Now they have officially stepped into the sea area controlled by the Hundred Beast Pirates, and if they encounter an enemy ship, they need to destroy it as soon as possible.

In case you let the other party pass the news back, I am afraid that there will be huge trouble.

At the same time, Yanagawa also took the telescope from Feng Kray and observed.

"Ha, these days are really interesting, first the fleet of the Eight Treasures Water Army, and now we have encountered other ships, do you say we are lucky or unlucky?"

Feng Kelei was stunned for a moment, observing the two sides and finding that he was the only one, and understood that the young man was talking to himself.

"Count it luck, right? should I?" replied Von Kray less confidently.

Generally speaking, the more ships a pirate ship encounters at sea, the better luck it will be.

After all, pirate ships live by looting.

If you can run into prey at sea, it is better than wandering around.

After all, there is too little land in this world, and the distance between islands is too far, and it is not an easy task to sweep up.

Of course, this is only true for the average pirate.

In other words, they are more powerful forces, they usually have their own sphere of influence, and they do not need to take the initiative to plunder at all.

Just wait for the local initiative to supply.

However, the current situation in the Baroque studio is more complicated, and neither situation is met.

At this time, they can meet other ships at sea, it is really difficult to say whether it is good luck or bad luck.

After the last ransack, Yanagawa has some interest in robbing other pirates.

Hearing Von Kray's answer, he was very satisfied.

"You can be confident, remove the word should, and see the prey take the initiative to come to the door, is this bad luck?"

Yanagawa said confidently, he had set his eyes on the sailboat that suddenly appeared.

“emmm...... The flags on their ships can be seen ... White pattern on black background... The other party is a pirate ship. "

As the distance got closer, the picture coming from the telescope became clearer.

It was a medium-sized ship, no different from ordinary merchant ships, with a relatively rounded shape and a storm-resistant design.

Such boats are usually not too fast and are designed to cope with complex sea conditions.

"Feng Klei, do you see whose person it is?"

Yanagawa asked while observing.

Now it can only be determined that it is a pirate ship, and it is impossible to determine which side it is.

Feng Kelei squinted his eyes and looked carefully, "I can't see it clearly, it seems to be a relatively simple pattern, it shouldn't be some sea thief, right?"

I don't know who prescribed it, the more bells and whistles the pattern corresponds to the stronger the pirate group.

Just like the pirate flag of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, four slender bones cross behind the skull in all directions, presenting the effect of peacock opening the screen.

The style of the skull is also very distinctive, not the human skull usually used by pirate groups, but a skull remains somewhat similar to a bull's head with two long horns.

At the end, two wide skeletons are painted in unknown parts, which is simply of unknown significance.

As one of the four emperors, their pirate flag is still relatively representative.

Also maverick is the Mama Pirates.

The pirate flag of the Aunt Pirate Group is even more fancy, others are black and white, and their pirate flag is colorful, which can be called a model of bells and whistles.

Of course, these are all off-topic, so let's leave it at that.

Let's get back to business.

Yanagawa burst out laughing when he heard this, and if he thought about it, it seemed that this was really the truth.

He said with a smile: "In short, it should not be the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, at least there is no need to hurry to kill them." "

While the two were talking, Klockdar also came to the bow of the ship.

As he pulled out his binoculars, he asked, "Can you see who it is?"

"No, it's still a bit far away, we're still watching." Yanagawa replied in a relaxed tone.

"What do you mean, are you preparing to fight each other?" asked Klockdar, hearing the excitement in his tone.

"Of course, don't thieves go empty, don't you understand, it's hard to run into a ship, if you don't rob it, is it still a pirate?" replied Yanagawa playfully, completely unconcerned.

Klockdar spat out a cigarette and did not deny his intentions, "Let's see the identity of the other party first, if there is no problem, do as you say." "

He can see that Liu Chuan is addicted to robbery, and he really has a teenager's temper.

In other words, he himself has long been out of this interest.

In his early years, he didn't know how many times he had done this kind of thing, and he had already robbed and vomited.

After finally becoming Nanabukai, he did not need to rely on traditional means to make a living, and he was accustomed to peaceful coexistence at sea.

Speaking of which, now that he was doing his old business again, Klockdar suddenly had a little interest.

"I hope it will be a good target, I haven't robbed in a long time." "

Time passed minute by minute, and the distance between the two sides slowly approached.

Because both sides were moving relative to each other, the position of the other party changed from 10 o'clock to 9 o'clock, and the direction of the three people's observation became horizontal.

Feng Kray was the first to observe the identity of the other party, he seemed to see an incredible scene, let go of the telescope, rubbed his eyes, and looked over there again.

How do I look at the pirate flag that looks like a white-bearded pirate?

At this time, Yanagawa and Klockdar also saw the outline of each other's pirate flags.

"I didn't think there was anything, listening to you say this, how can I look so similar?" Yanagawa was also unsure, the distance was still too far, and the pirate flag kept fluttering under the influence of the wind, making it difficult to distinguish.

At this time, Klockdar gave an affirmative answer: "No, you don't see that it is the white-bearded pirate flag, and no one dares to imitate a similar flag except them." "

Now that the case was solved, they encountered the Whitebeard gang.

As for who is on board?

Yanagawa, they are naturally not clear.

Contrary to them, Marko had long recognized Yanagawa and them.

The icebreaker is too recognizable compared to other pirate ships, and it is when they see the icebreaker that they approach here.

The thought that he would soon be able to meet the super strong newcomer who had killed Jack made Marko both excited and relieved.

"I thought I would see them in a few days, but I didn't expect to meet them so quickly, and I saved several days of time, which is really lucky. "

"And that kid, it's really surprising that he has the courage to go to the country of peace. "

"I don't know what that guy Kaido would think if he knew the whereabouts of this kid. "

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