Looking at the old man's extremely jealous eyes, an incredible answer appeared in the heart of the pirates of the Eight Treasures Water Army.

Do you say... Is the legend of what was once going to fall here today?


How is this possible!

Green Pepper Dongliang is a character who has really fought Roger and Edward head-to-head!

How can they be killed by a suddenly rising imp, they will never believe that their faith will collapse.

"Green pepper Dongliang, this little devil is just bluffing, he is scaring you, old man, don't be fooled!"

"Yes, how can a little devil master that skill, it must be a coincidence, and the green pepper Dongliang must be fine!"

"We can see too many of these people, we know that they are mysterious, they definitely don't have much strength, Qingjiao Dongliang, please defeat this rude little ghost!"

The pirates cheered loudly for the green peppers, believing that the legendary pirates would lead them to victory in this battle.

The sudden uproar aroused the thoughts of others, and then everyone stopped and watched.

Green Pepper looked at the hopeful gazes of his subordinates, and a sense of pride suddenly rose in his heart, as if he had found the majesty of the past.

A trace of fear that had just risen from the bottom of his heart suddenly dissipated, and he roared: "Well said, how can the old man be easily defeated, let you little ghost see how powerful the old man is!"

As a roar roared out from the old man's voice, his momentum suddenly increased, making the young man faintly feel a pressure.

It was more pressure than when he faced Jack in the drought, and the green pepper's momentum was too strong, like the sun in the sky, extremely dazzling.

Yanagawa felt the coercion from the other side and stood still, as if he didn't feel anything.

He stared at the old man for a moment, and sighed softly: "It's a pity that you are too old, if you are younger, I am afraid that I am really not your opponent." "

Saying that, the young man tightened the long sword in his hand and took an offensive stance.

"But if it's now, sorry, you don't have any chance of winning!"

If it is a young man, the special effects awakened by the domineering of armed color can only be used as a surprise soldier.

But in the face of the old man, this special effect becomes a talisman.

People's reactions will slowly become dull with age, and for the elderly, losing sight is no different from blindness.

The boy's sigh angered the crowd.

Presumptuousness, arrogance and other rebukes followed.

But Yanagawa didn't care at all, he only had his opponent in his eyes.

Green Pepper smiled calmly and said calmly: "Maybe what you said is right, but so what, let me have a good insight into your skills." "

Seeing this, the young man no longer waited, and he picked up Yan Feng and rushed over.

At the same time, Green Pepper also reacted, clearly visible green tendons all over his body, he wanted to use his strongest move to meet the final confrontation!

In an instant, a thick armed color domineering aura wrapped around the old man's flat head, and his aura became extremely powerful.

Yanagawa immediately saw the old man's intention, and the pink flowing cherry blossom spread domineeringly, isolating the spatial connection with the old man.

Seeing that the old man made a gesture of clasping his hands together, his footsteps stepped fiercely on the deck, and rushed towards him like a high-speed train.

The young man did not have the slightest hesitation, and his forward movement was abrupt, as if he was going to respond to this strongest move.

When everyone thought that Green Pepper and Red Flame Sword Hao would collide fiercely, Yanagawa's feet moved slightly, and he easily dodged the past.

The old man's most proud trick was so easily cracked.

However, this was not the end, when the figure of Green Pepper swept past the boy, Yanagawa raised the knife high in both hands.

Time froze as if in this instant.

Lao Cai, who was fighting fiercely, noticed this scene and his heart shook.

I wanted to open my mouth to warn, but I couldn't shout a word.

Abu also saw it, his eyes were full of fear, and even Daz's knife slashed at his body, unconscious.

Everyone's eyes were focused on one place, and the boy was like an executioner, as if he would cut off the old man's head at any moment.

This is no longer a battle, everyone knows that the old man's life is in the young man's thoughts.

The so-called strongest move becomes a joke when it loses its target, and there is no commendable duel at all.

After Yanagawa came up with his trick of pressing the bottom of the box, the battle had already been reduced to a one-sided slaughter.

Yanagawa knows this, and so does Green Pepper.

But he still rushed over without hesitation, which is his glory as a legendary pirate.

At this moment, Green Pepper was ready to die generously.

Green Pepper's life is full and legendary, and it can be regarded as a complete merit to die in the hands of the pioneers of the new era.

If you want to say that there is regret, maybe you can't see Lao Cai escape from Liu Chuan's hands.

Thinking so, Green Pepper looked at his two grandchildren when he died.

How I hoped that they could escape this calamity, but unfortunately he had no way to take care of these two old children.

The old man's gaze is so clear, there is no fear, there is no panic, and some are just a trace of nostalgia for life.

Yanagawa has been observing, observing what posture the old man will face the time of death.

Seeing this look, the young man's spirit couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

"This is family affection..."

What moved Liu Chuan was not the belief of the old man to die generously, nor the fearless spirit of the old man, but the only trace of remembrance.

At this last moment, he was thinking about his grandson, which was really surprising.

Yanagawa sighed, and his hands slowly fell.

Yan Feng fell at a seemingly slow, but in fact extremely fast speed.

Just when the blade was about to touch the back of the old man's neck, Yanagawa's movements changed.

The blade was raised upwards to meet the old man's neck and become the hilt.

In an instant, no one could see his movements clearly, so he heard a "boom", and a big hole broke in the deck of the big ship.

And the sturdy old man disappeared with the dust kicked up, and his life and death were unknown.

Until this time, the mournful roar of Lao Cai and Abu cai.


A desperate roar echoed over the deck, and everyone who heard it was moved by it.

Daz's stabbing hand hesitated slightly, quietly changed its trajectory, and pierced into Abu's hind abdomen.

"Ah!!" came another scream.

Lao Cai heard the voice, turned his head again, and saw Abu being stabbed through his body, and his eyes were scarlet.

"Abu!! You look for death!!

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