At first, when he heard that the Red Flame Sword Hao was looking for Waidibe to go to the Land of Wa, Marko didn't believe it.

Hearing Waitibé say that she had seen the target with her own eyes, she chased the letter suspiciously.

After all, it's unbelievable.

The front foot just killed the top cadre of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and the back foot went to throw himself into the net.

In other words, no one will easily believe it.

This is not to say that he looks down on the Red Flame Sword Hao and the King of the Desert.

It is the fact that their strength is far inferior to that Kaido is iron-like, indisputable.

Under the joint efforts of Yanagawa and Klockdahl, it is true that Drought Jack was killed.

But what does that mean?

Drought Jack is just the weakest of the three Kanban boards, and there are three more people who are stronger than Jack.

And these three people are more terrifying than the other, even Marko himself does not dare to say that he can win any of them.

As for Kaido, then there is no need to think about it.

Unless the white-bearded daddy is close, I am afraid that no one in this sea can threaten him again.

The title of the strongest creature in history is no joke.

Even Whitebeard, who claims to be the strongest man on the sea, is jealous of Kaido.

Marko wondered with interest how this young man named Red Flame Jianhao had the courage to face such a number one person.

If it were someone else, it would be too late to accidentally provoke the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Where is there anyone like him, who takes the initiative to find the past.

I'm afraid it's not impatient to live, look for the dead.

What's even more interesting is that Klockdar actually came with him, which is even more intriguing.

Do you say... Does Wano Country exist something he can't give up?

It stands to reason that this is impossible, but if it is an ancient weapon, or a very powerful demon fruit, it may not be.

Hearing that Red Flame Sword Hao had not eaten the Devil Fruit yet, Marko guessed that he was going for some kind of Devil Fruit.

As the distance drew closer, Marko began to get a little impatient.

Say "I'll go see the situation first" to the pirate behind him, spread his arms and transform into sky-blue bird wings and soar into the sky.

The two people on the icebreaker who had been observing the situation on this side noticed this blue light and shouted excitedly.

"Saved, we are saved!!"

Waitibé hugged Jenny excitedly and burst into tears.

She almost thought she was going to die this time.

Who knew that the peak turned around and saw the light of hope in the most desperate times.

"If it were Marko, it's absolutely fine, we survived, Jenny. "

Jenny was also very excited, holding Waidibe's shoulders and shouting and jumping.

"Survived, we survived!"

The two vented the pressure in their hearts to their hearts, completely disregarding their own image.

But after venting, the two began to think differently.

"Now, security isn't an issue, so ... Isn't it time to think about how to steal the money?"

Waitibé's dead nature does not change, and as soon as he is out of danger, he immediately reveals his nature.

His eyes kept rolling in his sockets, wondering how to get things out of that boat.

No wonder she swelled, Marko is a notoriously strong man in this sea.

Even the Red Flame Sword Hao, who was called a monster, would definitely not be his opponent!

Marko and Jack, those are pirates of different levels!

Waidi Bejue did not believe that Yanagawa could beat Marko.

Once the two clashed, she had the confidence to go along without knowing it.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the two are going to clash.

After thinking for a while, Waidibe pushed away Jenny in her arms and hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up, let's go wash up and go to see the situation together." "

Marko came to recruit Yanagawa to join Whitebeard's gang, and there may not be a conflict between the two sides.

She must find a way to do something to provoke conflict between the two.

But before that, she first had to wipe the remaining tears on her face and then go to remediate.

Just now, because I was too excited, I couldn't control my emotions and cried the makeup on my face.

If you go out like this, I am afraid that someone will see through that something is wrong with you at a glance.

Jenny was not much better, heard her sister's orders, and hurried to the bathroom together.


Noticing that it was the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the three people who were observing all put down their binoculars and looked at each other.

"It's like... Can't rob anymore?" Yanagawa blinked, realizing that the other party didn't seem to be the object of robbery.

"No, you can still think about it, as long as the other party is not a big person, don't care about him, do it first." Klockdar teased.

The teenager's tone made him feel a little funny, and he couldn't help but ridicule.

However, Feng Kelei on the side seemed to take his words seriously, made a very exaggerated angry expression on his face, and roared: "Don't joke!

"I know, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously. Klockdar explained lightly, he knew that this time it was him joking, and did not accuse his subordinates of not being big or small.

Feng Kelei was still in shock and did not come to his senses, and roared angrily again.

"Don't joke about the Whitebeard Pirates, do you want the dead to know!"

"I know, I know, you shut up, annoying people. "

Klockdahl plucked his ears and picked the ear poop on his hand towards Von Kray, and his eyelids jumped.

"Whitebeard, no one dares to mess with him easily. "

Edward the Whitebeard, a legend of this sea.

That is a big man who has been active in this sea since decades ago, no one knows how many major events he has experienced, even the former One Piece King Roger may not be his opponent.

Even now, Whitebeard is no longer young.

He is still a man on top of the world.

In this world, except for another legendary figure, no one dares to challenge his authority.

Now, of course, there is another one.

But that is not our pirate rookie, the great sword Hao Yanagawa .

It's another Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks.

Even Klockdar, who knew Yanagawa very boldly, did not think that Yanagawa would have the audacity to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, that's a real behemoth.

Before the young man has fully grown up, it is very unwise to provoke the anger of another Four Emperors.

Yanagawa himself knew this truth and gave up his plan to rob the other party.

"Forget it, just be happy for nothing, that's it." Watching the other party's pirate ship slowly approaching, Yanagawa said with regret.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in the young man's tone, Feng Kelei's eyelids began to jump again, and he roared madly in his heart: You really thought about robbing them!

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