They thought that no matter who it was, it was impossible to persevere in the face of Shangyanagawa's slash.

"It's broken, it's broken, it's completely broken! Boss Sasaki, are we going to prepare to retreat? "

"This is how the title Red Flame Sword Hao came from, what kind of Devil Fruit ability is he? Why was it able to control such a powerful flame sword qi? "

"Now is not the time to say this, if Boss Jack is defeated, will we also be finished?"

"What are you talking about, Boss Jack will be fine, absolutely nothing!"

The focus of all eyes on the scene was on Sasaki's body.

Only Sasaki now said "Let's retreat quickly", and everyone will follow without hesitation.

There will definitely not be a single person who stays on the scene to die for the sake of so-called team spirit!

How can the guys who can't solve the drought of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group be dealt with by ordinary people?

In addition to the other two big Kanban who are more powerful than Jack, the only one left is the Beast King Kaido!

Don't say that the little brothers can't stand, Sasaki is panicked.

How did things come to the way they are?

At most, a few months ago, Yanagawa was still an unknown brat.

Still wandering in places like the East China Sea, I have never seen anything in the world.

What happened in just a few months?

To be able to awaken so quickly!

In Sasaki's worried and shocked gaze.

Jack's tall body was instantly ignited, connected with the bound sand, and flew into the ruins on the side.

The violent sound caused the entire island to shake.

From the beginning of the battle to the current performance, there has not been a single shot that can bring such a big movement.

This is definitely an unprecedented first!



At the island port.

A naval ship gradually approached the port.

Groups of naval soldiers ran down quickly.

Looking at their mental state and body shape, you can know that they are absolutely different from ordinary motley soldiers.

They are officially elite soldiers of the navy headquarters and are responsible for various urgent tasks.

The person who led the team at the moment was officially Sakaski.

After watching the Navy soldiers line up at great speed, he suddenly rose and fell, turned into hot magma, and appeared on the reef of the port.

Because it is close to here, Sakaski comes faster than Peach Rabbit.

It has been a few hours since the last call.

Whether the battle is over or not, Sakaski has no bottom at all.

In terms of time, if they reach a consistent agreement.

The strength of Landolin's team could not affect them too much at all.

Then the battle must have ended, so Sakaski himself did not hold out much hope.

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