In this situation, the boy stood at the front of the deck as always.

One hand gripped the rope tightly, and because it was too forced, the bone was clearly visible close to the epidermis.

Yanagawa looked solemn and constantly observed the direction of the storm.

Compared with the previous airflow, although there is a certain regularity, the energy has also become more large.

Tornadoes slowly emerge from the sea, sweeping the sea straight into the sky.

Water dragons appeared out of thin air, turning into several pillars cast from seawater to connect heaven and earth.

He was right at the beginning, the climate here is indeed a sea spout.

However, there is a slight deviation, this is not an ordinary sea spout climate, but a sea tornado group.

Over time, the wind direction becomes more stable.

Even the torrential rain stopped, leaving only a violent wind.

In contrast, the number of sea spouts is already endless, and the vast sea surface is full of giant beasts formed by seawater.

Tornadoes with a diameter of tens of meters rage on the surface of the sea, impacting any living creature at sea.

The young man lifted Yan Feng and kept stabbing into the air.

Disturbing the airflow at the edge of the sailboat, barely keeping the pirate ship safe from tornadoes by changing the direction of the airflow.

But this is not a long-term solution, and as the number of tornadoes increases, sooner or later Yanagawa will not be able to hold on.

Carefully manipulating the air flow to guide a sea tornado towards a pirate ship in another direction, Yanagawa opened his eyes and wiped the tired self-talk on his forehead.

"It's not going to work like this, it's almost at its limit, and we have to find a solution to the problem."

The long sword clicked a few more times in mid-air, lifting the threat again, and Yanagawa only felt tired for a while, and it was too exhausting to concentrate on the attack of the storm.

"If it really doesn't work, then you can only dance the sword and see if there will be new changes in the sword dance."

Forcibly enduring the tingling pain coming from his forehead, Yanagawa hesitated to dance the sword.

Whenever there is rainy weather, Yanagawa will inexplicably have the urge to dance the sword.

This situation had already occurred when he first entered the new world, but he vaguely felt that the sword dance would bring irreversible changes, so he never obeyed his heart's desire.

But at the moment, it has been cornered, and if it continues, I am afraid that there will be no future.

As long as a random sea tornado touches the pirate ship, even if it is him, it is estimated that he will die nine times today.

Waitibey's ship looked a lot more reliable than their own, but it was no more.

Both ships were able to barely survive under Yanagawa's protection and would not suddenly disintegrate.

But Yanagawa's spiritual power is limited, and he is almost unable to hold on.

If you hesitate any longer, I am afraid that you will really step into danger.

Yanagawa hesitated for a few seconds, and finally made a decision.

"That's it! No matter what happens to him, when the time comes, he won't be able to live anymore, and there is no point in thinking about this. "

Saying this, Yanagawa closed his eyes and was immersed in the realm of feeling all things again.

Although there was no longer rain in the sky, the urge to dance the sword was still clearly visible.

Sensing the waterspout coming, Yanagawa resisted the idea of diverting the airflow, obeying that feeling and began to slowly wave the blade in his hand.

As if everything was so natural, just turning the wrist according to the heart, the hand seemed to be controlled by some wonderful existence, slowly dancing.

As if conducting a melodious symphony, the long sword rotates and slashes leisurely in midair, as if it contains some wonderful law, and there is a strange beauty.

At the same time, somehow, the sea tornadoes that were constantly rampaging around them seemed to be pulled by unknown forces every time they came to the vicinity of the ship, strangely drawing an arc and avoiding it.

Originally, what Yanagawa needed to spend a lot of mental effort to manipulate the airflow to do was so easily done.

As if possessed by a god, the young man easily exerted the ability to do what he wanted to do before but had no way to start.

As Yanagawa danced the sword faster and faster, all the sea tornadoes strangely avoided the two sailing ships.

It was as if the fleet was protected by an invisible barrier around it, and every certain distance was directly transferred and blown into the distance.

Liu Chuan's wrist turned lightly, and Yan Feng drew a semicircle in mid-air.

A circular line so small that it is almost impossible to argue with the naked eye spreads out in all directions.

The sea spout where the thin line went seemed to be disturbed by some kind of disturbance, and it became erratic, but it disintegrated in half a second in an instant.

And this is happening in every corner of this sea.

The circular thin line is like a broken bamboo, directly dispersing the special climate formed in the sea, and the crisis is so easily broken.

At this time, Liu Chuan had put away his sword, and his closed eyes slowly opened.

The young man's eyes revealed confusion, as if he had fallen into some strange state of mind.

A few seconds later, Yanagawa seemed to suddenly come to his senses, his whole body trembled, and he woke up from that strange state.

While recovering his sanity, a system prompt sound sounded in his ears.

【Ding! The host activates the sword dance function. 】

[Current cumulative number of sword dances: 1 time.] 】

【Ding! Activate the God of War realm. 】

[The more times the host dances the sword, the more proficient his comprehension of the God of War realm becomes. ] 】

Hearing the system's prompt, Yanagawa was stunned.

Instead of feeling happy about the new feature, my heart was cold.

"That state ... It's kind of scary. "

Recalling the state of mind when he danced the sword before, Yanagawa felt terrified.

The feeling that everything is under control in a trance, and the indifference that looks down on everything.

As if he didn't seem like himself anymore, and his mind was shielded by something, he couldn't experience the slightest emotion.

Although in that indifferent state, the ability to collect effective information becomes extremely powerful, it is easy to find the balance point of the airflow, and even control the sea spout, but that feeling is not good at all.

That's not a mindset that a person should have, and I really don't know how to describe it.

Yanagawa had palpitations, and did not want to immerse himself in that inexplicable realm again.

"It's as if I've become a god, it's terrible."

"Sure enough, it was the right choice not to dance the sword at the beginning, if I experienced this state of mind at that time, I am afraid that I would be immersed in the power and unable to extricate myself."

"It's not unusual to do anything in that state, and if you immerse yourself in that state of mind, I'm afraid you will lose your humanity."

Faced with the temptation of a special state of mind, Yanagawa only felt jealous and did not receive the slightest temptation.

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