Counting the time spent moving supplies, it totals less than an hour, which is simply overwhelming.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time, and there are seven days to drag it out slowly, and there will always be a way.

Hearing this answer, Jenny was immediately extremely frustrated.

"If I hadn't been talking nonsense at that time, I wouldn't have become like this, and I blame you..."

The girl's self-reproachful words made Waidibei feel a little distressed, and her heart softened and she persuaded: "In fact, it's all the same, he began to suspect that he has revealed his stuffing, and your words just make him more sure, and the final result will not be much different." "

Hearing this, Jenny's eyes lit up, with hope in her eyes, and asked cautiously, "Is that so?"

Waitib?? nodded lightly and pulled the messy hair aside for the girl.

"Yes, in fact, the result is the same. "

From the beginning of calculating the Red Flame Sword Hao, this result was already doomed.

She was so arrogant that she bet all her hopes on the storm, deciding that Baroque Studios could not escape that storm.

At that time, she was too determined, so she fell into this situation.

If I had been so cautious from the beginning, it would not have turned out to be like this.

At the end of the day, it was all her own fault.

It's just that it's too late to say this, and there is no point in discussing right and wrong.

All she could do at the moment was desperately delay, and beyond that, it was useless.

"Two hundred nautical miles... What can be done to shorten that distance?"

In the dimly lit room, Waitib?? kept thinking, thinking about what he should do next.


While a young girl was thinking about her next life at one end of the sea, there was also a woman on the other side of the new world thinking about the whereabouts of Red Flame Jianhao.

"Half a month has passed, and I don't know where that little devil ran, if it weren't for this damn escort mission, it is estimated that he would have already fought with him at this time!"

Peach Bunny rehydrates between rests while thinking about things to pursue.

Twenty days have passed since the last incident in Flexkalin, and the warship she led has almost arrived in Punk Hassad, and in a few days it will be able to cross the Red Earth Continent and return to the naval headquarters.

After sending Jack to Marin Fando, she can withdraw and return to the pursuit again.

It's just that at that time, I don't know where the teenager will appear again and what kind of posture he will take.

All this worries Peach Rabbit.

The hard work of cultivation in recent months has yielded good results, but the more this happens, the more uneasy Peach Rabbit's heart becomes.

She can make such a big improvement if she is still troubled by affairs, and it is estimated that her strength will grow even faster with that teenager's talent, and I really don't know what kind of monster she will face at that time.

Peach Rabbit thought worriedly, and his expression couldn't help but be a little tangled.

At this time, an officer came to the peach rabbit to salute and report.

"Report sir, there are still two nautical miles away from Punk Hassad, I don't know if we want to resupply supplies in Punk Hassad or go directly to the Red Earth Continent, please instruct the chief!"

Peach Rabbit thought for a moment and asked, "Are the materials on the ship enough to support the Red Earth Continent?"

The young officer hesitated for a while, but finally answered honestly: "Report sir, it was originally possible." "

Why report to me in such vague terms and tell me your answer, Lieutenant Colonel!"

The lieutenant colonel looked embarrassed, and stopped talking, seeing that Peach Rabbit's eyes became sharper and sharper, and finally he couldn't resist the pressure to say it.

"Yes, sir, your appetite has been too good lately, the food on board is a little unsupportable, and we may need to resupply." "

No wonder he had a tangled look, it turned out to be because of this.

Peach Rabbit's cheeks turned red when she heard the result, saying that her appetite was too good, wasn't it saying that she ate too much and couldn't support it.

What is the difference between this and directly saying that she is the king of big stomachs.

Peach Rabbit glared at the officer in annoyance, straightened out his breathing, and calmly gave the order.

"Go and supply, just supply it simply, there is no need to trouble the people over there." "

When the officer heard this, he immediately saluted and fled.

The amount of training that Peach Rabbit has been training recently is too large, and a large amount of nutrient supplementation is inevitable.

The navy on board can understand and naturally there will be no complaints about this.

But it would be too embarrassing to say this in front of Peach Rabbit.

No matter how Peach Rabbit is also a woman, she will not like to hear others say that she eats too much.

However, the results of consuming large amounts of food are also very satisfactory.

If she faced the battle in the Chambord Islands now, she was confident that she could take out her opponent in ten rounds.

It's a pity that the strength growth came too late, and she has missed the best time.

The warship docked at the naval base in Punk Hassad, and because of Peach Rabbit's special status, the local navy greeted Peach Rabbit with the highest specifications.

The plea for replenishment of supplies was not surprisingly agreed, and the sailors quickly carried the supplies to the ship.

Soon, the ship's supplies were replenished and it was ready to leave from Punk Hassad.

However, at this time, there was unfortunate news.

The sirens of the naval branch sounded throughout the island, making everyone's hearts beat quickly.

The alarm was accompanied by an island-wide broadcast, from which Peach Rabbit heard an unusual atmosphere.

There are three unidentified pirate ships approaching, and everyone is ready for battle!"

"Repeat, this is not a drill, everyone is combat-ready!"

As the broadcast came out, all the navies in the branch immediately moved, and each rushed to his post.

At the same time, the head of the branch also found Peach Rabbit and begged her to help jointly resist the attack of pirates.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, please stay and help drive away the pirates, you also know that we are a scientific research base here, and we don't have much effective combat power, and the pirate groups of the three new worlds are too much pressure for us, I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist them." "

The lieutenant general in charge of the local division wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered a pleading.

Peach Rabbit naturally wouldn't refuse, but she had deeper concerns.

"I will definitely stay and help, but the most important thing now is to quickly investigate the identity of the other party, if it is a sea thief, it is best to quickly ask the headquarters for help, I think things are not that simple." "

It happened to attack here when she was escorting Jack, which gave Peach Rabbit a sense of foreboding.

Praying that her hunch was wrong, she dashed towards the harbor.

When she came to the port and saw the flags of the three incoming pirate ships, she couldn't help but gasp.

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