Klockdar glanced up at Waitibé and nodded at her as a greeting.

Then he gave instructions for the ship to sail out of port.

In this way, two sailing ships, one large and one small, set off from the harbor of Kurek and headed towards the country of peace.


Before I knew it, more than ten days had passed, and there was not much left to travel away from Wano Country.

If the voyage goes smoothly, it is expected that it will take another ten days to reach Wano Country.

On deck, Klockdar took advantage of Yanagawa's break to discuss with him the plans for the voyage.

Hearing Klockdar's inquiry, Yanagawa was stunned for a moment, wiped the sweat condensed on his forehead and asked, "Plan?" What plan? I don't know what the plan is? "

This trip to the country of Wano is mainly to completely solve the problem of the black carbon snake, and there is no plan at all.

Everything depends on the opportunity, and if you encounter a problem, you still have to see the reaction on the spot.

Where to plan in the case of a serious lack of intelligence, the follow-up is still received by Kazuno Country before knowing what to do.

Hearing this answer, Klockdar covered his face with his hands and said helplessly: "So... Do you just have general ideas, no exact purpose? "

Yanagawa poured himself a glass of water, took a sip and said: "There is still a goal, but I haven't thought of the means to achieve the end for the time being." "

"So can you tell me what your purpose is? At least let me know what you're going to do, right? Klockdar was speechless for a while, he took his life to accompany the boy, and the boy was still dripping water, refusing to say what he was going to do.

This time, Liu Chuan did not hesitate much and said it directly.

"Actually, I just want to teach the general of Wano Country a little lesson, so that he doesn't dare to provoke me again, and it's not right to say that it's the purpose, in short, that's the thing."

These words were cloudy, and Klockdar was even more confused, "What do you want to say?" "

"Anyway, it's just to teach a guy with a black charcoal snake some lessons, if you can, it's better to simply kill him, that's probably it, you know." Yanagawa said with impatience on his face.

The details of this matter are not impossible to tell Klockdar, I am afraid that if I have a vendetta with this guy in the future, I will not be able to find trouble with Koshiro.

Yanagawa still has a good impression of Klockdar, and if something goes wrong at that time, he will not be a person inside and out.

It's better to just fool the past, so as not to have problems in the future.

In the end, he had impure motives at the beginning and tricked Klockdar into a thief's ship.

Now it's good, my own revenge has been repaid, and as a result, this lie can't be rounded up now.

If only the two were still as close as before, who knew that after experiencing so many storms together, they began to feel a little sorry for each other, which was really the worst situation.

The thought that the lies about Hades would break sooner or later, Yanagawa felt a headache.

At that time, I really don't know how to finish it, and it is estimated that by then Klockdar will even have the heart to kill himself.

Anyway, it's not yet to that point, so let's continue to fool around for now.

Maybe after experiencing more things, Klockdar forgot that Hades is not necessarily, anyway, take one step and look at it and it's over.

Poured himself two more glasses of juice to replenish some water and nutrients, and seeing that Klockdar had the intention of pursuing it, Yanagawa hurriedly avoided it.

"I still have to cultivate here, what is there to talk about when I rest next time, anyway, this time to go to the country of Wano will not be too much trouble, my purpose is to go to the country of Wano general, not the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, you can just know this."

After saying that, Yanagawa ran to the front of the deck and began to dance the sword, afraid that Klockdar would catch up and continue to ask.

Seeing this, Klockdar didn't understand what the teenager was running away from, but it was Yanagawa's adolescence that had arrived, and he had a rebellious mentality and didn't take it seriously.

If Yanagawa knew Klockdar's thoughts, it was estimated that he would have spewed out on the spot.

God's special puberty has arrived, is it a person who has experienced puberty once, understand?

The matter in front of him bothered Yanagawa a lot, but fortunately, wielding his sword could guide his mind into the mysterious realm.

After cultivating for a few minutes, Yanagawa's entire mind was immersed in the wonderful feeling of wielding a sword, forgetting the troubles of reality.

The sea breeze blew gently, blowing through the boy's already soaked forehead, bringing a burst of coolness.

The boy squinted his eyes comfortably, carefully feeling the changes in nature.

Through the direction of the airflow, Yanagawa faintly felt that a storm was coming.

"Ha~ Another storm is coming, how many times has this been, there is no end."

The teenager sighed as if complaining, announcing a storm warning loudly.

"There may be a storm in ten minutes, so be prepared to resist the storm!"

Yanagawa has long been transformed into a weather forecast on a ship, and his words are rarely inaccurate.

Especially after entering the sea area of the new world, storms hit frequently, basically every two days.

At this time, Yanagawa's prediction becomes very critical, and it is crucial to know the direction of the storm early on at sea.

The sailors on board were accustomed to this, methodically wrapping ropes around their bodies to avoid being swept into the sea by the storm.

They didn't feel anything when they were in the paradise, but when they arrived in the new world, they saw what a real storm looked like.

The wind and waves that seemed to swallow everything were far beyond human resistance.

All the sailors could do was try to keep the ship in the direction of the huge waves, and there was no other way for them.

Hearing the storm warning, those Devil Fruit powerhouses walked into the cabin very consciously.

In the face of the storm, these capable people are also so powerless, all they can do is ensure their own safety.

By the time everyone was in place, the storm arrived on time.

Because they were already prepared for the storm, the sailors on board were not in a hurry.

The ship's mainsail had long been retracted, and only the secondary sail that controlled the course was opened so that the crew could adjust the course.

Along with the fierce winds came the huge waves that were higher than the waves.

The crew should adjust the direction of the bow alignment in time according to the direction of the huge wave, and use the bow to meet the wave to avoid the sailboat from rolling over.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and experienced sailors did not appear flustered in the slightest.

No matter how stormy the sailboat was in the sea, it did not shake their confidence.

Having sailed the New World for quite some time, the ship's agents have long been accustomed to this weather change.

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