Jenny's expression was gloomy, and she didn't quite understand what Yanagawa meant by asking this, she just wanted to open her mouth to test the teenager's intentions, and someone behind her had already answered for her.

"No, our losses are great, almost all water and food, I'm afraid there is no way to help you."

Hearing the voice, Jenny hurriedly turned around and was relieved to see that it was Waitibé who came over.

When she had listened to Waitibé's orders to deal with potential customers, Jenny was worried that she would not be able to do this errand.

Now that I see the captain coming over, I naturally don't need to worry anymore.

Jenny called "sister" affectionately, and moved her body sideways, so that Waitibé was facing Yanagawa and the two.

When she walked to the side, he hugged her arm familiarly, and it was very intimate.

Yanagawa observed the appearance of the two, they didn't feel much when they separated, and how they looked like each other standing together now.

The two are almost certainly biological sisters.

Seeing that the main lord came over, Liu Chuan's face suddenly became cold.

He could hear what Waitibé said when he came over, which was not a good sign.

"So your ship is safe enough to survive a storm in your sleep, but you can't keep the ship's resources, right?" This is really the biggest joke I've heard this year. Yanagawa said with a sneer.

Before Jenny said that they could easily carry the storm, but now they said that they suffered heavy losses, this kind of inconsistent words can be said, really think that they are fools?

Yanagawa was almost certain that they did it on purpose, but it was not clear why they did so.

Hearing this, Waitibé glanced sideways at Jenny with some dissatisfaction, saw that she stuck out her tongue, did not say anything in front of everyone, turned her head to look at the teenager and said lightly: "It's nothing, the bedroom is specially reinforced, so it doesn't have much impact, but the warehouse is different, and the loss is reasonable." "

Waitibé doesn't seem to be going to hide it, swaggering nonsense.

It looked like she was backed by someone behind her, and she didn't look afraid of Yanagawa at all.

Originally, Liu Chuan was already planning to make a move, but when he heard her say this, he hesitated.

Killing Waitibé is just a hand-off effort, but then the hidden things behind it cannot be understood.

And now they are still on their way to Wano Country, and judging by the reaction of the permanent pointer, Waitibé still went roughly in that direction and did not lead the way indiscriminately.

If you kill them directly, the road after that will be too troublesome.

Kozaburo once said that you should never go to Wano Country without a guide, and Yanagawa didn't know how much actual danger was in his words, but it was better to have someone to lead the way than to go by yourself.

At the end of the day, it's really hard for him to do it at this time.

Whether it was trying to catch the person behind Waidibe or wanting to go to Wano Country, it was impossible to alarm this woman easily.

It's actually not a hurry to vent your anger, and it's never too late to start after you get to Wano Country.

Thinking of this, the teenager calmed down a little.

Even seeing Waitibé's swaggering fooling, he endured it.

"Okay, just when you say it's okay, that's it for this time."

"But you have to be clear, I want to kill you guys is just a sword thing, if the same situation happens next time, I won't ask, just cut your ship first."

Saying that, Yanagawa pulled out Yan Feng and swung a slash in the direction of the ship.

The huge sword qi shot out, slicing the sea surface in the distance into a bottomless ravine.

The sword seemed to cut the entire sea in half, and it was not until several seconds passed that the ravine calmed down.

Jenny watched this scene dumbfounded, her throat rolling, and she couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"What is this thing...? Did you cut the sea in half with one sword? "

She had also heard the story of Da Jianhao drawing a knife and breaking the river, but seeing it with her own eyes was another matter, and the scene in front of her made her unacceptable.

Waitibey's pupils shrank, and observing the boy's strength up close was too shocking, which surprised her.

Taking advantage of the shocked efforts of the two, Yanagawa warned again.

"Stop playing tricks on me, I don't like to talk nonsense, if the next time this sword is aimed at you, I don't want to see that day appear!"

Waitibé and Jenny looked at each other, both saw the fear in each other's eyes, and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Don't worry, there will be no next time, absolutely not!"

Hearing this, Yanagawa nodded in satisfaction, "This is the best." "

After speaking, he made a look at Klockdar and said, "Let's go, there is no need to continue to stay." "

Klockdar wanted to stop talking, but seeing that the young man had made up his mind and did not say anything, he followed Yanagawa and left the icebreaker.

After returning to his ship, Klockdar hurriedly asked, "Did you let them go so easily?" "

Yanagawa shook his head, thought for a while and said: "It's not to let them go, it's just that you still need to use them to go to the country of Wazhi, and then find them to settle accounts when you get to the country of Wano." "

"What should I do with the supplies on the ship, our water is only enough to last for three days, even if we add your half barrel of juice, it can only last for five days at most, even if we let them go, we have to bring some fresh water, right?"

Klockdar didn't quite understand what the point of doing this was, and did not react to their attitudes, and did not bring things over, as if there was no change in whether they went or not?

Liu Chuan didn't think much, he sneered: "Don't worry, when the fresh water is completely gone, then go to find them." "

"Now what we have to do is to get as close as possible to Wano Country while we haven't torn our faces."

"When the time comes to meet each other, we will grab something, and it will not be up to them to give it or not, and the initiative will always be in our hands."

Saying this, seeing that Klockdahl looked puzzled, still not quite understood, Yanagawa patiently explained: "It's not good for us to start now, if these two women don't know each other and have to fight to the death, we will fall into a dilemma." "

"But in a few days it will be different, when we reveal the fact that the resources are exhausted and tell them that we have reached the point of fighting a battle, see if they dare to continue to perfunctory us?"

"Just a few buckets of water, no matter what their minds are, they won't tear our faces with us because of a little fresh water."

"After arriving in the country of Wano, then they will lose their use value, and then it will be time to settle the accounts after the fall."

Sometimes resource constraints can be a bargaining chip.

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