Whitebeard has a well-established intelligence network in the Pirates and everywhere in the New World.

This information is aggregated daily and recorded directly into the hands of the intelligence captain.

Subsequently, important information was reported to Marko in advance.

After that, Marko told Whitebeard, asked what Whitebeard meant, and saw what everyone should do.

Other words.

The information that can reach Whitebeard's side must be a very important figure.

The fact that Yanagawa intelligence can appear already explains his current location and popularity.

Whitebeard put down the wine gourd, stared at Marco with deep eyes, and said:

"It seems that a very powerful little ghost has come to the new world?"

"Even Jack's kid can't stop it, it's really a small person."

"Go find someone to contact him and see if you want to join us."

"Anyway, he doesn't have his own power now, right?"

Whitebeard's words seemed to be careless.

But listening to everyone's ears, they were all taken aback.

It's just a kid who has just debuted in the new world, and his father actually said the words to woo and join.

Back then, when they joined.

But I don't know how many years I have been wandering in the new world and how much suffering I have suffered.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, sure enough, geniuses have special care, if their abilities can be genius, they will not fall to the current point.

What is really strong is not Yanagawa's current comprehensive strength.

But at a young age, he has unlimited potential for the future.

Everyone present knows this, so they will naturally respect Daddy's decision.

"Okay, I'll go find someone who feels comfortable to do it."

"Dad, this is the first time since the captain of Team Six to see such interest."

"Directly wanted to let a brat join us, and after only hearing about his intelligence once!"

"It's really rare, and it makes me feel strange to see it rarely!"

Marko never skipped jokes between himself and his dad.

When it's time to say it, you can say it at any time.

And this time daddy did not do the same as usual, Marko had a little doubt.

It was all expected by everyone, because their hearts were full of questions.

"After the captain of the sixth team, it has been a long time since anyone joined."

"The other teams are filled with a lot of people every year."

"I think our family should be expanded further."

"And... Marko, are you kid ruling my decisions now? "

Whitebeard said to Marko with rare reason, either coming up or scolding.

"Hahaha, Captain Marko, do you want to take care of Daddy directly? It's really powerful! "

"Although you are the captain of our first team, this time I am on Daddy's side!"

"How do you speak? Is daddy still missing a human team? Should I ask who will help our poor captain of the first team? "

"Yes, Mr. Immortal Bird, isn't it very good that you haven't been beaten by your father?"

As soon as they heard the laughter and scolding of the whitebeard, they all shouted with coaxing.

Such a scene is completely an everyday phenomenon in the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is very common to say.

Marko has long been surprised, after all, he is one of the biggest objects of ridicule.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the strength of comprehensive combat effectiveness, the key is because Marko's face is thick enough.

No matter what people around him ridicule, he can directly ignore it and continue to do his own thing.

"Cut, a bunch of ignorant guys!"

"Dad, the position of captain of the second team is still vacant."

"Do you want to make this a condition of the invitation? I think if the conditions are low, such an arrogant brat will definitely not take care of it. "

"It's just an empty word, it's better to have some actual action!"

Compared to the arbitrariness of others, every time Marko thinks about things, he always has his own rational perspective.

Today's Ace has not yet appeared in the New World, and naturally has not joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates of this period did lack a second team leader.

But this position just by listening to the name, you know how loud.

In the Whitebeard team, in addition to Whitebeard and Marko, he directly sat in the third position.

Even if it is a strong newcomer, it seems that this way of pulling is a little too expressive.

For a while, many people's eyes turned to Marko, as if asking whether it was appropriate for Marko to do so.

If it doesn't work, no one on site has come up with a better way.

Marko saw the questioning performance of everyone, and he showed himself very easily.

"What are your expressions? Or the blind thinking of the world of sea pirates? "

"Those who have strength deserve a better position."

"If that kid is willing at that time, you can challenge the captain of the second team at any time."

"If you can win it, there will be no problem if you leave the position to you."

Marko didn't need to ask Whitebeard's opinion on this kind of thing.

His statement is absolutely authoritative, and no one can ignore it, let alone deny Marko's status.

Whitebeard didn't say anything to hit Marko from beginning to end, which shows how much Whitebeard trusts Marko.

Then Marko's judgment is naturally in line with Whitebeard's wishes.

At any time, the only person who can really guess what Whitebeard is thinking is Marko.

"Very well, Marko, just do what you want."

"Knock and knock that kid by the way, if you refuse, what serious consequences will be."

"Have you had any other tasks lately?" Was the last turf negotiation completed? "

Whitebeard didn't have any rebuttal, but instead pulled Marko to suddenly chat.

Marko immediately replied, "Dad, how can this kind of thing drag on for too long? The matter of turf negotiations has been completed. "

"At present, there really is no special mission, do you want me to go there in person?"

From the look in Whitebeard's eyes, Marko understood what he meant.

It seems that this time it is not only Marko who cares about it, Whitebeard has indeed moved the idea of being under his command.

He said to Marko with concern: "If others do this, they are likely to screw it up." "

"So leave this matter to you to do, within a month, there must be a result."

"I won't give you any more time, as my captain, your stupid son's mission time must be shorter!"

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