Thinking of this, Klockdar's eyes lit up, and he asked with some expectation: "Then what do you mean... Want to fight? "

Liu Chuan raised his eyebrows and asked lightly: "Otherwise?" "

"Then what are you still stunned to do, shoot!" Klockdar couldn't wait to come out and urge.

Hearing this, the young man looked at Klockdar with wide eyes, and said in disbelief: "It's not to discuss with you..."

Halfway through the words, Liu Chuan's voice weakened, and he did not continue, but pouted dissatisfiedly: "Forget it, don't worry about this with you." "

If it weren't for the idea that Klockdar was the owner of this ship, he would have swung it over and started the war long ago.

Now listening to Klockdar say this, as if he meant to treat him as his own, the verbal dispute seemed irrelevant.

Without further ado, Yanagawa locked his gaze on the pirate ship slowly sailing in the distance, and noticed in the afterlight that the two of Klockdar were standing within the range of the sword qi, and the young man said lightly, "Get out of the way."

When the two hurriedly dodged to the side, a crimson sword qi suddenly appeared and rushed over.

At the same time, the people of the Eight Treasures Water Army were also observing the situation here in Yanagawa.

It is very rare to encounter other pirates in the sea, and suddenly seeing two boats appear together, Lao Cai is still more concerned.

If it's a merchant ship, it's fine, just a robbery.

But if it's a pirate ship, it's interesting.

Those big pirates he definitely didn't dare to provoke, but as a little pirate, he didn't do less things about eating black.

"See whose ship it is?" Do you want to do it? While observing the two pirate ships in the distance, one large and one small, Lao Cai asked eagerly with a cruel face.

Not long after he became the thirteenth generation pillar of the Eight Treasures Water Army, it was time to show his strength.

Due to the instructions of Green Pepper, he did not dare to go too far to the sea, and rarely fought with the pirates of the New World.

At this time, seeing that there are pirates taking the initiative to enter this sea area, how can they easily let it go.

Abu on the side observed for a long time and shook his head slightly.

"I can't tell where it's someone."

Saying that, Abu continued: "The mark on that small ship has never been seen, it seems that it is not from the New World, but the big ship looks a little familiar, but I can't remember whose ship it is for a while." "

After provoking Kaido, Klockdar deliberately did not hang the sea thief flag in order to hide his eyes.

Coupled with the fact that the Baroque studio had been active in the first half of the Great Voyage, it was normal that Abu could not recognize his identity.

And although Waitibé is a pirate in the New World, she has not yet made a name for herself at this time, and it is difficult to remember.

When Lao Cai heard this, excitement flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Hmph, you can't recognize that the meaning is all small characters, there is nothing to say, brothers are ready to start!" "

The words of the thirteenth generation of the Eight Treasures Water Army spread throughout the deck, and the pirates on the deck drew their knives excitedly after hearing this, loudly echoing it.

"Kill them!"

"Robbery! Rob!!! "


Just one sentence mobilized the pirates on the main ship, which shows how high his prestige in the Eight Treasures Water Army is.

Of course, this is also a very normal thing.

You must know that Lao Cai is a person who has fought with legendary pirates such as One Piece King Roger, and it is natural that he can get the hearts of his subordinates.

The pirates are eager to try it out, ready to fight.

At this moment, a fiery red sword qi suddenly rushed from the opposite ship.

"Nani!? How dare you! "

Lao Cai and Abu were shocked.

However, they are all battle-hardened fighters, and they reacted immediately.

Lao Cai instantly pulled out his knife and held a majestic Guan knife in his hand.

Just about to make a move to prevent the opponent's sudden attack, they found that this sword qi was not coming towards them, but slashing towards a medium-sized pirate ship on the edge of the fleet.

The distance of hundreds of meters was fleeting, and although there was a short distance of tens of meters from the attacked pirate ship, Lao Cai still had no way to arrive in time.

Under his astonished gaze, the huge sword qi passed through the ship without hindrance.

Then, as if nothing had happened, the majestic wind blew and everything was as before.

Lao Cai nervously wiped the cold eyes on his forehead, and asked Abu on the side not very confidently: "Was that our hallucination just now?" It's as if nothing happened, what kind of trick, right? "

Abu swallowed, his eyes equally incredulous.

"It's like... It's like this, then if it's sword qi is too fast, it can't be sword qi, otherwise ship seven won't be good..."

Halfway through the words, the No. 7 ship, which was still intact just now, slowly split into two halves from the middle.

Abu couldn't say anything, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he looked at all this blankly.

Lao Cai on the side was the same, looking at the No. 7 ship with dull eyes, like an apple cut in the center, slowly scattered to both sides, fell to the surface of the sea and set off a large splash, just floating on the sea.

The people in that boat looked confused, they didn't realize what was happening.

I saw the red light flash and it became like this in a few seconds.

"Obviously it was fine just now, what is going on?"

The pirates who were eager to try it just now were on the spot, and suddenly they were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

The huge impact came too suddenly and too violently, so that everyone could not react.

Waidibe and Jenny, who were still excited about their luck, saw Yanagawa take the initiative and were half cold when they saw this situation.

"This... This is also too strong, how else to fight this? "

Just when everyone was stunned, two more sword qi suddenly emerged from the streamlined sailing ship, rushing towards the fleet of the Eight Treasure Water Army at an incredible speed.

At this time, Lao Cai and they reflected, and Abu reminded loudly with an anxious face: "Dodge, let me quickly dodge, don't be hit by the sword qi!" "

The pirates of the Eight Treasures Water Army woke up like a dream when they heard the warning, and hurriedly controlled the sailboat to change course.

However, the speed of the sword qi was too fast, and the clumsy movements of the sailboat did not have time to dodge.

Two more ships were pierced by sword qi, and then, just like before, they were directly split in two.

"What the hell happened!?" Old Cai was drenched in cold sweat and looked nervously at the uninvited guest in the distance.

Originally thought that he was a nobody, but before he could make a move, he was dismissed.

Nine cargo ships were directly killed and three were killed, how else to fight this?

The more Old Cai thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: "If it weren't for the fact that we didn't have long-range attack methods, I would definitely let you know the price of provoking us!" "

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