But this is not the time to discuss this.

The cyan giant bird flew high into the air and swooped over at an incomparably fast speed.

Seeing the flickering blue fire in the afterlight, the attention of the two shifted invariably.

"It's so fast, I've never seen anyone fly at such speed. Klockdar's face was incredulous.

Not to mention flying, few people on the ground can run so fast.

Just by appearing, Marko calmed down the group of people in the Baroque studio.

"Well, it's really fast, and this kind of speed has never been seen before. Yanagawa's gaze was fixed on the comer, and his face was very solemn.

Just seeing the immortal bird Marko out here was surprising enough.

I never thought that I hadn't shot yet, but the flight speed alone was so amazing, which was amazing.

By the time the two sighed, Marko had reached the skies over the three-masted schoon.

Then, like a swooping fighter, it swooped down from the sky like thunder.

Just as it approached the deck, the flame-emitting blue giant bird changed its posture extremely flexibly, spreading its huge wings and swinging violently.

Instantly stopped the trend of falling and stood firmly on the ground.

At the same time, a huge wind pressure burst out on the deck, and the fierce wind blew through and made it impossible to open their eyes.

Except for the two people standing on the bow of the boat, all of them blocked in front of them and resisted the attack of the strong wind.

The wind pressure came and went quickly, and after a few seconds it subsided.

When the wind was calm again, the agents on the deck looked there and saw a yellow-haired man with messy hair standing leisurely on the edge of the deck.

He stood on one foot with his hands in his pockets, his other leg slightly bent, and his toes against the floor.

Coupled with the slightly hunched back and the spiritless eyes, it is said that this person did not look at everyone present.

As he approached, Yanagawa and Klockdar had already turned to face him and looked towards him.

Seeing his expression, both of them couldn't help but frown slightly.

This guy is also too blind, are the people of the Whitebeard Pirates so arrogant?

Klockdar took a step forward, looked at Marko with vigilant eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Marko, what do you mean by this, come over without saying hello, do you look down on me too much?"

No matter how he is also Qiwu Hai, this gesture of no one is a little too arrogant.

Marko looked up lightly and glanced at him nonchalantly.

"I'm not here to find you, you're not qualified to talk to me. "

Qi Wuhai is something, but he is just a lackey of the world government.

There may be a little bit of strength, but that bit of strength is something in front of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Klockdar Ben also wanted to discuss with the other party in a good voice, asking the other party's intentions, and when he heard this, his forehead was bruised, and his eyes full of anger looked at each other angrily.

"Oh, no qualifications, you really think highly of yourself." Klockdar smirked angrily and said mockingly.

This time, Marko ignored him, as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't look at him.

Seeing this, Klockdar became even more angry, and he took a step forward, as if he wanted to strike immediately and teach this guy who didn't know the sky a little lesson.

Fortunately, Yanagawa on the side saw his fury, reached out and put his hand on Klockdar's shoulder, and reminded in a low voice: "Calm down!"

Now they are on their own ships, and if they fight regardless of the outcome of the battle, it is estimated that the pirate ship will not be able to survive.

Even if it was to do it, Yanagawa wanted to change places, not on his own ship.

Of course, he was also very unhappy with Marko's attitude.

I've never seen something that can be installed.

No one in the eyes always has to have a limit, a solipsistic look to pretend to show whom, pretend!

Feeling that Klockdar couldn't suppress his anger in his hand, Yanagawa secretly forced him back.

"You leave this stupid X alone, this kind of person will be taught a lesson sooner or later, and it's not worth it to be angry for a stupid X." "

Pretending to be struck by lightning is not a word, there will always be people who are not used to this kind of pretending to be a crime, and give him a lesson that will never be forgotten.

Perhaps Marko's strength is indeed at the top of the world, but he is still some way from being the strongest.

There will always be people better than him who teach him how to be human.

That man may be Hawkeye, who is one of the Seven Seas like Klockdar, or it may be the red-haired Shanks.

But with the current situation, it will definitely not be Klockdar.

Now is never a good time to get your hands dirty.

Klockdar was almost carried away by anger, but when he heard the young man say this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The voices of the two talking did not come too far and Marko did not hear them.

Now seeing Klockdar suddenly laughing, he was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lao Sha in an unkind tone.

"What are you laughing at?"

"What's wrong with you?" replied Klockdahl coldly, not giving him a good look.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Marko treats himself with an arrogant attitude, and Klockdar naturally does not have a good tone.

Hearing this, Marko's breathing movement was sluggish, and he looked over in disbelief.

"How dare you talk to me in such a tone?"

This time, even Yanagawa couldn't stand it, and without waiting for Klockdar to speak, he took a step forward to block Klockdar.

"What are you? Why can't you?"

It's just a lackey under Whitebeard, and he really thinks of himself as a big man.

Yanagawa has never been accustomed to this kind of pretense.

Although I don't know how Marko's personality became like this, this does not prevent Yanagawa from going back to the past.

Not to mention Marko, even if it was a white-beard standing in front of him today, the boy's attitude would not change.

Face is given to each other, he does not give himself face, why should he stick to the cold ass of others.

As for whether there will be conflicts for this reason, it is already like this, why care so much?

Hearing this, Marko couldn't believe his ears even more.

He had anyone who dared to speak to him with such an attitude, and it was the first time since he became famous that he had met someone who dared to disobey him.

"Ha! I thought you dared to provoke Kaido, but it turned out to be an idiot." "

"Do you know who I am, do you know what it costs to anger me?"

"What a little devil who doesn't know the height of the sky!"

Marko said condescendingly.

Looking at his eyes, it was as if he was standing in the sky looking down on the two, and his posture of high self-esteem was disgusting.

Yanagawa looked at each other coldly and spit out only one word.

"Get out!"

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