"What about fresh water? Wine, juice and whatever, are they all broken? Klockdar asked.

"That's not it, there is still half a bucket of juice left, because it is a special bucket for the boss of Yanagawa, and it is still well preserved." Feng Kelei replied, but he immediately added: "But boss, you also know that the bucket of juice can't move, we can't..."

Just as Feng Kelei was arguing, Liu Chuan came over and heard the content of their conversation and said lightly: "There is nothing that cannot be moved, don't engage in any privileges during special periods, and allocate juice to public resources." "

The juice was bought by Yanagawa himself, he does not drink, and at the same time the huge training volume also requires a lot of consumption.

In order to maintain the intensity of training, Yanagawa specially bought a few barrels of juice to replenish the energy consumed in training.

But at the moment of water scarcity, it is not interesting to think about this.

Yanagawa is not a stingy person, knowing that everyone needs to be in the same boat to get through the difficulties, naturally he will not worry about this little thing.

"Compared to this, I think it is more important for you to contact Waitibé as soon as possible, and the heavy losses on our side do not mean that they are also facing the same dilemma."

"If they have sufficient resources there, then borrow a few barrels, there is no need to be in a hurry."

Seeing Feng Kelei's fiery appearance, Yanagawa made up his own proposal.

When facing a difficult situation, you can't solve any problem in a hurry, and the bigger the trouble, the more you need to calm down.

When Feng Kelei heard what Liu Chuan said, he also understood that now was not the time to discuss this.

His gaze looked at his boss, as if to say: Boss, you work hard to understand the situation over there.

The burning eyes made Klockdar's eyelids jump and jump, and he couldn't understand that he was the boss of the ship.

Since Liu Chuan came, Feng Kelei has become closer and closer to this kid, and now he simply points fingers at his boss, no big or small.

After staring at Von Kray for a while, until Von Kray showed a nervous look and swallowed his saliva unconsciously, Klockdar looked away.

Thinking that it was a special period, Klockdar just wanted to agree, when he heard the young man's voice come over.

"Don't worry, I'll go there in person, there are some things I care more about."

Listening to him say this, Klockdar was slightly stunned, not knowing what the boy wanted to say.

After thinking a little, Klockdar had some memories.

"You doubt...?"

Liu Chuan nodded lightly and said, "Yes, that's what you mean." "

He was more concerned, and he now had some doubts about whether Waitibé had deliberately brought them over to lie down on this trip.

The climate of the New World is weird, but this particular storm is not yet something that can be encountered.

Except in some special sea areas, no one has ever heard of a storm of this level.

Of course, it may also be because of survivor bias, and it is precisely because the people who encountered the sea tornado group have already died, so there is no similar news and it may not be.

If this had happened to someone else, Yanagawa might have believed it was an accident.

But on a pirate like Waitibei, who makes a living as a sea guide, Yanagawa has to be suspicious.

Experienced navigators would bypass such dangerous seas, but Waitibé did not, and she rushed directly into the area like a reckless man.

The response to hearing the storm warning was also very flat, as if these things had little to do with them.

If he hadn't seen their ship also struggling through the storm, he wouldn't have needed to test it, and he slashed it straight away.

"That girl is not quite right, I have to check if my idea is correct."

Hearing the teenager say this, Klockdar also felt that something was not quite right, he thought for a while, and said: "I'll go with you to see, if it's really her ghost, I will never let him go easily." "

Yanagawa had no opinion on this, nodded and agreed.

"Let's go then."

With a slight step on the deck, Yanagawa jumped into the air in an instant, and Yanagawa adjusted his position in the air, and once again used his razor to quietly come to the deck of the large ship.

At this time, a wind and sand rolled up on the deck, and Klockdar rushed over only half a second slower.

"Yanagawa, your body is okay, I saw you so tired before..." Klockdar asked in a low voice, standing shoulder to shoulder next to Yanagawa.

He was a little worried about Yanagawa's physical condition, and he didn't know what Yanagawa had done in that storm, but he could see the tired appearance of the teenager afterwards.

At this point, there is a possibility of fighting, and if the teenager is not in good shape, it is not good.

But before Klockdar could speak, Yanagawa shook his head in denial.

"I'm in good health, I don't need to worry."

That storm consumed more mental strength than physical energy, and Klockdar thought too much.

Seeing that he still meant to continue speaking, Yanagawa made a look at him.

The people on deck had spotted them and were approaching.

"What do you mean you two are coming to our side? Is there something going on? "

At the head is a petite woman with long bright red hair.

There was little communication between the two boats along the way, and Yanagawa saw her for the first time.

"Let me ask your captain something, what about your captain?" Please call her over. "

Yanagawa asked, looking towards the icebreaker's cabin.

Compared to Klockdar's ship, the icebreaker is several times larger, and even the cabin is as tall as a five-story building, which is very different.

The walls of the cabin are printed with snowflake patterns, which is very girly, but the crew on board is more of a stout man, which is quite unexpected.

Hearing this, the red-haired woman ruffled the hair next to her ear and said calmly: "Sorry, the captain is resting, it's not convenient to see the guests, I'm the deputy captain of the ship, you can call me Jenny, it's the same when you find me." "

"Yes?" Yanagawa asked with a smile, seeing the graceful woman in front of him with a disapproving look, he immediately laughed, "Then I really didn't come at the right time, just experienced a storm, the captain of your group can still rest leisurely, I think your ship is very solid?" "

Hearing the young man's faintly prickly words, Jenny frowned unconsciously, raised her neck and said: "What do you mean by this, we are professional navigators, of course we can withstand the storm, what's so strange about this?" "

"Since that's the case, then you don't have much to lose~?" The boy raised his eyebrows, and his voice rose slightly at the end of the speech.

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