The sword qi skimmed past him, striking the ground, and blasted out one cave after another with a radius of one person on the hard stone slab.

The most terrifying thing was that those sword qi quietly penetrated those stone slabs, which had gone against the usual perception.

At the same time, Ember also observed that the edges of the holes formed were smooth, as if they had been pierced by a drill, and there were no traces of sword qi cutting out at all.

This time, Yan Yan finally understood the other party's means.

"It's spinning, you have mastered the rotating sword qi?"

As if he had seen an incredible scene, his eyes hidden behind the mask were extremely wide, and he gaffed for the first time.

It's not that he's making a fuss, it's really weird.

Also dabbling in swordsmanship, he knew very well how incredible it was to want to cut out this kind of sword qi.

Don't say it's ashes, I'm afraid that any Jianhao will lose his voice when he sees this scene.

Even Yanagawa is the same.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? How can Jian Hao master this power. "

"Aside from the green peppers of the Eight Treasures Water Army, I haven't heard of anyone who can control the rotation, so you really gave me a big surprise!"

Aware of the mystery, Ember began to get excited.

The cold gaze in his eyes unconsciously changed to a touch of scarlet, and he kept beating like a flame.

Seeing that the peach rabbit pursed his mouth without saying a word, he released one sword qi after another, and the figure of the flame disaster shot out, carefully dodging the invisible air blade, and quickly approached the location where the peach rabbit was.

Seeing that the flame disaster was about to arrive in front of him, a hint of mockery flashed in Peach Rabbit's eyes.

Without waiting for his opponent to get close, Peach Rabbit took the lead in changing his move, and the stabbing action changed to swinging, swinging at the opponent's neck at a strange angle.

Yan Yan subconsciously raised his sword to block, but as soon as he collided, he felt that something was wrong.

The long knife in his hand spun out of thin air, so that he could not hold the hilt of the sword, and directly threw it out.

At the same time, Peach Rabbit's attack is already close at hand, and Ember is unavoidable!

Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of the lieutenant general's mouth.


The hard training these days has not been in vain, her strength is not the same, even the Yan Tribulation, the first of the three major calamities, will become her defeated subordinate!

At this moment, Peach Rabbit has decided that he has won.

No one knew better than her how powerful the power of rotation was, as long as this sword hit the opponent's forehead, the flame disaster would be lifeless.

Is it just that things will go the way she expected?

Just when she was in control, reality poured cold water on her.

As if carried by the power of the charge, the Yan Calamity, which involuntarily continued to run forward, stopped so abruptly.

The boy cut in Peach Rabbit's hand stayed 10 centimeters in front of Yan Yan's forehead, but it was difficult to get closer to half a point.

The duck she was unwilling to get her hands on flew away like this, quickly taking a step forward, wanting to chase it out.

But Yan Yan's reaction was also dissatisfied, and as her movements quickly retreated, she kept her original distance and did not get any closer.

At this time, a thin arm lightly hit the body of Tong Zi Che's sword, and a huge force was transmitted from the sword, and the peach rabbit's hand slipped, and it also failed to escape the fate of the weapon.

Looking at the empty palm, Peach Rabbit fell into confusion for a while?

Why is that?

It is clear that the opponent's weapons have already been knocked out, why is this situation formed?

Peach Rabbit suddenly felt helpless, could it be that her strength was really just that?

Is there nothing to do even about a Jian Hao who has lost his weapon?

Just as she was in self-doubt, Ember's voice came.

"You seem to have misunderstood something, I never said that I was Jianhao. "

"No, this sentence doesn't seem to be accurate, it should be accurate: I never said that I was just a sword master. "

This sentence made Peach Rabbit wake up like a dream, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

That's right!

Who told her that her opponent was a sword hao?

It was she herself who recognized this fact from the beginning and treated the other party as a Jianhao.

In fact, he had never heard of Yan Calamity having any achievements in swordsmanship.

On the contrary, the rumors about him are all horror and cruelty, where does it have something to do with the sword?

From the beginning, she fell into a blind spot, and rightfully so.

No wonder she always felt that something was not right, it turned out that the other party's strength was much weaker than expected, so it gave her the illusion that she could beat her opponent.

I see.

Peach Rabbit instantly understood that he had made the mistake of empiricism.

"So you weren't serious from the beginning, did you?"

Ember nodded incomparably calmly.

"I said from the beginning that I don't want to have a conflict with you. You see, I let you go again. "

Nope! Not true!

It's not that simple!

Peach Rabbit shook her head to deny what Ember said, and she said with certainty: "You lie, your level of swordsmanship is not a realm that ordinary people can achieve!"

She couldn't accept the fact that she had gone all out in exchange for this result.

"That's why I said that I am not just a Jianhao, I have not denied Jianhao's identity. "

At some point, Yan Yan's tone returned to calm and turned into the original cold tone.

The voice of the words reached Peach Rabbit's ears, making her heart chill.

What he said seems to be the truth, is his own strength also so?

In the face of the real strong, Peach Rabbit once again fell into self-doubt.

If it were a normal battlefield, she might have lost her life due to two lost consciousness.

But she was destined to be the object of Lady Luck's care today, and Yan Yan did not say a single lie, everything he said was true.

Therefore, Peach Rabbit also escaped.

But not having to worry about life doesn't mean she's truly safe.

Just as she was in a daze, the animalized arm shot out again.

"I don't know why your heart is so fragile, but you have to understand that mind wandering in battle comes at a cost. "

Saying indifferently, his thin arm hit Peach Rabbit's slender waist mercilessly.


With a loud bang, the peach rabbit instantly disappeared in place like an excited cannonball, and when it appeared again, it broke the wall on the fortress, and the whole person was embedded in it.

The navy who was watching nearby was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran over to save people.

The other navies looked at this monster-like figure with a look of horror, and no one dared to make a sound.

"Okay, the game is over, it's time to get down to business. "

Ignoring the surrounding navy, Yan Yan beckoned to the two behind him.

"Go, it's time to go and pick up that unlucky kid." "

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