It is enough to have four emperors on the sea, there is no place for a fifth emperor.

It is precisely because of this that Charlotte Lingling will send the strongest Katakuri over.

In other words, Perospero, although the success rate of recruitment will be much higher, but there is not enough strength to kill the other party.

But it's different if it's Katakuri, although Katakuri's personality is a little stiff and not suitable for being a lobbyist, but at least he has the strength to kill the Red Flame Sword Hao, and Aunt knows this very well.

Perospero stood aside laughing and silent, he had no opinion about Auntie's decision.

He could easily see through the potential of the Red Flame Sword Hao, and naturally knew that allowing this monster to continue to grow would become a huge threat sooner or later.

Looking at the back of Katakuri's departure, Perospero said in his heart: "I just hope you can get acquainted with each other, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless." "


Meanwhile, in an unknown town in the New World, a group of pirates gather in the grass for a lively drinking party.

The atmosphere of the banquet was so harmonious that the local townspeople frequently looked at them when they passed by, wanting to see which group of pirates was so enthusiastic.

But when they recognized the identity of this group, their faces changed drastically, and they directly turned away.

This group of people is none other than the youngest force among the four emperors, the red-haired pirates.

Noticing the townspeople's gazes, Shanks raised a glass to the townspeople, grinned and exclaimed enthusiastically, "Interested in a drink, brother?" "

Hearing Shanks' invitation, instead of feeling honored, the townspeople broke out in a cold sweat.

I listened to the thin middle-aged man check the cold sweat on his forehead, and said in a hushed voice: "No... No, at home... There are still things at home, and I am in a hurry to go back. "

After that, as if there were monsters chasing behind him, the townspeople turned around and ran away without looking back.

What kind of joke, this is the super pirate known as the Four Emperors, and it is the most murderous group of pirates.

Seeing that they didn't go around the road, even if he was bold, where did he have the courage to talk and laugh with the Four Emperors.

Shanks looked at the back of the townspeople fleeing with an embarrassed face, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and his hands were frozen in the air for half a day without moving.

I just wanted to invite him for a drink, so scared...

Seeing this scene, Jesus covered his mouth and snickered, "Look how you frightened him, how can you invite people to the banquet in vain, Shanks." "

Jesus' words attracted everyone's attention, and they all noticed Shanks' predicament and laughed together.

Looking at their happy appearance, what kind of pirates, it is better to say that a group of people come out to play and amuse is more similar to youth.

Ignoring the murder weapons they carried, it really didn't tell that there was anything cruel about them.

However, this group of optimists is the most powerful superpower in the New World.

And all thanks to Shanks' infectious power, they are happy and free sea boys.

After this small episode, the atmosphere of the banquet became even more enthusiastic.

Almost everyone's faces were full of bright smiles, joking and joking with each other, and the atmosphere of the banquet reached a climax in an instant.

However, there was one of them who had a cold face from beginning to end.

In the warm atmosphere, it seems that he has not been affected in the slightest, but he just drinks and eats meat by himself.

If someone familiar with the high-level of the pirate is present, you must be able to recognize the identity of this person at a glance.

He is not a member of the red-haired gang, but has another name, he is known as the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye - Jorakor Mihawk.

It stands to reason that Qiwuhai and the Four Emperors should not have much intersection, after all, Qiwuhai is theoretically a person of the world government, and the Four Emperors are real pirates, and the two are not forces in the same camp.

However, in fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon, Qi Wuhai is still a pirate in the end, and he does not regard himself as the enemy of the pirate at all.

It's the same pattern of getting along between Kaido and Doflamingo, and between Yanagawa and Klockdar, nothing to fuss about.

What's more, Hawkeye Mihawk and Red-Haired Shanks' personal trainers are very good, the two are very good friends, and it is normal for them to mingle together.

It's just that Hawkeye's personality is really out of place among these enthusiastic pirates, and he can't fit in at all.

Hawkeye drank to himself, filled his wine glass, and drank it all at once.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, his amber eyes looked at the red-haired man in front of him, and Hawkeye said with a serious face: "So... Is that little devil named Chiyan Jianhao really that strong? Already have the strength to challenge you and me? "

At this time, Shanks had just touched a cup with Lachilu, heard Hawkeye's cold voice, the corners of his mouth stiffened slightly, and slowly turned his head to look at him.

"I said you can't just take a look at the atmosphere around you? Now all we have to do is drink, eat meat, brag and fart, instead of discussing these things, you are too boring, don't say it's my friend when you go out in the future. "

Shanks complained dissatisfied, not wanting to answer Hawkeye's question at all, but looking at his serious and serious gaze, he finally couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"Forget it, who made me unlucky to be friends with you? Let me tell you a little bit about it. "

Saying that, Shanks waved his hand to refuse the wine cup handed over by Jesus, leaned back slightly, supported his entire body with one arm, sat leisurely on the grass, and slowly talked to his friend about the information he had obtained in the past few days.

Hawkeye listened carefully, and when he heard Red Flame Sword Hao challenge Jack and defeat Jack, his brows furrowed slightly.

"In other words, this little ghost's strength can already compete with Jesus, right?" Hawkeye pinched his chin in thought, he became a little interested in Yanagawa.

If this is the case, this little devil named Red Flame Sword Hao already has the strength to challenge himself.

It had been too many years since he saw a decent sword hao, and Yanagawa's appearance made Hawkeye a little excited.

But as soon as these words came out, they attracted the dissatisfaction of Jesus.

Jesus squinted at the two and said dissatisfied: "Hey, you say that things are going to be done, why do you want to compare me?" Eat enough to hold on. "

Comparing him with Red Flame Sword Hao, Jesus Bu didn't have much opinion.

The sea respects the strong, no matter how old the strong person is, as long as he has strength, he is worthy of respect.

What really displeased Jesus was Hawkeye's tone, a condescending look, as if he didn't put him in his eyes.

Although it is true that he cannot beat Hawkeye, this is an indisputable fact.

But he is also a senior cadre of the red-haired pirate group, and it is too faceless to say it so directly.

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