"Who gave you the courage to provoke the majesty of the Navy, do you know where this place is?

Peach Rabbit's voice was loud, and he looked at the three people in front of him with anger in his eyes.

The Runnian sisters and brothers looked at each other when they heard this, and the meaning in their eyes was very obvious, who is this person?

At this time, Yan Yan took a step forward and stood less than a meter away from the peach rabbit.

The indifferent gaze looked down at the woman who was less than his chest, and a cold and dull voice came from inside the helmet.

"I don't want to conflict with you, it's my sincerity that I haven't made a move so far, hand Jack over, don't embarrass yourself." "

It is true that the three pirate ships broke into the naval branch with a tough posture, but they never made a counterattack.

Yan Yan's words are right, he is here to pick up Jack back, not to provoke the navy, he does not like meaningless battles.

Peach Rabbit thought a little and understood what he meant, but it was absolutely impossible for her to hand over the pirate who had eaten it!

If you want to save him, it depends on whether you have that strength!"

The Navy has publicly announced the result of Jack's capture, if he is allowed to escape again, where is the face of the Navy?

Peach Rabbit didn't want to refuse on the spot, whether it was for the overall interests of the navy or her personal glory, she was not allowed to hand over people.

"So, you have to fight?" Yan Yan stared at Peach Rabbit coldly, and there was a tendency to start fighting if he didn't agree with each other.

"It's you who says you're going to hit, it's not me, you have to figure out the situation." Peach Rabbit did not mean to back down in the slightest,-for-tat.

Having said that, the grumpy Runmei couldn't bear it anymore.

"Say so much and do something, just kill this woman, if you don't want to make a move, get out of the way for me and let me deal with her!"

She has been unhappy with Peach Rabbit for a long time.

The posture falling from the sky is beautiful, isn't it?

You have to appear in such an exaggerated pose, right?

Originally, she was the talent who was in the limelight, but this woman took everyone's attention as soon as she came.

This made Runtian feel very unhappy.

At the same time, he also felt unhappy with Yan Disaster, he turned his head fiercely to look at Runtian, this manic guy didn't give himself any face, if it weren't for being in the battlefield Yan Calamity would have taught her a lesson on the spot.

But now is not a good time to teach his subordinates a lesson, he came with a mission, wait until Jack is rescued first.

Ember warned Runnian with his gaze not to come nonsense, and slowly turned his head back.

"Tell Sengoku that I'm leaving, and if he's not satisfied, let him come to Kazuno-kuni to find me. "

After saying this in a cold tone, Ember slowly pulled out the knife.

"Come on Peach Rabbit, I heard that your strength is not inferior to the three major generals, let me see how strong you are and dare to refuse my proposal. "

Peach Rabbit was not afraid, and also drew his knife at each other.

"Let me see the strength of the head of the three plagues, which has also been famous to you and me for a long time. "

If it is one against three, Peach Rabbit does not feel that he has much chance of victory.

But if it's one-on-one, she is still more confident.

The words fell, the battle was about to break out, and the two rushed towards each other with blades.

The two sharp blades collided together without accident, bursting into a large number of sparks.

At the same time, a silent shock wave erupted from the center point where the two collided, and the strong thrust pushed the two out.

The Runnian siblings were also affected by the aftermath of the battle and took a big step back.

Since Yan Yan chose to do it himself, there was no room for them to participate.

Standing firmly not far away, he chose to watch from the sidelines.

"Very powerful. Ember commented in a flat tone and shot again.

Peach Rabbit didn't hesitate, and the knife followed.

For a while, the sound of blades colliding on the square below the fortress kept sounding, and one after another shock waves erupted one after another, making it difficult for people to approach.

At this time, above the square, pirates from a hundred beasts and the navy faced off across the battlefield.

His eyes were fixed on the two in the battle, waiting for them to divide the victory and defeat.

Without the words of the two, no one dared to take the lead in attacking.

Invisibly, they reached a certain tacit understanding, silently watching their strongest combat power fight alone.

The battle lasted for a moment, and in the middle of a confrontation, Yan Yanyi pushed Peach Rabbit away with great force.

"If your strength is only like this, there is no need to fight this battle, I believe you also feel it, you are not my opponent." "

Ember looked condescendingly at the panting Peach Rabbit, his tone as indifferent as ever.

Peach Rabbit gritted his teeth, brushed away the hair that was soaked with sweat and stuck to the corners of his eyes, and said with anger: "Don't underestimate people, you are not qualified to say this." "

Saying that, he took the knife across his chest, and took a slight step forward with his left leg to make a stabbing starting pose.

Seeing this, Ember was a little surprised.

"Oh? Spike? Are you sure you want to do this?"

Facing an opponent who is also a sword hao, the stabbing is not a good choice.

This move is extremely dangerous, and it is very likely to put yourself in a desperate situation before you hurt your opponent.

Seeing Peach Rabbit's resolute eyes, Yan Yan suddenly became a little interested.

"Come on, let me see your spurt and see what you plan to do in the face of me who has been prepared. "

Peach Rabbit stared at the opponent sharply, as if he was talking to himself and as if he was talking to the other party.

"Look, this is my latest sword move, and you will pay for your negligence." "

In an instant, the blade of the peach rabbit in front of him quickly stabbed forward, and then pulled back to its original place.

Yan Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, not understanding what she meant.

"Are you kidding me?

Halfway through the words, however, he already sensed something was wrong.

This is...... Sword Qi!

Exactly when!

The air flow in front of him was suddenly extremely chaotic, and the experienced Yan Yan instantly understood that the other party had launched an offensive.

It's just that how this invisible sword qi was born made him feel strange.

Obedient to instinct, Yan Yan swung his knife and slashed in the direction where the air blade flew from.

The blade trembled continuously on the sword qi, emitting a buzzing sound.


The blade in Yan Yan's hand kept trembling at an extremely exaggerated angle, as if it had been disturbed by some kind of interference, and it couldn't be stopped.

Looking at the long sword in his hand that had lost control, Yan Yan was shocked.

"What kind of means are you, are you still a Jianhao?"

What answered him was several invisible sword qi in succession, and the peach rabbit's hand kept shaking, as if telling a moving piston, and the long sword stabbed out and retracted repeatedly.

This time, Ember did not dare to have any more contempt, sensing the sword qi attacking and constantly dodging out.

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