"So many ships, they Kendi is the main force of the Eight Treasures Water Army, and now that little devil can see it."

The excitement on Jenny's face was hard to contain, and she screamed and shared it with Waidibe.

However, she was greeted not by the same excited look of Waitibé, but by a touch of seriousness.

"What's wrong, sister?" Jenny's smile stiffened a little, not quite understanding why Waitibé was so serious.

Waitibé didn't speak, she shook her head and continued to observe.

After observing for a while, Waitibé said a little distractedly: "So many ships may not be a good thing." "

Jenny was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Waitibey meant, but she quickly reacted.

"You mean... Wouldn't that imp probably do it? Jenny asked worriedly.

No, it looked like she wasn't asking, but expressing her concern.

This possibility is too great, so many ships even the strongest pirates will hesitate.

"No, that little devil is so arrogant, they don't have enough supplies now, and they finally slammed into other ships, and they will definitely not miss this opportunity."

The more Jenny thought about it, the more wrong it became, and simply gave up thinking, praying that Yanagawa would desperately conflict with each other.

However, having said that, the tone of her voice is not at all confident.

Waitibé looked at Jenny deeply, as if to explain and as if to say to himself: "No matter what, everything we can do has already been done, now it depends on what will be chosen over there." "

"And..." said Waitibey's eyes lit up, "It may not be necessary for that little devil to take the lead, knowing that the Eight Treasures Water Army is also pirates, and they may also take the initiative to provoke us." "

Hearing this, a smile slowly appeared on Jenny's face, and she was determined: "It will be, it will definitely be!" There are so many of them, they will definitely not let us go. "


At the same time, the Baroque studio also noticed movement over there.

"Report boss, an unknown ship has been found about a nautical mile ahead, boss, you go and take a look."

The observers on the lookout loudly reported what they had observed.

As soon as Klockdar heard the movement, he quickly walked to the bow of the ship and raised his binoculars to observe.

"Huh? So many ships? "

At a glance, I can see the fleets slowly moving forward in a conical formation, and it is quite spectacular to see a large-scale fleet on the endless sea.

Klockdar observed as he identified them.

"It looks like the ship of the Eight Treasures Water Army, aren't they pirates from the Land of Flowers? How did it end up here? "

Feng Kelei didn't know when he also came to the side, and heard the boss say suspiciously: "It seems that we are passing through the country of flowers on our way to the country of Hezhi, and the calculation time is about this time." "

"Yes?" Klockdar said with some skepticism and continued to observe.

Paying attention to the movements of the two, Yanagawa stopped swinging his sword, and asked while wiping his sweat: "What's wrong, what happened?" "

The teenager has always focused on sword practice and rarely pays attention to changes in the outside world.

If it weren't for the two of them passing by in a hurry, he wouldn't have been alarmed.

Klockdar pursed his mouth and carefully observed the situation without speaking, and Von Kray next to him took away the binoculars and looked at the teenager.

"Met the fleet of the Eight Treasures Water Army, we are observing." Feng Kray said as he handed over the telescope in his hand.

Yanagawa hesitated, put the knife into its scabbard, took the telescope and looked over.

While observing, the young man asked, "So what is the situation now, and what are your plans?" "

"Intending?" Klockdar answered at this time, and he said lightly: "What can I plan?" They are also pirates, I'm just guarding against their sudden attack, can it be that you still want to rob them? "

The young man's question made this Nanabu Sea who crisscrossed the sea feel funny.

When encountering other pirates on the sea, the best situation in the case of insufficient firepower is that the two sides are safe.

The Eight Treasures Water Army is not vegetarian, they are also pirates.

With so many ships, it's good not to be targeted, what can he think.

Hearing Lao Sha say this, Liu Chuan chuckled and said disapprovingly: "Actually, it's not impossible, we are not short of water, or simply rob them." "

Klockdar was directly stunned when he heard this, put down his binoculars and looked at Yanagawa, and asked in disbelief: "Are you joking?" "

"No, I'm serious." Yanagawa replied without care.

The fat meat sent up is not eaten for nothing, the water resources on the ship have almost dried up, and the food has been contaminated and has become less palatable.

At this time, when I meet other pirate groups, what is the difference between it and the big gift that I sent it?

As for the Eight Treasures Water Army, to be honest, the young man really didn't see it in his eyes.

If it was the Four Emperors, maybe he would be afraid of some, but with this kind of small role, then forget it.

What to do, no need to scruple.

Yanagawa's understated attitude was unacceptable to Klockdar, and he looked at the boy with a skeptical gaze and asked, "Do you know the difference between naval and land battles?" The sea relies on artillery, firepower, and this is not a problem that can be solved by brute force. "

The young man still replied without salt: "You know, it's just bombardment with cannons, whoever can't support the ship first will lose, what a simple thing." "

"Since you know what else to brag about, didn't you see nine big ships on the opposite side? What do we take to fight with the opposite side? Klockdar couldn't understand the boy's thoughts, and said angrily.

Liu Chuan shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, threw the binoculars to Feng Kelei, looked at Klockdal with serious eyes, and said in a relaxed tone: "There is no cannon, there is no you and me, why do you have to use such a backward weapon, isn't sword qi and sandstorms fragrant?" "

The lack of firepower and sword qi to make it up, this is not a problem at all.

What's more, Klockdar's ability can be fully utilized in naval battles, and there is no need for virtual opponents at all.

Hearing this, Klockdar was stunned, as if... That's the truth.

He had not experienced naval battles for a long time, and for a while he forgot that naval battles were not only gunpowder and artillery, but also about those who were capable.

In the past, the group of Klockdar who fought naval battles did not have the ability of the Devil Fruit, but now he suddenly heard the young man mention that he wanted to fight a naval battle, and he was imprisoned by past experience, forgetting that there was such a thing as sword qi and fruit ability.

If you add all these abilities, it seems that you will not fall into a disadvantage when fighting.

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