With the existence of these two people, it is not unmanned to manage the pirate ship.

Everyone takes what they need, and the boat is quite harmonious.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

It was more than a day before Waitibé's promised seven-day covenant, and one day before she informed Klockdar of his arrival in the Land of Wa.

She was out of luck, because she was destined to fail to fulfill her promises to both sides.

In fact, there are still three days to sail to Wano Country.

The pressure on Marko's side brought her, and Waitibé had to go around in bigger circles to get the other party to catch up with her.

Well, Waidibe, who has a ghostly heart, is considered to be unflattering on both sides, and he will lose faith in anyone.

"Tell me where you are, I'll turn the ship around and head toward you, Klockdar is already suspecting me, and I need you to come as soon as possible." Waitibé said anxiously into the microphone.

In the morning, Klockdar came over in a rage, making her think that her plan had been exposed, and simply broke the jar and bet all the chips on Marko.

Marko is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' First Team, and his strength is beyond doubt.

Waitibé decided that as long as he could make peace with Marco, he would be out of danger.

Now she has no idea about the money, more to keep herself safe.

Nothing is more important than one's own life, and leaving Aoyama without fear of no firewood.

It's a pity that today she is destined to be unlucky, because...

The magnetic field here is like a ghost, the needle is spinning, I don't even know where I'm going, how can I tell you where I am?"

Marko's voice was very impatient, his mood was terrible, and he was troubled by the strange environment here.

"Don't make that mess, go directly to the country of Wano, I'll go over there, and meet you again in the country of Wano!"

Listening to the voice coming from the phone worm, Waitibey's face was like ashes.

What will she become when she arrives in Wano Country, isn't this playing with her?

Aren't you claiming to be invincible at sea, why can't you do such a little thing?"

Waitibé was really anxious this time, and she could vaguely feel what would happen to her after arriving at the place.

The boy had never shown her a good face once, and Klockdar's undisguised malice made her feel even more chilled.

I'm afraid that they haven't arrived in the country of Wano yet, just seeing the border of the country of Wa, these two people will be eager to start, right?

The thought of being blinded by money and provoking such two stars made Waitibé regret it.

I already knew that it was good to bring someone over honestly, it was a reward of 500 million, and earning this money was enough for her to be dashing for several years.

Why do you have to be so greedy and look at people's cash boxes.

Now, well, there is only a dead end waiting for her ahead.

Waitibé screamed anxiously, but the other end of the phone had already hung up, and the voice could not be heard at all.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the microphone, Waitibé looked hideous and slammed the phone bug to the ground.

"This fucking, arrogant bastard, who did the old lady get to this point for!"

Waitibé gasped, his teeth danced and his claws were scattered, and the captain's hat on his head had already fallen to the ground, and there was still a little calmness at the beginning.

Marko's notice became the last straw that broke the camel's back, leaving the woman under great pressure completely gaffe.

Jenny looked at her sister with a worried expression, not knowing what was said over there that made her so angry.

"Sister, what happened, will we be fine?"

A weak voice spat out of the red-haired girl's mouth, and Waitibé calmed down a little after hearing it.

"I don't know, now I can only drag it out as much as possible, what things will turn out, I don't know. "

She had already tried her best to delay the trip of Yanagawa and his group, and she thought that she would be able to make peace today and get out smoothly.

Who knew that in an accident, the captain of the white-bearded team was lost at sea and could not determine his position.

It was a joke, a big joke that made her laugh.

The plan in his heart almost collapsed, making Waitibé lose his measure.

The icebreaker is now like a train to hell, heading straight for the arms of death.

What made her feel even more powerless was that although she was the driver, she could not control the train to leave.

Knowing that there was a bottomless cliff ahead, she could only continue to drive forward.

What awaits her ahead is no longer up to her.

There was only one thing she could do, resign herself to fate.

Jenny felt an ominous aura from Waitibey's words, and did not dare to speak again.

She was afraid to hear worse from her sister.

Jenny would rather reveal the answer at the last minute than worry about it.

She didn't have the courage to accept the harsh reality.


The ship was still moving forward, and unexpectedly, this time the icebreaker did not continue to circumvent, but went straight in one direction.

Von Klay reported this to Klockdal, who hesitated and finally said only three words.

"Got it. "

Whatever why this is the case, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Hades' affairs have been delayed for too long, and it would be great if he could arrive in the country of Wano as soon as possible to deal with the affairs that the boy had to do.

Waidibe's acquaintance made Klockdar very satisfied, and he liked that the other party could do things seriously.

But...... This did not discourage Klockdahl from taking revenge.

At most, when it comes time to give them a pain, the person who calculates him, he will never let it go easily!

After reporting to Klockdahl, Von Kray informed Yanagawa of the situation.

In his mind, Yanagawa's status is no different from that of the boss, and they are both the objects of their own service.

Yanagawa's reaction after hearing this was the same as that of Klockdar, and he only said "got it" and it was over.

Feng Kelei returned to his position with a strange face, guessing what happened to these two today.

But he soon stopped thinking about these things, because sirens sounded from the other side of the lookout.

"Report! An unknown ship was found at ten o'clock on the port side, please pay attention!"

The watchman's voice was so penetrating that it could be heard not only by the people on the deck, but also by Klockdar, who was meditating in the cabin.

"Unknown ships? That's interesting. "

Klockdar took two sips of his cigar and walked out of the cabin thinking for a moment.

It is still necessary to pay attention to bumping into someone else's ship here.

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