Just when the Whitebeard Pirates were thinking of wooing Yanagawa, the other forces of the New World also had their own ideas.

All Nations - Cake Island.

At this time, the core team of the Aunt Pirates gathered.

Inside the cake castle, Aunt Charlotte Lingling sat on the wide sofa and looked at the latest intelligence with a strange smile.

"Hee-hee-hee... Red Flame Jianhao, this kid did a good job, he actually killed Kaido's Jack kid..."

Saying that, Charlotte Lingling fell into deep thought.

The new world has not ushered in such a dazzling new star for a long time, and he is still a lone ranger, if he can recruit his command, the strength of the Aunt Pirate Group will be greatly enhanced.

At present, the sphere of influence of all nations in the New World has almost reached its limit, and it is impossible to continue to expand with the current strength of the Aunt Pirates.

But if you can have Liu Chuan joining, it will be different, not to mention the endless potential of Red Flame Sword Hao, it is said that the current strength is enough to help the Aunt Pirate Group take more sea areas.

More sea area means more resources, if there is a breakthrough at this time, the strength of the Aunt Pirate Group will definitely improve again.

Thinking about it like this, Charlotte Lingling suddenly became inevitable for Liu Chuan, and became serious from the original lively mentality, thinking about the possibility of recruiting Liu Chuan in.

Perospero heard Auntie's voice and apparently thought of this as well.

His brain was much smarter than Charlotte's, and he figured out the key with a turn of his eyes.

Peros Pero did not wait for Charlotte Lingling to recover from her contemplation, picked up the delicate cane in her hand and gently tapped the ground, attracting the attention of Auntie.

Seeing the aunt's gaze towards him, Perospero elegantly took off his hat and saluted, and said with a smile: "Mom, let's recruit Chiyan Jianhao into the family and give him the position of deputy captain, presumably he can't refuse this proposal." "

He thought very simply, the Aunt Pirates were not much stronger among the four emperors, at most on an equal footing with Kaido.

The intelligence said that Yanagawa refused Kaido's solicitation, and since Yanagawa could not see the position of the big kanban, it was given more power and status.

As long as there are enough interests to tempt, I am not afraid that he will not be moved.

The aunt was slightly startled when she heard her eldest son's proposal, and her eyes drifted slightly, as if she was considering whether it was worth taking the position of deputy captain to fight for a fledgling little guy.

Looking at her serious thinking, it seems that she is a little moved.

Just as Aunt was wandering, Katakuri stood up.

He stared at Perospero sharply, turned to look at his aunt and said lightly: "Red Flame Sword Hao does have great potential, but if it is the position of deputy captain, I'm afraid he can't do it yet, right?" "

Without waiting for Aunt to answer, Perospero took the initiative to answer: "Yes, you are right, with his current strength, of course, he is not qualified for the position of deputy captain of Auntie's Pirate Group." "

Seeing that Aunt and Katakuri's gaze shifted to him, Perospero paused, coughed and continued: "But how old is he now, so young that he can not fall behind in the confrontation with Jack, one of the three plagues, if it is another two years, I am afraid that even Katakuri you may not be able to beat him, right?" "

Katakuri was a little upset in his heart to let a little devil sit on his head, but listening to Perospero say this, he also felt that there was some sense.

But he was still unwilling to let an outsider get involved in the forces within the family, let alone the status of the deputy captain, which was unacceptable to Katakuri.

Just before Katakuri could show his attitude, he listened to Perospero turn his head to look at his aunt and continue to persuade.

"Now Chiyan Jianhao has not grown up, now is the best time to recruit him, if his strength is stronger, I am afraid that he will not be able to look at our pirate group."

"Mom, the reason for your hesitation is nothing more than not wanting to let an outsider into our family, but mom, you think, Yanagawa is only fifteen years old now, and his mind may not be so mature, if he can cultivate it, it is not impossible to give him the surname Charlotte."

The biggest feature of the Aunt Pirates is that they are a family-owned enterprise composed of Auntie's children, and the strong intervention of external forces may affect the balance within the Pirates.

But this is not a big problem, Perospero found the direction of the game accurately.

His proposal made Charlotte Lingling's heart move, and her eyes swirled around the others.

At the same time, even Katakuri began to falter.

He objected before just because he didn't want outsiders to join the collective, and he didn't want the internal structure of the family to become unstable, but if he could make Red Flame Sword Hao surnamed Charlotte, then everything would not be a problem.

The family has never been supported by blood, relying on internal centripetal force, as long as the visitor is willing to admit that he is a member of the family, then there is nothing unacceptable.

Noticing Katakuri's attitude, Auntie nodded secretly and turned to look at the others.

Smoogie was sitting in his chair and tasting the wine elegantly, looking like he didn't care about himself.

The Klee rack is also self-conscious of playing with the cookies in his hand, and there is no problem with this.

Seeing this, Charlotte Lingling knew that this matter was feasible.

"So... The matter is so decided, just take the position of deputy captain to recruit Red Flame Sword Hao..."

Halfway through the words, Charlotte Lingling paused and looked at several of her subordinates.

Although the decision has been made, there are still some problems in the actual operation.

For example, the aunt hesitates to leave this matter to who is better to do.

If it's an ordinary person, just call someone over.

But Chiyan Jianhao is a super newcomer known as a monster, and his own strength is enough to compete with ordinary three-general stars.

If someone with too low status is sent over, it may cause him disgust and backfire.

But if you send three generals, with their personalities, you may have a conflict with him.

Auntie hesitated between Perospero and Katakuri for a while, and finally chose to let Katakuri pass.

After hesitating for a moment, the aunt said: "Let's leave this matter to Katakuri, it's best if you can draw the Red Flame Sword Hao to our family, if not... Katakuri: You should see what I mean. "

Charlotte Lingling's gaze flashed with a gloomy coldness, and the gaze that looked at Katakuri seemed to point to something.

Katakuri nodded and accepted the task without much hesitation.

"Okay mom, I see what you mean."

If this super newcomer can't be recruited, the best way to deal with it is to get rid of him before his wings are full.

The New World is big, and at the same time the New World is small.

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