"No way, the famous Whitebeard Pirates have already provoked a Four Emperors, so let them go this time." Klockdar said jokingly.

However, this only appeared for a moment, and as soon as he spoke, his face became a little more solemn.

"Looking at the other side, it seems to be coming at us, do you have any ideas, Yanagawa?"

From the very beginning, the other party's intentions were very obvious, and judging from the direction of the ship's travel, it was rushing straight at his two ships.

If they are passing through, they should not change course, nor should they constantly adjust the direction of their advance.

Obviously, their purpose was their own group, but they didn't know which of the two ships they were coming for.

In short, no matter how trouble has come to the door, they must come up with a way to deal with it.

Yanagawa touched his chin and thought for a while, and had some conjectures in his heart.

"Remember when those two women delayed us? "

When he was in Kurek, in order to save trouble, he opened his cash box in front of the other party, so that Waitibé could see how much money was inside.

At that time, he did this in order to let the other party understand his financial resources and save a lot of trouble.

But in this way, the same taboo of going out is also committed: wealth is not exposed.

Yanagawa guessed in his heart that these people might have come for their own money.

It can only be said that he was too careless.

Of course, these words cannot be said to Klockdar.

If Klockdar knew that he had a huge sum of more than ten billion, he would probably have ideas.

No, there should be definitely an idea.

Having experienced so many events together, it should be impossible to do it directly.

But I definitely ask myself where the money is coming from.

At that time, the distribution of funds is a trivial matter, and I am afraid that the truth of Hades will not be able to survive.

So...... This matter can not show the stuffing, try not to show the filling.

Speaking of which, this time has worked well with Klockdar, and Yanagawa does not want to lose this reliable ally because of a little negligence.

"Are they here for your bounty?" Klockdar's train of thought was guided by the boy's words, guessing the truth.

The Whitebeard Pirates have a huge power at sea, but for the sake of that little fly-headed profit, offending a rookie with endless potential, this is not like something that Whitebeard can do.

Seven hundred and forty million, that's really not a small amount of money.

But compared to the name of Red Flame Sword Hao, it is not so cost-effective.

It is one thing for a teenager to take the initiative to rob Whitebeard's gang, and it is another thing if Whitebeard takes the initiative to provoke a teenager.

Yanagawa may not be afraid of these people, and he himself will definitely help.

Is it really worth offending two high-end combat forces for a little bounty?

Klockdar shook his head slowly, feeling that he was thinking in the wrong direction.

But what purpose would they have besides that?

For a while, Lao Sha couldn't think of the intentions of these people.

"Leave it alone, we'll know what's going on when they come over." Yanagawa saw Klockdar lost in thought and patted his arm to wake him up.

He analyzed with a clear thought: "We can't do without Waitibey's guidance now, if they are accomplices on both sides, it is basically impossible to run away, what we have to do now is to wait for the other party to come over, see their intentions, and act when the opportunity arises." "

Once out of the fleet, they get lost in this sea.

In the case of permanent pointers that do not work, their situation will only get worse.

So the option of escape was ruled out from the beginning, they could only face it, there was no other option.

Hearing the teenager's analysis, Klockdar also thought of this.

Following the young man's analysis, Klockdar continued: "Not only can we not run, but our attitude must be tough, and we must leave Waitibé and them here, otherwise the nearby country of Wano will also lose our arms, and we must follow them and leave." "

"Yes, that's it. Yanagawa nodded, acknowledging his inference.

Then the teenager concluded: "In this way, our thinking is very clear, no matter what the other party's intentions are, we must ensure that our trip will not be interrupted." "

"If you have to go to war, avoid Waitibey and his gang, don't hurt them unless you have to, and make sure they don't run away." "

"When you think about it, our situation seems very bad. "

When he said the end, Yanagawa frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

Klockdar also looked solemn, and he felt that this encounter was a severe test for his group.

"In any case, they should not easily provoke us, just do as you say, and act at the opportunity." "

This trip was too hasty from the beginning, lacking adequate preparation, and it was inevitable to face these difficulties.

Although Klockdar is pessimistic about his current situation, he is not disappointed by it.

Even Drought Jack's attack has been withheld, and there should be no more severe test.

Yanagawa thought for a moment and felt that what he said made sense.

"Indeed, they should also be concerned, after all, our strength has also been shown, do not dare to be too arrogant, in short, be careful." "

In the space of a minute, the two discussed the general course of action in a few short sentences.

With a clear purpose and a rough analysis of the other party, the idea is much clearer.

Just when the two were still thinking about whether there was a gap, Feng Kelei exclaimed.

"It was something, it looked like it was coming towards us. "

The two suddenly raised their heads when they heard the voice, and at first glance they saw the "thing" that Feng Klei was referring to.

It was a blue flame that quickly skipped across the sky.

Just like Von Kray said, he flew towards this side at a very fast speed.

"Blue... Flame... The shape of a bird..." Klockdar suddenly closed his mouth as he said what he had observed.

Through these few keywords, he has already thought about what is going on.

"Immortal bird, Marko. "x2

Yanagawa and Klockdar's voices came out at the same time.

When the two heard each other's voices, they both looked at each other with some surprise.

When it comes to several big figures of the Whitebeard Pirates, Klockdar is familiar with it.

Remembering the intelligence of the four emperors is a necessary lesson for the sea thief, and it is very reasonable to guess it yourself.

But how did the teenager guess?

Klockdar couldn't help but be a little surprised.

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