At that time, the target of those strange sword qi will become her group, and she doesn't want her ship to be cut in half.

In fact, if she understood Yanagawa's thoughts, she would know that she was thinking too much.

The teenager had already given her a chance and would never give her a second time.

If you see any small movements again, it will definitely not be the boat that will be chopped, but her person.

Waitibé still hasn't been able to see his place in the fleet.

Perhaps Marko also knew that his order was a little outrageous, and his tone softened slightly.

No matter what, you have to drag him in seven days and wait for me to come, this is the final bottom line, no more!"

This time, Waitibé did not veto it on the spot, but fell into deep thought.

Two days is basically an impossible task, but if the mission is extended to seven days, there are many means to delay the trip.

The distance between the two sides is now about a day, and the current battle shows no signs of stopping anytime soon, maybe the distance between Marko and them can be shortened again.

If it's seven days, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Thinking so, Waitibé finally nodded and agreed.

"Okay, no problem, I can still do it in seven days. "

Saying that, the girl's tone became extremely serious, "But you must also rush over as soon as possible, that little devil is more decisive and ruthless than expected, if he sees that there is a problem, we will be finished, do you understand?"

The phone worm was silent for two seconds, and Marko's voice came again.

"Watch the tone of your voice, Waidibe!"

It was not difficult to hear from the voice that Marko was a little upset, but the next words made Waitibé breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'll do what you say, rush over as soon as possible, you just have to do your own thing." "

Then, before Waitibé could reply, the phone was hung up.

There was a "bang!" sound in the microphone, which almost startled Waitibé.

Waitibé snorted coldly in dissatisfaction and threw the phone bug aside.

"Hmph, if it weren't for Daddy's sake, who would pay attention to you, really think of yourself as some big person!"

Grummy, Waitibey looked out the window.

"What's the matter, can you see that you can win over there?"

As he asked, he raised his binoculars to take a closer look.

At this time, Jenny's voice came from the side.

"That little ghost... It looks like it's almost won the battle!"

There was a slight tremor in Jenny's voice, as if she had seen a terrible scene, which made her tremble unconsciously.

Waitibé was shocked when he heard this!

She hurriedly looked towards the center of the battlefield, and saw that one of Green Pepper's arms was bloodied, and she didn't know when she had been hit hard.

How did it happen that it only took a few seconds from attention to conversation to hang up?

Waitibé couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What the hell happened?"

She hurried to her sister, hoping to hear from Jenny's mouth what had happened in this short moment.

But Jenny was scrambling for a long time and could not say a word.

"I didn't know, it suddenly became like this. Jenny was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Just now, it was clear that there were back and forth, strange and good-looking, but it turned into this situation in an instant, how did she know what happened.

Waitibey's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

Isn't it too unlucky to just promise Marko to shorten his trip by one day in seven days.

I thought that the Eight Treasures Navy could delay for a few hours, but as a result...

"Alas..." sighed Waitibé, not knowing what to say.


Eight Treasure Water Army lead ship.

On the deck, the sturdy old man looked at the young man not far in front of him in amazement, his eyes constantly flickering, thinking about what happened a few seconds ago.

At that time, as before, he easily found the opponent's loopholes and easily resisted the attack of the young Jianhao.

But at that moment, his domineering aura suddenly lost control of Jian Hao, as if he had become blind, and he didn't even know when the other party swung his sword.

Fortunately, his reaction was quite timely, and he forced his opponent back with a slight injury on his arm, otherwise what would have become at this time, no one knows.

As if he had seen a ghost, Green Pepper looked at the boy with doubts and fear in his eyes.

"What the hell are you... How did you do that?"

Seeing and smelling domineering is said to be able to see through the existence of all things, and it is precisely through the skillful skill of seeing and smelling that the old man can fight back and forth with the young man.

Otherwise, just by looking at the eyes, how can the old man compete with the teenager?

Now that there is a problem with seeing and hearing the domineering, it is no different from asking for his old life.

Green Pepper couldn't help but wonder if it was his delusion or some kind of trick of the teenager.

If it's your own illusion, then there is still a fight, but if it's a teenager's weird move, then everything is over.

Yanagawa looked at the old man with cold eyes, and shook his head lightly when he heard the question.

"As you can see, that's what happened, and I can't tell you specifically. "

You must know that this is one of his hidden hole cards, and he once relied on this trick to kill Doflamingo and Yin Sasaki's arm.

How can it be easily revealed to others, let alone the opponent of the current battle.

Of course, Green Pepper knew that it was impossible to get an answer, he was just too shocked to know how to react, and subconsciously asked.

"Then can you still make this trick?" asked Green Pepper in amazement.

The old man was extremely jealous, if the young man could easily use this skill, how could he still have a chance to win this battle.

Green pepper is too old, without the help of seeing and smelling, the strength will directly drop several notches.

If so, there is no need to fight this battle, and defeat will only be a matter of time.

The old man will thus change from the status of hunter to the lamb to be slaughtered, and being controlled by others is the final result.

Of course, Yanagawa knew this, and when he heard the old man's fearful voice, he did not hesitate in the slightest, shattering his illusions on the spot.

"For me, doing this trick is as simple as eating and drinking. "

"Before, I just wanted to see your means, but I didn't use it for a while. "

"From now on, I won't underestimate you anymore, I will go all out!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Green Pepper, but everyone watching the battle was stunned.

They looked at Yanagawa like monsters, and their hearts trembled.

So until now, he has not exerted his full strength?

Even if you are negligent, you can fight the legendary pirate back and forth, what will be the result if you use your full strength?

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