Now Yanagawa's group is the one who wears shoes, and Waidibe is the one who is barefoot.

If he really did it, it would be Yanagawa and his group who had a lot of scruples.

However, when the fresh water is exhausted, this situation will be reversed, and then Yanagawa and they will become the one who has no scruples.

Everything was laid out in the open, so that Waitibé had to be jealous.

It's a game level confrontation, but it also makes use of a little psychology.

On the surface, there may be no difference, but the difference is much bigger.

Klockdar thought for a while, and vaguely felt that what Yanagawa said made sense, but he couldn't figure out where the truth was.

But this is also normal, Yanagawa is using valuable experience summed up by another world, and it would be strange if he could figure it out.

Without a systematic body of knowledge, even if game theory and Nash equilibrium are photographed in front of Klockdahl, he may not be able to understand it.

Seeing that Klockdar was still pondering, Liu Chuan said with a smile: "Don't think about it, you don't understand, remember to go and talk to Feng Kelei and them, keep an eye on Waidibe, I will go to cultivate first, so I won't accompany you to think about life." "

After saying that, regardless of Klockdar's reply, Yanagawa went directly to the bow of the ship and began to cultivate.

Klockdar looked confused, was he being ridiculed by a teenager?

It must be, right?

What a thing!

Taking a deep breath of the cigar, he exhaled softly, did not continue to think deeply, and turned to walk towards Feng Kray on the console.


On the icebreaker, after the two sisters waited for the teenager to leave, the shocked expression on their faces eased.

Seeing that the crew on the deck was still immersed in shock, Waidibe roared: "What are you doing stunned, don't you hurry up and do your own thing?" "

The sailors woke up from the shock, saw that their captain was angry, and hurried to work.

Don't look at Waitibey's angry look is not scary at all, and it is very cute, but they understand what the consequences will be if they provoke the captain, and no one dares to provoke Waitibey.

Waitibé still wanted to scold a few words, and seeing their silent appearance, he vented his complaint: "A bunch of bastards!" "

Originally, she planned to use the storm to sink the ship of Klockdar and his group, forcing Yanagawa and several people to board the icebreaker and go to Wano Country.

As long as there are no obstructing sailors, she can hide the information to the maximum extent and drag the itinerary of Yanagawa and his group.

Who knew that the situation of Red Flame Jianhao was unexpected to her, and actually resisted the erosion of the sea spout, which made all plans bankrupt in an instant, and because Jenny's carelessness was exposed, it was simply the worst situation.

Coupled with the slash that Yanagawa casually cut, Waidibei put a huge pressure on her, making her angry.

Jenny glanced at her sister worriedly, and said hesitantly: "What should I do next, do you want to take them to Thunder Island again?" "

"a fart!" Waitibé scolded angrily, poked Jenny's head with his finger, and roared loudly: "Don't you see that the little ghost is already alert?" Also go to Thunder Island, you are tired of living crookedly, right? "

Jenny was in pain and said aggrievedly: "Then what do you say?" "

"Don't worry, you let me think." Waitibé said as he walked pensively in the direction of the cabin.

Jenny quickly followed, seeing Waitibey in thought, wanting to say something but not daring to speak.

Waitibé thought for a while, and when she made a decision, she said a little distractedly: "Now we can only stabilize them first, and wait for Marko and them to come over." "

"But isn't Marko still on his way? How are we going to hold them back? Jenny was a little worried, if the plan went well, it would not be a problem, but it was difficult to delay Yanagawa and their trip under the circumstances.

Waidibe shook her head, not feeling that there was anything difficult about this, she said: "Didn't you listen to that little devil talk about materials before?" I estimate that they are no longer well supplied, and I can use this to stabilize them. "

"Didn't you pass by the Land of Flowers on your way to Wano Country? Take them over there, and they will never notice anything. "

"That little devil is afraid that we will not easily start with us, but it will be different if it is changed to the Eight Treasures Water Army, and they will definitely conflict with the Eight Treasure Water Army."

"At that time, we will take the opportunity to take them to the Eight Treasure Water Army, and use the Eight Treasure Water Army to delay their journey."

"It doesn't take too long, it's almost two days for Marko to come over, and when Marko's people come, at least we don't need to worry about safety."

"And in my opinion, Yanagawa's temper may not necessarily agree to Marko's solicitation, Marko will definitely be angry, if the two can have a conflict, it is best, we can take the opportunity to steal the money."

"When we get the cash box, we will run directly, no matter what the two of us look like, it doesn't matter to us."

In One Piece's story, there is very little plot about Waidibe, and Yanagawa does not know that Waidibe is actually a white-bearded person.

In fact, when he looked for Waitibey for the second time, he was already targeted by Waitibey.

She also received news that Whitebeard wanted to find Liu Chuan, plus the money box in the young man's hand made her salivate, naturally she would not miss this precious opportunity.

The so-called guide is actually just a delay, and Waitibé has already contacted Marko, waiting to deal with Yanagawa with him.

From the beginning, she didn't want to go to Wano Country at all, and the so-called guide was only to confuse him.

It's a pity that the plan is well done, and something goes wrong in practice.

Now that it's all exposed, leaving Waitibé in an awkward position.

Fortunately, there is still room for redemption, not to the point of exhaustion.

Waitibé explained her plans in detail to Jenny, who was her sister and did not need to hide them.

In order to ensure that there would be no problems with the next plan, Waidibei also specially instructed Jenny not to contact Yanagawa alone in the future.

After this confrontation, Waitibé understood that Yanagawa was not a character to deal with, and he couldn't watch it in front of him with Jenny's means.

When all this was done, Waitibé thought for a while, feeling that it was still not safe enough.

Hurriedly contacted Marko again to discuss countermeasures.


At this time, Yanagawa was standing on the bow of the ship wielding his sword to strengthen his strength, he was unaware of what was happening on the icebreaker, and it was not clear how many tests would await him ahead.

In fact, even if he understands the situation, he will not care, as long as the direction of Waitibé's journey is the country of Wano, other things are not a problem.

Whether it is Marko or other three-star level figures, Yanagawa, who has comprehended the realm of the God of War, will not be afraid at all.

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