For the battle-hardened agents, this challenge is nothing.

However, things suddenly changed a little differently.

The young man who continued to swing his sword at the bow of the ship against the storm faintly felt that something was wrong, and his brows quietly furrowed.

"No... This storm is not normal, not an ordinary storm. "

Yanagawa's level of swordsmanship had already surpassed the level of entering the hall, and the changes in the air flow around him could not escape his perception in the slightest.

From the chaotic and violent air current, Yanagawa felt a hint of foreboding.

"This feeling... Does this feel like a sea spout? "

"No, no, it's not a sea spout, the airflow direction of the sea tornado has not been chaotic to this point, what the hell is this sea area, why is climate change so unstable?"

I don't know when, Yanagawa had already stopped swinging his sword, looking at the sky intently, his face cloudy.

Klockdar, who was directing the crew on the deck, noticed Yanagawa's strange appearance and walked over against the heavy rain.

"What's going on, this storm seems unusual?" Klockdar asked loudly.

The cigar in Klockdar's mouth was already soaked, but for some reason he still stubbornly bit it on his mouth and refused to spit it out.

Hearing the question, Yanagawa shook his head hesitantly.

"I don't know, the first time I encounter this situation, I don't know what will change."

The sea seems to have received a huge impact, and the entire sea level becomes visible to the naked eye.

The height of the big waves has long exceeded the entire hull, and from time to time a large amount of sea water will lap on the deck, washing everything on the deck, which is not a situation that ordinary storms can cause.

"We may be in big trouble." Yanagawa looked at the sky and said stunnedly.

Klockdar looked into the sky with the boy's gaze, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and he didn't see anything wrong.

But he knew that the trouble in Yanagawa's mouth was extraordinary, and he did not dare to be careless.

"What is the problem, and do you have a way to deal with it?" Klockdar could not see the problem and could only ask Yanagawa's opinion.

The young man was silent for a long time, shook his head and gave four words: "Resign yourself to fate." "

"Is there no other way? For example, when you fought me before, didn't you use that move? Klockdar asked loudly.

He had seen the boy's strange methods more than once, and Yanagawa's control of the air flow had reached a certain level, and it could also play some role in the storm.

It's a pity that even Yanagawa can't help it this time.

In Yanagawa's eyes, the air currents in the nearby sea have become chaotic to the point of unpredictability.

With such a fierce hurricane, personal force has lost its meaning.

In this case, he can take it one step at a time, Yanagawa's control of the air flow is no different from a drop in the bucket in this situation, and the intensity of the storm has been out of his control.

"I can't help it, the scale and intensity of the storm is beyond my ability, and if I change the direction of the air flow indiscriminately, I am afraid it will cause more serious consequences."

Saying that, Liu Chuan looked at Klockdar and said seriously: "You'd better go back to the cabin and hide like Feng Klei, what will happen in a few minutes I can't predict, but it is certain that the wind will only be stronger at that time, and it is only a matter of time before the waves flood the deck, you are a Devil Fruit ability, and you can't last long in this environment." "

Hearing this, Klockdar was stunned, has the matter become so serious?

Seeing Yanagawa's serious eyes, Klockdar hesitated and said, "Well, since you have already said so, then I will listen to you." "

"But after I leave, you have to do your best to keep the ship from too much loss, we are still at sea, I hope you don't forget this."

After that, Klockdar greeted the crew who were still struggling on the deck and returned to the cabin.

Yanagawa's gaze remained directly above the deck, and the raindrops swirled irregularly in mid-air under the wind infestation, and the situation had become even worse.

Taking one last look at the sailors on deck, Yanagawa sighed and closed his eyes to feel it carefully.

Countless lines formed in his mind, and that was the direction of the air flow in this area.

If it is usual, even in the middle of a storm, even in the middle of a storm, the strongest air flow will have a relatively stable direction.

However, the situation that appeared this time was completely different from the previous one, and the lines that appeared in my mind were extremely curved, like a mess that turned thousands of times, and no laws could be seen.

This is like an unstable explosive that is constantly reacting and has condensed a huge amount of energy, and if you are not careful, it will explode, causing unbearable and serious consequences.

Yanagawa couldn't find the angle to break the game at all, let alone the angle, he didn't even know what was going on.

"It's so messy, why can it be messed up like this?"

The boy observed the white lines that kept appearing and disappearing in his mind, and locked his brows, unable to understand what caused this situation.

Airflow and airflow constantly collide and dissolve in the air, but after colliding, they entangle together to form a new gustle wind.

Instead of being weakened by collisions, the energy contained in hurricanes creates stronger air currents.

It's not scientific, it's not metaphysical.

Just like a pressure cooker that is constantly backlogged, the pressure is increasing, but the source of the pressure cannot be found, which is simply confusing.

If it continues, I am afraid that the energy contained in it will not be long before it bursts out.

What will happen then, no one knows.

Yanagawa thought for a moment and decided to wait and see before speaking.

Although the air flow in mid-air is extremely chaotic, it at least maintains a certain balance and does not explode directly.

Rather than act rashly, Yanagawa wants to wait for an opportunity, wait for that fragile balance point to appear, and then find an opportunity to break the current dilemma.

As time passed, the wind became stronger.

Unconsciously, there was no one on the deck except Yanagawa, and the others were all driven back to the cabin by Yanagawa because they couldn't maintain their balance in this bad weather.

But that doesn't mean they're safe.

On the contrary, sooner or later, the ship will be scattered by the huge waves and directly disintegrate.

At that time, everyone will be in big trouble, especially in this environment, without the protection of the ship, human life will be insecure.

Moreover, due to the lack of human control, the three tricky sailing ships do not know how many times they have rolled over.

Although it will soon resurface because of the structure of the hull, it is estimated that the people in the cabin will not have a good experience.

What is happening now seems to indicate that they have reached a desperate situation.

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