On the half-moon-shaped military port, artillery fire continued to sound, and countless artillery guns shot towards the three pirate ships.

However, when these shells approached the pirate ship, they all turned into powder without exception, and none of the shells could pose a threat to them.

Peach Rabbit's eyes widened and she looked at all this with a flustered look.

It was not frightened by the means used by the three ships, but she recognized the identity of the other party, which was a pirate who should never be here.

"Hundred beasts, damn it, how could they show up here!"

The ship swaggered with the flag of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and drove straight towards the military port of Punk Hassad.

Three pirate ships are in no man's land, no matter how many shells fly by, they cannot pose a threat to them.

Peach Rabbit decisively ordered the officer next to him to contact the headquarters.

"Quick, tell the Marshal of the Warring States, we are in trouble here, and we are asking for support. "

"If you can, please let him send Borusalino over, in short, it must be fast!"

The target of the people of the hundred beasts to come here does not need to think to know that it is the criminal she escorted, Drought Jack.

Since they dare to come over, it shows that they have absolute confidence that they can snatch people from their hands.

To be on the safe side, Peach Rabbit decisively asked for help.

She hates mission failure more than ridicule!

The officer was ordered to immediately call for help from his headquarters.

And Peach Rabbit led the others to her warship, she wanted to transfer people out, use the naval branch as a stronghold, and fight offensive and defensive wars!

For a while, everyone mobilized.

While controlling a large amount of firepower to pour over and stop the pirates from approaching, he led people carrying a huge cage and quickly moved to the central area of the naval branch.

By the time the pirate ship landed on the shore, Peach Rabbit had already entered the fortress with Jack.

Three pirate ships anchored firmly on the shore, completely ignoring the shells and bullets that kept coming at them, and erected ladders to connect to the ground.

When everything was done, the commanders of the three ships led people down from the ships.

If Peach Rabbit was present, he would definitely recognize the identities of the three of them.

They are the head of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group-Ember, the two siblings of the five sons of the volley, Runmei and Pejiwan!

For this rescue operation, Kaido actually sent such a luxurious lineup.

Such a group of people, let alone a small naval branch, I am afraid that there is nowhere to stop their actions except for Marin Fandor and Mary Joa.

Peach Rabbit is considered to be bad luck now.

Above the fortress, Peach Rabbit, the lieutenant general of the branch, and the generals watched the people slowly approaching them, their eyes revealing unprecedented solemnity.

Although the name of the fire disaster does not resound throughout the sea like Drought Jack.

But everyone knew that Flame Ember was definitely several times more terrifying than Jack, and no one dared to look down on him.

Looking at the tall man wrapped in what seemed to be a battle armor and a dress, and a tall man with huge wings behind him, leading a man and a woman wearing masks to walk slowly like a leisurely walk, the branch lieutenant general was sweating profusely.

"What to do, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit? They're coming soon, how are we going to deal with it!"

Although he is said to be a lieutenant general, his own strength is not very strong, and in the face of a three-calamity level figure, I am afraid that he is not even qualified to fight.

Peach Rabbit could barely maintain his composure, and there was no trace of panic on his facial expression.

This made everyone around her slightly relieved and quietly waited for her decision.

But in fact, what is the idea of Peach Rabbit, this is the first of the three major disasters, not to mention the two volleys and five sons next to it.

If she had powerful subordinates, she would dare to fight hard with the other party, but now where did she get her subordinates.

Just these crooked dates, take the head and hit each other?

After thinking for a long time, Peach Rabbit spoke.

"What is the answer from the headquarters?"

The subordinates on the side hurriedly replied: "The yellow ape general has already set off, it is expected that... Expected..."

The officer swallowed his saliva and did not say the answer for a long time.

He was afraid that speaking out would make everyone despair.

"Okay, don't say it, I know what's going on. Peach Rabbit quickly stopped his subordinate's answer, since this answer could not be announced, it was better to hide it.

In the end, it leaves a glimmer of hope, and it will not be worse than it is now.

"In this way, you continue to contact Borusalino over there, urge him to come quickly, and I will go down and say hello to them first to see if I can hold on for a while." "

It is difficult for a woman to cook without rice, even if she has no confidence, she can only do this.

Peach Rabbit said this and jumped off the city tower.

At this time, the head of the branch hurriedly stopped her and asked worriedly: "Are you confident that you can deal with it?"

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit stopped, turned her head to look at him, and asked, "Do you look like I have faith?"

Peach Rabbit looked indifferent, and the person in charge could not see the truest thoughts in her heart.

At this time, the vice admiral showed a self-deprecating smile.

"Without confidence and no way, who made me a vice admiral?"

This time, Peach Rabbit didn't give the others another chance to interject, and fell directly from the city tower.

The pink navy uniform spread out in midair, like a bright cherry blossom slowly falling.

The navy who heard that sentence were shocked in their hearts, and they couldn't help but be awe-struck when they saw this scene again.

Who made me a vice admiral?

This is easy to say, but who can face an invincible enemy without hesitation like her?

For the first time, the head of the naval branch saw what it was to be a vice admiral in the navy headquarters, and at the same time, he understood for the first time how heavy the title of senior admiral candidate was.

Peach Rabbit's resolute back reminded him of the content of the oath he took when he joined the Navy.

"Always stand at the forefront of the battle, become the strongest shield of justice, see that evil will pierce its body, and become the sharpest weapon of justice." "

Perhaps over time he has forgotten his most pious proclamations, but some still remember.

The figure that appeared in mid-air became the most unforgettable scene in his heart.

This delicate woman reawakened his longing for light that had fallen asleep.

The lieutenant general of the branch was infected and almost jumped from the city tower together.

There was also a sober person next to him who stopped him in time, making him recall that he did not have the strength to jump from such a high place to avoid embarrassing appearance.

Then the lieutenant general led the large army to the bottom, and he wanted to live and die with this venerable general.

Peach Rabbit had no idea what was happening on the castle tower, and she stood in front of the enemy at this time, under extremely great pressure.

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