When Green Pepper covered the back of his neck with one hand and was about to come to the deck with the other, he saw a messy scene above.

The eyes immediately focused on the two grandchildren who were disemboweled, and Green Pepper quickly ran over to stop the bleeding for them.

"You must persevere, don't have an accident." "

After simply treating the wound, without feeling the breath of a living person around him, Green Pepper roared: "What about people?

However, no matter how much he shouted, no one answered.

Only then did he remember that he had forgotten to observe the situation after the war.

When he got up again and looked around, he saw the pirates who had collapsed to the ground.

Green Pepper's pupils shrank, and he quickly came to a person's side and shook his body.

"Hey! Cheer up, don't die." "

The swayed pirate frowned, slowly sobered up, saw that it was Green Pepper Dongliang, and was surprised: "Are you okay?"

Green Pepper knocked on his head angrily, "Otherwise, do you want me to be okay?"

Noting that this subordinate was okay, Green Pepper breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it seems that they were all stunned by the overlord-colored domineering, and they didn't kill each other. "

At first, he thought everyone was dead, but now he is relieved to see that everything is fine.

"You go and call people up, it's time for us to clean up the battlefield." "

The old man patted the pirate on the shoulder and told him to do something.

The pirate didn't understand what the situation was, but seeing that Dongliang said so, he subconsciously answered.

When he stood up and saw a large group of fainted accomplices on the deck, he immediately remembered what had just happened.

Old Cai Dongliang and Abu, they were pierced in the stomach by those two people!"

The pirate hurriedly reported to the old man, and Green Pepper waved his hand lightly when he saw it.

"It's okay, we've bandaged them, there shouldn't be any danger to life, you go about your business first." "

The pirate nodded absently, and suddenly asked again.

"We ... What's wrong with this, how did you suddenly lose consciousness. "

Green Pepper looked at him expressionlessly, and finally gave an explanation.

"That's overlord-colored domineering. "

After saying that, Green Pepper waved his hand and let him do his own thing, and the pirate woke up like a dream, calling his unconscious companions one by one according to Green Pepper's instructions.

Only then did the green pepper have time to observe the surroundings.

The Baroque studio three-masted schooner and the icebreaker are long gone.

On the surrounding sea, in addition to their own boats, three large ships remained intact.

Those ships that were cut in two by the Red Flame Sword Hao were still floating on the sea, stubbornly not sinking.

Green Pepper observed for a while, and he knew it in his heart.

It seems that those people did not kill them all, and from the beginning they planned to only loot and not kill.

In this way, their Eight Treasures Water Army can be regarded as owing these people a great favor.

Green Pepper felt helpless in his heart, and his skills at sea were inferior to others, and there was nothing to say.

Being robbed and being grateful to others is the sorrow of the weak.

It's a pity that he is already old, and Lao Cai is not to the extent that he can take responsibility, so he can only accept this sad result.

"If you meet them next time, take the initiative to detour, for now, that's all it takes." "

The old man sighed, shook his head and carried his two seriously injured grandsons to the cabin.


On the three-masted schoon, Klockdahl asked Von Kray in front of him: "How is the harvest this time, is there still a problem with supplies?"

Feng Kelei stretched out a thumb, and the corners of his eyes flashed, "The harvest is full of bosses, in addition to supplies, there are many valuable things, and it is estimated that they can be worth a lot of money after selling, this operation is very perfect!"

However, he faithfully carried out the orders of the two bigwigs, and the valuable things on the enemy's ships were not spared, and all that could be taken were taken, even those that were cut down were ransacked, which can be said to have looted the Eight Treasures Water Army.

"Well, well done. Klockdar nodded calmly.

He hadn't done robbery work for several years, but seeing that Von Klay was not rusty at all, Klockdar was very pleased with this.

Turning his head to look at the young man, Yanagawa didn't know when he had already begun to swing his sword again.

Seeing that he didn't seem to take the initiative to participate in the exchange, Klockdar took the initiative to speak: "Now it's okay, the materials are abundant again." "

Yanagawa heard the voice and responded in between swinging the knife: "Hmm." "

Klockdar's eyelids picked, and he said in his heart: Well, you are big, can't you say more than two words?

He thought so in his heart, but something else came out of his mouth.

"What are you going to do with those two girls in front of you, and now you can't seem to find an excuse to trouble them." "

Saying that, a dangerous light flashed in Klockdar's eyes, and he looked maliciously at the icebreaker not far ahead.

When they were fighting before, these two women didn't mean to participate in the battle in the slightest.

I was watching from the sidelines, as if it didn't matter to me.

After the fight, I knew that I came to care about the two sentences, and I didn't know what I did before.

Hearing this, Liu Chuan stopped his cultivation action, wiped his sweat and said: "Why do you want to find trouble with them now, just when they are lucky to escape, wait until the country of Wano has them to look good." "

No matter what their minds are, anyway, this hatred is considered to be written down, and when he gets to the place, he will never let them go.

Dare to calculate yourself swaggeringly, this is not taking yourself seriously.

That woman named Waitibey wants her to look good sooner or later!

"Well, you are calmer than me, and since you think that now is not a good time, then I listen to you. "

Klockdar spat out his cigarette and resisted the urge to do it.

Anyway, I will teach them a lesson in the future, and there is no hurry.

At the same time, the icebreaker burned its eyebrows.

The battle passed too fast to hold them back. "

Jenny kept circling the room, her hands restlessly making small movements, looking very anxious.

Seeing his sister's figure swaying back and forth in front of his eyes, Waitib?? was irritated to see it.

"Can you be honest and quiet for a while? Don't you see that I'm thinking of a way?

Hearing this, Jenny stopped and lay on the edge of the bed and looked up at Waitibei.

"So have you figured out how to do it? What are we going to do?"

Waitib?? sighed and said, "What else can I do, take them to the arc, it can drag on for a while, and now I can only use this stupid method." "

I shouldn't have agreed so hastily when I talked to Marko, but it's too late to say that.

Who knew that the course of the battle would suddenly change and be finished in a matter of minutes?

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