Sakaski, who had been mentally prepared in advance, calmly looked at the captain who followed beside him.

With an understatement, he ordered, "You can contact that guy in Landolin and see if he is still alive." "

It was obviously his own order, directing Landorin to block things.

Now it is still coldly sold.

If you change to someone else's, the captain next to you may feel extremely disgusted or even speechless.

But Sakaski did this, in the eyes of the captain, it was so relaxed and free, everything was exceptionally normal.

If you follow Sakaski long enough, you will know his characteristics and habits.

Such a reaction is indeed the real red dog, he himself did such an indifferent thing.

The captain took out the phone worm and was just about to dial it.

A loud sound was heard directly on the island.

This was followed by violent shaking and the turbulence of the sea coming out of the harbor.

This is the aftermath of the battle!

Sakaski's pupils shrank, and his heart was very shocked.

Even if he knew in advance, it was the Red Flame Sword Hao that the Navy had been chasing, and Drought Jack, the top cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and the two of them were fighting.

But when I felt the strong fluctuations, I couldn't help but be shocked in my heart.

What kind of existence is it?

It was able to burst out with such power!

It was not Sakaski who was responsible for hunting down Yanagawa.

Therefore, some basic information of Liu Chuan, he gradually understood in the intelligence.

Even if Yanagawa defeated Doflamingo, Sakaski still didn't think much of him.

A bounty of 740 million, Sakaski even objected.

He felt that the headquarters of the Navy was advocating a new offshore pirate.

For the outside world, it is not too good news.

But what decision did the Marshal of the Warring States make, he simply did not pay attention to the reactions of those around him.

Sengoku has his own considerations, which Sakaski will not say much.

This time he and Peach Rabbit acted together.

Such news made Sakaski still have some resentment in his heart.

Tricky scenes, I don't know how many times I have encountered them.

It has not been said which time it was to cooperate with others to solve a difficult opponent.

Once when Sakaski was at his crazest, a man chased the so-called sea pirates in the New World.

Even if it is a stop, those guys have to consider whether they will be caught up by Sakaski's speed.

Just simply facing the Hundred Beast Pirate Drought Jack, Sakaski's ability does not need to be feared at all.

Now for the sake of a teenage kid, let him act with two lieutenant generals.

Even on the way here, Sakaski felt that the Marshal of the Warring States was making a fuss, and there was no point at all.

After feeling the shock this time, he really completely changed his mind.

One move.

It caused a shake throughout the island.

This is a commercial island, and it's definitely not small.

The destructive power alone can be deduced, and the ability to strike both sides is absolutely enough to destroy the entire island.

Then, when Sakaski recovered from the shock.

A sharp flame shot straight into the sky, completely illuminating the direction of the location.

Sakaski has already turned on the domineering and sleuthering every move in a large area.

Although it is not like the heart net, the whole content of the island is expected.

But the scene of the rushing crowd and the panicked sideways dodge was still seen by Sakaski.

The battle is not over yet!

Perhaps, the current blow may be the real end!

It seems that he was not late, at least caught up with the tail of the battle.

If you really don't care, you may really miss the end moment now.

"All of you follow, hurry to where the flames are coming out!"

"No unauthorized actions are allowed without my orders."

"Find a safe place to hide first, and listen to my command at any time!"

As Sakaski spoke, he turned into a magma light and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

If you wait for the large army to arrive at the scene together, I am afraid that the yellow cauliflower will be cold.

Race against time to get back, maybe you can still reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Yes, Senior General Sakaski, we..."

The captain was about to agree, only to feel the light of lava in front of him.

There was simply no time to say anything, everything was over.


The captain couldn't help but chant, and the expression on his face was unusually ugly.

I also came to the island of war when I was filled with fuel.

But the determination of small characters seems to be worth nothing in the eyes of big people.

Under completely neglected conditions, he could only follow Sakaski's orders.

About ten minutes later.

A hundred miles away Sakaski directly acrossed.

Came to the place where the fire burned.

If you look closely, there are not many combustibles around, and it is completely the effect of igniting rocks and wood chips.

It's not easy to set it all on fire.

The difficulty is completely imaginable!

Around the remaining small flames, a group of pirates, who did not look very powerful, were clashing with naval soldiers.

The leader of the navy was none other than the Landolin that Sakaski had seen before.

The hot magma spilled over, overwhelming the sky, and there was no sign at all.

It's just a few ordinary pirates, of course, it is impossible to dodge Sakaski's shot.

Only Sasaki, who had broken one arm in the crowd, foresaw the approach of the crisis and staggered one step ahead of time.

Even so, it was swept by the magma and rolled out several meters in a row.

"Magma? How did magma appear at this time? It hurts! "

"Damn it! Could it be him? "

Sasaki raised his head, holding back the horror in his heart.

In addition to himself, the other junior brothers didn't even have time to cry, and they all fell to the ground in unison.

"Sa, General Sakaski!"

"You are finally here, Senior General Sakaski... The battle between Red Flame Sword Hao Yanagawa and Drought Jack has just ended! "

When Landorin saw Sakaski, he finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It felt like a big stone was unloaded, and while finally saving his life, he basically completed the task.

Sakaski looked at the huge body on the ground, the scorched black everywhere, and there were many obvious wounds.

But his chest was still rising and falling evenly, and it was clear that he was not dead.

After so many years of wandering in the New World, Sakaski recognized each other at a glance.

Exactly Drought Jack!

I can't imagine that a character as strong as Drought Jack will have such a day!

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