Didn't he Jesus want face?

Jesus hummed disgruntled and joined the feast again.

Well, he really doesn't want face.

Seeing this, Shanks and Hawkeye looked at each other, stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other and smiled.

Hawkeye and the Red-Haired Pirates were closer than expected, and the unintentional verbal offense did not provoke conflict.

The small episode did not disrupt the conversation between the two, and Hawkeye muttered, "You said... Red Flame Sword Hao disappeared after defeating Jack on Flexkalin Island, right? "

Shanks nodded with interest, "Yes, that's right, no one knows where he went." "

"This way..." Hawkeye touched his chin and pondered for a moment, and stood up from the grass, "Then I'll go and look for it, I haven't seen the newcomer Jianhao for a long time, and I have nothing to do lately to see the color of the super newcomer." "

Seeing that Hawkeye was about to leave on the spot, Shanks was a little anxious, and hurriedly retained: "Hey, there's no need to be in such a hurry, it's better to wait until the banquet is over before leaving." "

I finally met once, and when I heard the rumors of the newcomer, I left without taking two sips of wine, and this friend was really good enough.

Hearing this, Hawkeye's footsteps paused and glanced back at his friend.

"No, I am more looking forward to seeing the sword qi of the Red Flame Sword Hao than your wine."

After speaking, Hawkeye's figure disappeared into the night.

Shanks looked at his friend's departing figure and pouted dissatisfied.

"What... Obviously he came to me for a drink, but he just left, which was not interesting at all. "

However, he was also quite interested in the Red Flame Sword Hao, just enough for Hawkeye to test the strength and character of this person.

If both aspects are suitable, it is not impossible to leave a place for him on the Redfords.

The redhead's gaze was fixed on the deep night and contemplative for a long time, until his companion beckoned him to drink with him before waking up from his deep contemplation and joining the party.


When Yanagawa woke up again, it was already daylight the next day.

Yanagawa opened his eyes in confusion, just about to yawn and stretch.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Klockdar pouting. The thighs lie on the ground and keep swaying to the rhythm of their breathing.

Yanagawa was stunned for a moment, and did not hold back a snort and spewed out.

"Hahahaha... Is this performing comedy, this is also too funny, hahaha..."

One hand kept pounding on the smooth deck, and Yanagawa laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

One of the famous Seven Martial Seas, the king of the desert, Klockdar, actually slept in this position, which made those pirates see this scene, and it is estimated that even their teeth laughed off.

Perhaps the movement made by Yanagawa was too great, and Klockdar's body stopped slightly.

Seeing this, Liu Chuan quickly made a positive appearance and made a well-behaved pretend.

While Klockdar had not yet woken up, he looked around, and saw that the agents on the ship wanted to laugh and did not dare to laugh, and couldn't help but laugh again.


Hearing the disturbing movement, Klockdar finally woke up from his slumber.

In the previous battle, he had endured both mental and physical pressure, and it was not easy to support the ship and pass out.

Now that he was woken up, Klockdar only felt an evil fire rising in his heart, and wanted to open his eyes to see who this guy who didn't have long eyes was.

Then, he saw Yanagawa laughing out of breath on the street, and he was suddenly a little confused.

"What's going on, why are you suddenly laughing like this?"

Klockdar looked confused, and he hadn't figured out what the situation was.

He had seen Yanagawa make such an exaggerated expression in the past, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

But Klockdar soon came to his senses, and he found his awkward posture.

"Lying groove, I actually fell asleep on my knees, still in such a shameful position, eh! ......"

Klockdar noticed the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly got up from the ground.

But he knelt for a day and a night, his feet were already numb, and he fell to the ground with a stomp.

Seeing this, Yanagawa laughed even more exaggeratedly, not only tears, but even snot was about to come out.

"You... You...... Don't you make me laugh anymore, do you want to laugh at me? "

It's not that his laughter is too low, but he can't help but see Klockdar's unlucky appearance.

The contrast between him and his usual majesty and calm is too great, who can bear this.

Klockdar was annoyed and glared at Yanagawa fiercely, just about to say two cruel words to shut him up, but before he could open his mouth, he spewed out.

"Hahahaha... You are also embarrassed to laugh at me, and do not look at your own appearance. "

Klockdar broke the gong on the spot, just like Yanagawa, one finger pointed at Yanagawa and laughed, and tears oozed out of the corners of his eyes.

That exaggerated look was definitely not pretended, and Yanagawa only looked at it twice and realized that something was wrong.

"What's wrong with me? Am I embarrassed too? "

Liu Chuan reacted immediately, and his smile froze on the spot and he quickly looked down to check his status.

But except for the slight redness of my arms because I was pressed under me for a long time, I didn't see anything wrong.

Yanagawa looked up sharply and saw that Klockdar was still laughing, vaguely knowing what the problem was.

Without waiting for others to remind him, Yanagawa swooped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

At a glance, Yanagawa only felt a burst of blackness in front of him.

It turned out that he was no better, the skin on his cheeks was flushed for a while, and some of them were frozen there, and his expression was very unnatural.

And the hair too, a mess, like a homeless man.

If he hadn't clearly remembered how he had passed out yesterday, Yanagawa couldn't help but think that he had rolled back in the street.

No wonder when I laughed before, I felt that there was something wrong with the muscles on my face, it turned out to be pressed by the body.

It's just laughing at others.

Fifty steps laughed a hundred steps, and both himself and Klockdar were laughed at by the people on the ship.

Yanagawa's face turned black directly, and he couldn't wait to beat the floor a few times to vent the embarrassment in his heart.

"It's a shame, it's good to see that there are only a few people, otherwise this would not be alive." Yanagawa wanted to cry without tears and whispered, he really regretted not combing his image in the first place.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to laugh at Klockdar at that time, maybe others wouldn't be able to see his own embarrassment, which was really unlucky.

Just when Yanagawa was crying and looking frustrated, Klockdar walked in with a black face, and seeing Klockdar's expression, Yanagawa understood that he was sober up and knew that he was embarrassed.

Seeing his appearance, Yanagawa's mood suddenly improved a lot.

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